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For the love of God, please punish toxic players!

King Nutella.4570

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Can't even call this PVP you have people that complain about switching to make your team better.

They complain you want to make your own team in 5 man.

They complain every build but their own is OP and they come into the match rocking a PVE build.

If they can't give us 5 man back they need to at least let us team up with 3 in the 5 man match to try and get a few decent players.

I am tired of running around with noobs because PVP is now some kind of PVE thing.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> “Toxic gamers” have always been there.


> It’s just now with kitten and people really being overly sensitive in today’s world that people think it’s a problem.


> It’s a crazy world we live in now compared to 10 years ago. Trolling can be fun at times for anyone but game companies are trying to curb this to create safe virtual places.


> If noise from someone’s mouth or text really hurts you then there are bigger issues at hand with you than the person doing it.


First point is true but irrelevant.


At least for me the trash talk isn't cause it offends or "triggers" me or whatever you're implying. But that it just drains the enjoyment out of it. It makes me not want play the gamemode when people just constantly whine and whine.


It's not about having thick skin or anything like that but that no matter how casual or hardcore I play a game the goal is to have fun, toxicity in your team seriously detracts from that, it is one of the reasons why I and a lot of quite excellent players avid the gamemode like the plague (the other reason being that it's a garbage gamemode that isn't about fighting but that isn't the point here).

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