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How To Counter Scourge


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Reaper can't counter a good scourge, because he will Signet after his signet. I still have to see a reaper kill a Scourge.


That said, it's not about adaptation ( which does not bring fun, because being forced into playing a class or build which allows you to deal with an unbalanced class is not fun ).


And go without boons is not a solution, nor possible.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Malafaia.8903, im criticizing what Anet defines has counters.... it is dumb gameplay and not that skilled.

> Remember when DH was released what how traps were a extremmelly dumb way to win?

> That is the issue with Anet, they design skills to carry players...and that is what i criticize.



> It is players like u who that are actually are being carried for sure, and then QQ that cant kill and use brains nor teamwork when Anet or IF Anet removes a bit of damage from your build.


> Time playing games is irrevelant, i played online games far before than that and in tourneys as well, and it does0nt matter for what we should be discussing.


When Anet released trap DH it was overpowered (just like Scourges at launch) but look at that build now, it's only efficient on low tiers against bad players that can't lure the traps and will die no matter what build you're playing.


I was maining a Reaper till shroud nerf pre-PoF launch. When the nerf hammer hit i just switch classes, take that opportunity to learn something new and was very sucessful at it. So, instead of getting to the forums and bitching like you i choose to adapt and have fun.


Your conclusion is if i'm not on the complain train, i'm being carried, right? Ok...

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> Reaper can't counter a good scourge, because he will Signet after his signet. I still have to see a reaper kill a Scourge.


> That said, it's not about adaptation ( which does not bring fun, because being forced into playing a class or build which allows you to deal with an unbalanced class is not fun ).


> And go without boons is not a solution, nor possible.


You clearly knows nothing about Necro if you think the only way to deal with condis is just the Signet.

Play the class you wanna counter before talking shit on forums.


But whatever, again you choose to complain and point how you think "this won't work" instead of bringing some productive discussion to the table.


I don't even know why i take my time to try something productive on this forum.

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Stop defending scourge dude.

You hit the maximum score as ridiculous person.


Reaper hard counter for scourge, that's why is full of scourges and there are no reapers.


Trolls started a great 2018.

Defending scourge, suggesting to avoid boons in the class players should play and the reaper's supremacy, which is currently the nr 1.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > Reaper can't counter a good scourge, because he will Signet after his signet. I still have to see a reaper kill a Scourge.

> >

> > That said, it's not about adaptation ( which does not bring fun, because being forced into playing a class or build which allows you to deal with an unbalanced class is not fun ).

> >

> > And go without boons is not a solution, nor possible.


> You clearly knows nothing about Necro if you think the only way to deal with condis is just the Signet.

> Play the class you wanna counter before talking kitten on forums.


> But whatever, again you choose to complain and point how you think "this won't work" instead of bringing some productive discussion to the table.


> I don't even know why i take my time to try something productive on this forum.


You clearly know nothing about Reaper if you think Reaper can win a matchup against Scourge.


Reaper can only apply damage up to 900 range, which puts it well within Scourge's range. (Manifest Shade, scepter, torch 5, and staff are all 900+ range) on top of Reaper's heavy hitters all being melee attacks. Worse yet Reaper only has a single movement skill, which makes Reaper enormously vulnerable to Scourge's unending Cripple application. Moreover Reaper continuously generates might which results in massive amounts of weakness when going up against the Corrupt heavy Scourge, and before you say "well don't take might traits then" I will point out that Reaper's most important sustain trait Blighter's Boon requires boon generation to function, so going boonless would just make the Reaper even more vulnerable.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > Reaper can't counter a good scourge, because he will Signet after his signet. I still have to see a reaper kill a Scourge.

> >

> > That said, it's not about adaptation ( which does not bring fun, because being forced into playing a class or build which allows you to deal with an unbalanced class is not fun ).

> >

> > And go without boons is not a solution, nor possible.


> You clearly knows nothing about Necro if you think the only way to deal with condis is just the Signet.

> Play the class you wanna counter before talking kitten on forums.


> But whatever, again you choose to complain and point how you think "this won't work" instead of bringing some productive discussion to the table.


> I don't even know why i take my time to try something productive on this forum.


See, you are saying a bunch of nonsense.


