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Woodland cascades and the deldrimor vaults (spoiler warning)


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I have recently taken an interest in gw2 lore specifically reading about the dwarves and the mursaat. The major theme in LW:S3 was the hidden agent inside the white mantle and how we uncover this truth. More casual players, I am aware, still have not completed the raiding content of the Forsaken Thicket (which is a real pity) as it really gives the LW:S3 story more depth. My question related to in this is: In Wing 4 we come across a denizen in the prison of Saul D'Alessio namely Samarog. What is this creature? Will we see more about its stories if we ever go into the Woodland Cascades? Is it a creation of the mursaat or part of the fauna of the cascades? So far its taxonomy is not exactly clear.


Furthermore, what is up with the deldrimor vault in the Deepstone fractal? I personally love stories of ancient powers coming unshackled. What do you think is this force locked up in the vaults? What can we expect to learn about the history of the dwarves in future content releases?


This is all so exciting! It also makes one wonder where the Cliffside fractals plays off in the world and what is such a massive being doing there? I know that the fractals don't always have a solid basis in the world of tyria but it really makes one wonder what kind of story content exists behind for example the Cliffside fractal. Let's just hope that this all materialises before Tyria gets destroyed.

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> @"Scapper.4236" said:

> I have recently taken an interest in gw2 lore specifically reading about the dwarves and the mursaat. The major theme in LW:S3 was the hidden agent inside the white mantle and how we uncover this truth. More casual players, I am aware, still have not completed the raiding content of the Forsaken Thicket (which is a real pity) as it really gives the LW:S3 story more depth. My question related to in this is: In Wing 4 we come across a denizen in the prison of Saul D'Alessio namely Samarog. What is this creature? Will we see more about its stories if we ever go into the Woodland Cascades? Is it a creation of the mursaat or part of the fauna of the cascades? So far its taxonomy is not exactly clear.


> Furthermore, what is up with the deldrimor vault in the Deepstone fractal? I personally love stories of ancient powers coming unshackled. What do you think is this force locked up in the vaults? What can we expect to learn about the history of the dwarves in future content releases?


> This is all so exciting! It also makes one wonder where the Cliffside fractals plays off in the world and what is such a massive being doing there? I know that the fractals don't always have a solid basis in the world of tyria but it really makes one wonder what kind of story content exists behind for example the Cliffside fractal. Let's just hope that this all materialises before Tyria gets destroyed.


Such things are unlikely to be explained simply because their power lies in their mystery and the devs love reading theory and speculation.Sometimes our imagination can be so much more than what is often presented. Fantasy works so much better when you allow yourself to fill in the gaps rather than having everything bogged down in background detail (this isn't true for every aspect of fantasy writing, but it is an important part of it)


However, if you want some tiny info on the cliffside giant, he gets mentioned during the quest to get the Favor of Colossus torch

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