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plz let us mute players intruments

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> I am in TheUndying's guild, and have seen the offender in action in DR. He gets right on top of the musician playing and spams a bell constantly. He also appears to seek out TheUndying specifically for this treatment, making it a form of stalking and online harassment. As such, it should be permanently bannable. We need the block function to also block a player's instruments, and we need ANet to be MUCH more aggressive in dealing with problem players like this one.


File a support ticket. Include a list of everything claimed here, with dates, times, and any other supporting details. Especially screenshots. If you can predict it, also list out some times that someone could observe the behavior in the future. Make it easy for ANet to see what you're seeing and give them time to follow up.


Do not, under any circumstances, name & shame in the forums, in /map. It doesn't matter if you convince anyone here of what's going on.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > We need a default option to mute all intruments!

> > > I don't want to hear them at all tyvm please let me mute it:\

> >

> > You already can. It is available in the sound options.


> Where?

> I didn't see any option to disable instruments.


Go to the sound options and look for, "Player Instrument Volume". There is a slider, move it all the way to the left and it will mute all player instruments.

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