And about dragonhunter being op when released and all, not that much, because in tournaments was completely absent, because people could counter it with 2 dodges.

It was just a pug stomper in low medium leagues and never was a meta defining class like current scourge, present in any single aspect of the game in a broken way.


I played scourge myself before talking.


And it is a class which a noob player can be immediately a champion with it, low risk high reward, and in the hands of a good player has too much advantage against any single class in the game, it has no real counters, because power ranger or deadeye or other professions aimed to counter it are trash tier builds overall and if they can counter scourge doesn't justify their use in the pvp meta.


A bad mediocre player using scourge can win against a decent-good player.


It is full of platinum scourges carried by the profession, with another class they probably don't go over bronze.


This says all.


If scourge gets completely nerfed into the ground I can be only happy.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > Reaper can't counter a good scourge, because he will Signet after his signet. I still have to see a reaper kill a Scourge.

> > >

> > > That said, it's not about adaptation ( which does not bring fun, because being forced into playing a class or build which allows you to deal with an unbalanced class is not fun ).

> > >

> > > And go without boons is not a solution, nor possible.

> >

> > You clearly knows nothing about Necro if you think the only way to deal with condis is just the Signet.

> > Play the class you wanna counter before talking kitten on forums.

> >

> > But whatever, again you choose to complain and point how you think "this won't work" instead of bringing some productive discussion to the table.

> >

> > I don't even know why i take my time to try something productive on this forum.


> See, you are saying a bunch of nonsense.


> And about dragonhunter being op when released and all, not that much, because in tournaments was completely absent, because people could counter it with 2 dodges.

> It was just a pug stomper in low medium leagues and never was a meta defining class like current scourge, present in any single aspect of the game in a broken way.


> I played scourge myself before talking.


> And it is a class which a noob player can be immediately a champion with it, low risk high reward, and in the hands of a good player has too much advantage against any single class in the game, it has no real counters, because power ranger or deadeye or other professions aimed to counter it are trash tier builds overall and if they can counter scourge doesn't justify their use in the pvp meta.


> A bad mediocre player using scourge can win against a decent-good player.


> It is full of platinum scourges carried by the profession, with another class they probably don't go over bronze.


> This says all.


> If scourge gets completely nerfed into the ground I can be only happy.


Lulz: "If scourge gets completely nerfed into the ground I can be only happy."

Exactly what i was saying. You don't want to discuss, you want a nerf for the class you can't beat and that's all.



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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > Reaper can't counter a good scourge, because he will Signet after his signet. I still have to see a reaper kill a Scourge.

> > > >

> > > > That said, it's not about adaptation ( which does not bring fun, because being forced into playing a class or build which allows you to deal with an unbalanced class is not fun ).

> > > >

> > > > And go without boons is not a solution, nor possible.

> > >

> > > You clearly knows nothing about Necro if you think the only way to deal with condis is just the Signet.

> > > Play the class you wanna counter before talking kitten on forums.

> > >

> > > But whatever, again you choose to complain and point how you think "this won't work" instead of bringing some productive discussion to the table.

> > >

> > > I don't even know why i take my time to try something productive on this forum.

> >

> > See, you are saying a bunch of nonsense.

> >

> > And about dragonhunter being op when released and all, not that much, because in tournaments was completely absent, because people could counter it with 2 dodges.

> > It was just a pug stomper in low medium leagues and never was a meta defining class like current scourge, present in any single aspect of the game in a broken way.

> >

> > I played scourge myself before talking.

> >

> > And it is a class which a noob player can be immediately a champion with it, low risk high reward, and in the hands of a good player has too much advantage against any single class in the game, it has no real counters, because power ranger or deadeye or other professions aimed to counter it are trash tier builds overall and if they can counter scourge doesn't justify their use in the pvp meta.

> >

> > A bad mediocre player using scourge can win against a decent-good player.

> >

> > It is full of platinum scourges carried by the profession, with another class they probably don't go over bronze.

> >

> > This says all.

> >

> > If scourge gets completely nerfed into the ground I can be only happy.


> Lulz: "If scourge gets completely nerfed into the ground I can be only happy."

