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What are you most excited for in PoF?


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I'm gonna be honest. Mine is just story. But this is me. For games, movies, shows, it's about story. If you don't have a story that I'm not into I don't care if the game is the best to people or best movie. Its gotta be good. Everything else is just icing on the cake. I do wish we had housing added too but hey can't get everything. It might happen. Might not. But it won't make me stop playing gw2. And second this is mounts. Discovering a new map with no waypoints is a while. I just wanna run fast through it. But now I wanna see how they added mounts with jumping puzzles.

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Im really not hyped at all about PoF... except for one thing... MOUNTS. Its the first thing Im gonna absolutely focus on, and then Ill go and look where else I can use mounts in older content.


And of course, new "real" armor and weapon skins. I dislike outfits because they limit my creativity so much.

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Mounts. I've been craving an across-the-board movement speed boost since forever, especially since not all classes have access to such a boost, and it's annoying to sacrifice a trait or skill slot even if they do. The raptor was definitely fun, looked great, and it had character. Some of the armor skins also look promising, though for humans only. (And it's not as if 90% of everything isn't for humans already. Sylvari noticably didn't get the same with HoT.)


Other than that? Nothing, to be honest. I did not play GW1, so nostalgia is not a factor for me, and the (main) story and characters of LS3 were so offputting across the board that I have no positive expectations for the PoF story at all. Nor does it bode well that the writers think NPCs are my "proxies" for experiencing and reacting to the story instead of my own character.

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> @pfanne.9783 said:

> > @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > Mounts feel like they do in every other game, they where added to sell PoF to the people who have been begging for mounts.

> I couldn't disagree more. Unlike 90% of other MMOs mounts in this game aren't just a cosmetic movement speed boost. In PoF they have inertia and turn circles, which changes the movement in a major way. I would have loved if they had gone even further and added different run speeds and sprints that need stamina.

> Additionally we have only been able to try the raptor. The other mounts add even more unique movement. I personally can't wait to try out the skimmer!


lol ok. But they work the same as every other MMO's mounts, sure they have there own little thing, but they are functionally the same thing, a speed boost for your character to get around quicker. You can tell your self they are different all you want, but in reality they are not that different, and where added as a hook to sell the xpac. The same way gliding was a hook for some to get HoT.

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> @Samarak.7519 said:

> > @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > Nothing really, I was completely underwhelmed by the Demo. Mounts feel like they do in every other game, they where added to sell PoF to the people who have been begging for mounts. Sure the maps look amazing, but then that is nothing new in this game, all the maps are beautiful in there own way. This will be the first time I've not preordered a guild wars game since Prophecies. That's how unimpressed I am.


> I disagree in every way. They don't feel like other games in any way! They feel like a new character! You cant move the mount the same way you move your character they move with their own newly designed control system! IT's what makes them so unique in GW2!! This is a large step in the right direction. Anet never does anything the same as anyone else.


That's fine, but I'm not impressed with them at all. They feel like a gimmick to sell the xpac.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> I'm more interested in the story of the expansion. They promised a lot of things, at least for humans, and I want to see what happens. I hope I'm not disappointed


Same, even though I don't enjoy the direction right now.

We already babysit Braham, we don't need a god as well.


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I personally interested in **jumping puzzles, exploring and the new skills**.

In the demo, Elementalist was nice, that dual element was great! (Still, I will stick to my original healer one)

But mostly: **Guardian**.

That was the one which opened my eye like: what? Those books and pages looked pretty fun for me. I had played Guardian before, but it wasn't that much fun as it seemed at the beginning (as I feel for Hunter now, I started to lure one up but I stucked with it because of boredom)

Also, the **ranged specialisation for Revenant** is quite good, I'm looking for that one - since I only had 2h-ranged weap now.


BTW for the mount one: Yeah, in that looking, nothing is new, NCSoft Aion had gliding and flying and people loved it (as I did before, I have played it around 6 years long) since the game went free it's a nice add to get some cash with customisation. Yeah, in ohter MMOs the mounth only speed up, but here they have a really nice add with the differents skills and mobility functions. **Ofc everyone knows that there will be skins, coloring and other sht for mounts to spend in game money but we don't have other things to spend on so I think it's fair enough**.

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I can't wait to get the mounts, especially the jackal! I AM SO HYPED!!! How cute is the jackal?! Awww :D


I am also every excited to explore all the new places.


And I am curious to see which new items(armor, weapons etc) we'll be able to get.


As for the new elite specialisations. They look really nice but I am not sure I will switch from Dragonhunter to the Firebrand. I love my DH skills too much :D But Holosmith looked great, maybe I will level my engineer a little bit more :)



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I'm not going to let the over hype get to me like HoT did.


Can't be excited about the story because of that god awful and "all over the place" build up story.


I'm still fenced about Mounts because that shouldn't be the main selling point in any game. It should be the cherry and it feels like the only thing anet wants to push.


The maps are big but still feel empty. I hope beta was actually beta and they fill it in.


Only mount masteries?


Unidentified gear?


I am aiming lowing and praying that I hit high with this one.



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> @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > @Samarak.7519 said:

> > > @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > > Nothing really, I was completely underwhelmed by the Demo. Mounts feel like they do in every other game, they where added to sell PoF to the people who have been begging for mounts. Sure the maps look amazing, but then that is nothing new in this game, all the maps are beautiful in there own way. This will be the first time I've not preordered a guild wars game since Prophecies. That's how unimpressed I am.

> >

> > I disagree in every way. They don't feel like other games in any way! They feel like a new character! You cant move the mount the same way you move your character they move with their own newly designed control system! IT's what makes them so unique in GW2!! This is a large step in the right direction. Anet never does anything the same as anyone else.


> That's fine, but I'm not impressed with them at all. They feel like a gimmick to sell the xpac.


A gimmick that's well thought and developed. Mounts in GW2 are something special and not comparable to mounts in WoW, ESO etc. I think GW2 mounts are amazing.


Looking forward to the new specs, I really love them. Going to play a Scourge and I'm very excited.

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