> Exactly what i was saying. You don't want to discuss, you want a nerf for the class you can't beat and that's all.




I can beat scourges, but not good scourges.

In that game mode they cannot have that power of deciding matches, your team has no scourges and the enemy yes? You lost.


This situation has to stop, a profession cannot bring all that advantage to the table.


In skyhammer they completely rekt you in the hammer zone forcing you to leave and won game for them, in temple of silent storm completely deny the 3 buff cap and you have to leave and let them have it, and so on.


Cancer spreaded already enough, now time to eradicate it.

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#Scourge is not fit for the GW2 spvp because of capture points and its own mechanics ( scourge's ).

And what has been said about the scourge


> And it is **a class which a noob player can be immediately a champion with it, low risk high reward**, and **in the hands of a good player has too much advantage against any single class in the game, it has no real counters**, because power ranger or deadeye or other professions aimed to counter it are trash tier builds overall and if they can counter scourge doesn't justify their use in the pvp meta.


>**A bad mediocre player using scourge can win against a decent-good player**.


Is unfortunately true.


The real problem is that, given the specific class, there is no real fix ( unless you bring scourge dmg to a dead end ).

They should rework what they shouldn't have conceived, but I am sure this won't happen.


Then we do have 3 possible scenarios


1) Scourges will remain as they are

2) Scourges will be nerfed to the ground ( or enough to put different classes into meta )

3) Other classes will be reworked and scourge will move out of the meta ( not because of nerfs but because of buffs to other classes... but it's definitely impossible given the class and ANET way of balancing ).


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I really can't believe my eyes. People defending scourge, a class that can fill your bar with 6-7 conditions in 0.001 seconds. The counterplay is to stay away from it.


Look, this is something I've learned a long time ago when discussing balance in another game: If the "counter" is _running away_ that means the character is overpowered. Simple. Whether you like it or not.


Playing in a way that would gimp you against literally every other build in the game, is not a real counter. I'm not saying scourge should be deleted or nerfed to irrelevancy - I actually, unlike most, want to see a game where every single spec (even core) is viable or has a niche application at the very least. Scourge _needs_ nerfs, this is an unavoidable and undisputable fact.


Nobody will cry if weakness corruption lasts 50% less and cripple is completely removed off of punishment skills corrupts. I think that's a good start. From there the F skills could get a cast time, while nefarious favor yet another cd increase. I think that would suffice.

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A less than mediocre vanilla Bear-Bow Ranger could easily counter a scourge. People ever heard of a little game called rock paper scissors? Lets play shall we?


Mirage engages spellbreaker; Mirage wins: The verdict, Mirage is OP?

Power ranger running Sic'em engages that same Mirage, kills in 5 seconds: The verdict, Ranger OP?

A thief (pick a build, doesn't matter), engages that power ranger with sic-em on cool down, Ranger dead in 3 seconds: The verdict, Thief is OP?

That initial spellbreaker jumps a scourged and bubbles, the scourge attempts to face tank in bubble, fails: The verdict, spellbreaker OP?

Another scourge engages that spellbreaker, does not stand in bubble, blows them up with conditions: The verdict, Scourge OP?

A bear-bow ranger comes along picking their nose 1'ing that scourge to death: The verdict, nose picking bear-bow ranger OP?


Come on people... use your heads.


When people say things like "I want to see balance" (in relation to scourge), what they are actually saying is, they want to be able to engage a scourge with minimal cleanses, stand up close, and spam #1 until they're dead. That's what they mean about balance. You know what a nice balance touch would be; a player being able to out-heal 5 melee swinging at them at once.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> A less than mediocre vanilla Bear-Bow Ranger could easily counter a scourge. People ever heard of a little game called rock paper scissors? Lets play shall we?


> Mirage engages spellbreaker; Mirage wins: The verdict, Mirage is OP?

> Power ranger running Sic'em engages that same Mirage, kills in 5 seconds: The verdict, Ranger OP?

> A thief (pick a build, doesn't matter), engages that power ranger with sic-em on cool down, Ranger dead in 3 seconds: The verdict, Thief is OP?

> That initial spellbreaker jumps a scourged and bubbles, the scourge attempts to face tank in bubble, fails: The verdict, spellbreaker OP?

> Another scourge engages that spellbreaker, does not stand in bubble, blows them up with conditions: The verdict, Scourge OP?

> A bear-bow ranger comes along picking their nose 1'ing that scourge to death: The verdict, nose picking bear-bow ranger OP?


> Come on people... use your heads.


> When people say things like "I want to see balance" (in relation to scourge), what they are actually saying is, they want to be able to engage a scourge with minimal cleanses, stand up close, and spam #1 until they're dead. That's what they mean about balance. You know what a nice balance touch would be; a player being able to out-heal 5 melee swinging at them at once.


Again, this game isn't about f*cking KILLING THE SCOURGE 1V1. (Nevermind the fact that a less than mediocre ranger will not kill a decent player on scourge).


Their design is just trash and defeats the purpose on conquest. Not to mention they dish out too many conditions with little to no tells, with no cast time. I find it so unbelievably funny that you claim people are mashing 1 to kill THE ultimate low skill spamming class.


These armchair game designers make my day.



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Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...


i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

i have seen necros dying to pets...

i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...


Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!




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> @"Bandlero.6312" said:

> I have many mains, but mostly play Necro/Scourge (or Holosmith.) I see a lot of threads complaining about Scourge condi being OP or how there is no "hard" counter to Scourge. This is incorrect. There are essentially only two "condi spamming" Scourge builds (and variations of.) You have Scourge using vanilla Corruptions to condi spam, and you have Scourge using the new Punishments. Scourge using Corruptions to condi spam is essentially little different than the classic condi spamming Necro - and can be handled in the same way that Necro was always countered; have plenty of condi cleanses and mitigate their damage. Except for the F5 & F3 barrier, this necro is likely not specced for barriers, and so it has little protection and can be "hard" countered by any high dps, burst spec that can clean condis.


> I think what most people are having problem with is variations of the Punishment Scourge (Boon Corrupting.) This Scourge basically only has a couple of conditions they actually apply consistently - Torment, Cripple, and Burn. Add a bleed and poison if using Scepter. These condis are not actually all that strong and there's not too many stacks that get applied. Where this Scourge shines is in the Boon Corruption; as long as there are boons to corrupt this Scourge will start applying tons of stacks of about every condition there is. Personally I've been running a build that causes my F2 to corrupt boons, Well of Corruption, only the Punishments that corrupt boons, boon stripping sigils, and pretty much any ability/trait/skill that corrupts or strips boons; and then I run the trait that grants me the boons that I strip or corrupt. About the only enemy I need to fear is another boon corrupting Scourge. With my build I am easily topping over 300k damage (even over 500k on maps that encourage group clustering.)


> How do you counter this Scourge? Simple - run condi cleans to deal with the Torment, Burn, Poison, and Bleed, and then AVOID all abilities that give you boons. Every boon you get is no longer a boon, but a potential condition. By giving yourself boons, you are really giving yourself conditions if a Punishment Scourge is in play. The more you boon yourself, the more you kill yourself. Any class that can manage minimal conditions and does not rely on boons can essentially be a "hard" counter to a Scourge. Scourge can even "hard" counter itself. Also, any class that is high dps and ranged with bursting abilities can "hard" counter this Scourge. Unless a Scourge is speccing for barriers and tanking (I've tested a spec that can do that and was averaging 250k damage and 300k healing per match and hard countered Condi Scourges), you will find that Condi Scourges cannot handle being focused or fighting high dps ranged classes (Deadeye, Rifle Engi, Rifle Warrior/SB, LB Ranger, etc.)


> What I feel is the deadlier of the two Condi Scourges is the Punishment Scourge (Boon Corrupter), but right now that's because there are still a lot of people running boon spamming builds.




> Retire your Shout Guardian builds. Retire your boon share mesmers. Get rid of all classes/builds that spread, share, & spam boons (auras exempt), because these are just killing your team.


> Also, Scourges can utilize their F2-F5 abilities even if a shade is not summoned. Shades just make the F2-F5 better.


All builds, without any exception, generate ton of boons. Not only boons are woven into most classes functionality, we cannot and should not restructure the sPvP meta around one elite, scourge. Boon corruption needs to go. It is game breaking.


Note, shout guardian and boon share Mesmer are not a thing. This is not PvE.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> A less than mediocre vanilla Bear-Bow Ranger could easily counter a scourge. People ever heard of a little game called rock paper scissors? Lets play shall we?


> Mirage engages spellbreaker; Mirage wins: The verdict, Mirage is OP?

> Power ranger running Sic'em engages that same Mirage, kills in 5 seconds: The verdict, Ranger OP?

> A thief (pick a build, doesn't matter), engages that power ranger with sic-em on cool down, Ranger dead in 3 seconds: The verdict, Thief is OP?

> That initial spellbreaker jumps a scourged and bubbles, the scourge attempts to face tank in bubble, fails: The verdict, spellbreaker OP?

> Another scourge engages that spellbreaker, does not stand in bubble, blows them up with conditions: The verdict, Scourge OP?

> A bear-bow ranger comes along picking their nose 1'ing that scourge to death: The verdict, nose picking bear-bow ranger OP?


> Come on people... use your heads.


> When people say things like "I want to see balance" (in relation to scourge), what they are actually saying is, they want to be able to engage a scourge with minimal cleanses, stand up close, and spam #1 until they're dead. That's what they mean about balance. You know what a nice balance touch would be; a player being able to out-heal 5 melee swinging at them at once.


> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...


> i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> i have seen necros dying to pets...

> i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...


> Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!



Ohhhh good to see that i'm not alone here :D

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Beating a scourge is easy..... In that rare time they become alone or decide to rotate.


Scourge to me is like the participation award. You're not a good player BUT you did get 30-50 points for the team just by standing there and spamming skills. Not only that, but like how Diamond skin "countered" condition builds, Scourge feels like it has a very similar effect with melee builds.


I would be happy if they just revert diamond skin actually.

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All these QQ scourge OP threads imo Arena net should buff scourge and yes I am 100% serious there are way too many filthy plebs crying about countering scourge is too much work or they shouldn't have to.


If you don't want to take the time to counter the class your crying about then feel free to keep dying to it like the casuals you are the same casuals swimming in the big red circles while trying to pick up spare change the same casuals saying Oh I cant take the point from the scourge if hes in it .....That's why you step off for a moment and kill it.


If you saw a scourge standing on a point capping or defending it And he dropped a bunch of aoes on it and you in your infinite wisdom jumped in it with a bar full of boons to swim in that shade aoe then you are without a doubt an idiot period.


If every casuals reply is going to be I shouldn't have to counter a scourge to kill him or put in any work in general just have them nerfed Imo scourges shouldn't even have to press their skills to kill you Anet should just kill you off automatically and force you to respawn since you cant put in any effort they shouldn't even need to press their skills.


Matches with 2+ scourges vs teams with 2 or more players who refuse to either counter the scourge *which is simple to do* Or use some intelligence/Tactics to beat them *which is just as simple* the team of refusing players should automatically be defeated 500-0.


And yes I hope I sounded 100% unreasonable and like a complete asshole because everytime I see a new fucking nerf scourge thread it is exactly what I think about the people making these threads which usually read off with the opener "Scourge OP noobs can play it and kill people nerf it!" damn thread should read off as follows "Scourge OP Noobs can play it! They can also kill other noobs with it! especially ones who cant move out of a few red circles please nerf!" #WeSwimInTheRed Or something like #PartyInTheRedCircles .... or even #OhLookBigRedCirclesHeyISawAQuarter!

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...


> i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> i have seen necros dying to pets...

> i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...


> Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!





Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.


Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.


Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.


We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.


In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...

> >

> > i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> > i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> > i have seen necros dying to pets...

> > i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> > i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> > i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> > i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> > I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...

> >

> > Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!

> >

> >

> >


> Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.


> Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

> Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.


> Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.


> We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.


> In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.


Unfortunately for you I started in mid Gold and right now I am in plat. My point is: 90% of scoruges are garbage in 1v1, rotations , map awareness and they need firebrand life support to not die alone on the map.


About your example. Why you have to tank 2 necros on the node? There no other fight that can you +1 for easy kill and cap different node? Escape? Scoruge is f**** slow can't shadow step to you or chase you. Everything in this meta besides firebrand have mobility skills! And the best question...no matter what you fight on node...how you ever hoped to decap a node with 2 players on it?


Also about holding points - you never ever seen once in your life any proleauge match or At Monthly finals stream. Dead players are useless no matter how long their hold point. Dead players means that thier team will be outnumbered, easy killed and then they will be snowballed, snowballed and snowballed.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...

> >

> > i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> > i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> > i have seen necros dying to pets...

> > i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> > i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> > i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> > i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> > I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...

> >

> > Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!

> >

> >

> >


> Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.


> Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

> Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.


> Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.


> We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.


> In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.


"We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage."

- Where tha hell did you take that statistic off? It's wrong in so many levels.


"Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately."

- You're wrong BIG TIME kiddo.


I'm loving how all the crying L2P beauties are starting to get owned even on forum.


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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > > Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...

> > >

> > > i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> > > i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> > > i have seen necros dying to pets...

> > > i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> > > i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> > > i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> > > i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> > > I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...

> > >

> > > Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.

> >

> > Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

> > Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.

> >

> > Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.

> >

> > We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.

> >

> > In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.


> Unfortunately for you I started in mid Gold and right now I am in plat. My point is: 90% of scoruges are garbage in 1v1, rotations , map awareness and they need firebrand life support to not die alone on the map.


> About your example. Why you have to tank 2 necros on the node? There no other fight that can you +1 for easy kill and cap different node? Escape? Scoruge is f**** slow can't shadow step to you or chase you. Everything in this meta besides firebrand have mobility skills! And the best question...no matter what you fight on node...how you ever hoped to decap a node with 2 players on it?


> Also about holding points - you never ever seen once in your life any proleauge match or At Monthly finals stream. Dead players are useless no matter how long their hold point. Dead players means that thier team will be outnumbered, easy killed and then they will be snowballed, snowballed and snowballed.


Just because 90% of scourge players are bronzies who got carried by their spec doesn't mean it's balanced lmfao. Have you seen what a necro main can do on scourge? It really isn't easy to beat one, even on their counters. 6-4 matchup at best.



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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > > Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...

> > >

> > > i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> > > i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> > > i have seen necros dying to pets...

> > > i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> > > i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> > > i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> > > i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> > > I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...

> > >

> > > Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.

> >

> > Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

> > Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.

> >

> > Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.

> >

> > We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.

> >

> > In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.


> Unfortunately for you I started in mid Gold and right now I am in plat. My point is: 90% of scoruges are garbage in 1v1, rotations , map awareness and they need firebrand life support to not die alone on the map.


> About your example. Why you have to tank 2 necros on the node? There no other fight that can you +1 for easy kill and cap different node? Escape? Scoruge is f**** slow can't shadow step to you or chase you. Everything in this meta besides firebrand have mobility skills! And the best question...no matter what you fight on node...how you ever hoped to decap a node with 2 players on it?


> Also about holding points - you never ever seen once in your life any proleauge match or At Monthly finals stream. Dead players are useless no matter how long their hold point. Dead players means that thier team will be outnumbered, easy killed and then they will be snowballed, snowballed and snowballed.


Perma cripple, shades can be placed under your feet (F1 skill if not wrong is 1200 range and wide double of control point), and they have a teleport (PORTAL) skill and pro scourges use that, so if you get caught you have no way to escape because chilled cripple and on top of that any other condi existing in the game. If the scourge teleport to you and spam a single shade it's just needed a millisecond to receive 6 condis.


So yeah the solution is never engage him, which means unhealthy and cancerous.


Even a spellbreaker in melee range is super deadly with stuns and all, but at least you can kite him properly and you have room for counter play:

Full counter skill has a super obvious yellow bubble animation, scourge skills have zero cast time and zero animations, how is that balanced?> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > > Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...

> > >

> > > i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> > > i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> > > i have seen necros dying to pets...

> > > i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> > > i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> > > i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> > > i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> > > I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...

> > >

> > > Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.

> >

> > Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

> > Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.

> >

> > Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.

> >

> > We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.

> >

> > In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.


> "We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage."

> - Where tha hell did you take that statistic off? It's wrong in so many levels.


> "Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately."

> - You're wrong BIG TIME kiddo.


> I'm loving how all the crying L2P beauties are starting to get owned even on forum.



I don't talk anymore with you, you are just a closed minded person so keep having your though of how balanced and fair the class is, nobody cares of your opinion which many people already stated as wrong.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > > > Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...

> > > >

> > > > i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> > > > i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> > > > i have seen necros dying to pets...

> > > > i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> > > > i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> > > > i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> > > > i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> > > > I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...

> > > >

> > > > Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.

> > >

> > > Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

> > > Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.

> > >

> > > Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.

> > >

> > > We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.

> > >

> > > In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.

> >

> > Unfortunately for you I started in mid Gold and right now I am in plat. My point is: 90% of scoruges are garbage in 1v1, rotations , map awareness and they need firebrand life support to not die alone on the map.

> >

> > About your example. Why you have to tank 2 necros on the node? There no other fight that can you +1 for easy kill and cap different node? Escape? Scoruge is f**** slow can't shadow step to you or chase you. Everything in this meta besides firebrand have mobility skills! And the best question...no matter what you fight on node...how you ever hoped to decap a node with 2 players on it?

> >

> > Also about holding points - you never ever seen once in your life any proleauge match or At Monthly finals stream. Dead players are useless no matter how long their hold point. Dead players means that thier team will be outnumbered, easy killed and then they will be snowballed, snowballed and snowballed.


> Perma cripple, shades can be placed under your feet (F1 skill if not wrong is 1200 range and wide double of control point), and they have a teleport (PORTAL) skill and pro scourges use that, so if you get caught you have no way to escape because chilled cripple and on top of that any other condi existing in the game. If the scourge teleport to you and spam a single shade it's just needed a millisecond to receive 6 condis.


> So yeah the solution is never engage him, which means unhealthy and cancerous.


> Even a spellbreaker in melee range is super deadly with stuns and all, but at least you can kite him properly and you have room for counter play:

> Full counter skill has a super obvious yellow bubble animation, scourge skills have zero cast time and zero animations, how is that balanced?> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > > > Amazing...conclusion of our forum is every single necro in game should be in top 10...instead in lower plat didn't seen scourge that could survive few seconds alone on node...

> > > >

> > > > i have seen necros farmed by rife deadeye's spaming buttons...

> > > > i have seen necros dying to fresh weaver...build with almost 0 zero condi cleanse...

> > > > i have seen necros dying to pets...

> > > > i have seen team with 3 necro's losing to team with 3 rangers...

> > > > i have seen necro calling me cancer cause i didn't want to stand in all his shades

> > > > i have seen necro's rushing far, alone at first split and being surprised that everybody on his team is dead on mid

> > > > i have seen necro's going rambo style against 2-3 players and dying

> > > > I have seen necro's stubbornly staying on node and tanking mender's druid staff 1 till they die...

> > > >

> > > > Scourge is efficient because everyone below plat thinks that you should always fight on node no matter how many aoe's are on it...Like caping node is more important then staying alive!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Saying that you saw deadeyes, fresh air weavers and power rangers eradicate scourges confirms that you saw them in bronze-silver rank.

> > >

> > > Because passed platinum none of these 3 professions are actually viable to be played.

> > > Their scourge countering ability doesn't justify their use in high leagues unfortunately.

> > >

> > > Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately.

> > >

> > > We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage.

> > >

> > > In skyhammer if you are capping the hammer and arrives two scourge who owns all the platform with shades what you do? Escape maybe if you react fast enough but they get the hammer and win probably, sams in temple of silent storm, the 3 cap buff.

> >

> > "We are not saying that scourge cannot be killed at all, but if your team has scourge and the enemy doesn't, you win at 80%. This is a pretty cheap advantage."

> > - Where tha hell did you take that statistic off? It's wrong in so many levels.

> >

> > "Staying alive is good yeah, but holding the points is better unfortunately."

> > - You're wrong BIG TIME kiddo.

> >

> > I'm loving how all the crying L2P beauties are starting to get owned even on forum.

> >


> I don't talk anymore with you, you are just a closed minded person so keep having your though of how balanced and fair the class is, nobody cares of your opinion which many people already stated as wrong.


Yes, keep dying on point! GL!

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