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Healer/Support + random quesion

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> @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> I see a lot of flak towards Druids recently. I guess mostly by other classes that wish to take Druid's place for some reason.

> Tried to test this theory that a healer is not needed, in Fractals at least. Changed to vipers, but kept my spirits and 10% glyph. Party was going splat all over the place, screaming in agony "Moar healing!"

> I understand that some players think they can do without a healer, but I have yet to meet that party. And please, don't link some tight group's youtube heavily edited video.



I don't agree with the "no healer needed", the issue is not to play without healer, but with a better distribution of roles and needs.

It's a balance ; there is a lot of fights you can end with a very strong burst with stab+aegis (chrono chaos/inspi) before bosses mechanics, like Weaver or axe Soulbeast; but if your DPS are quite average or you play with less DPS members ...hmmm... obviously you're going to get hit and you'll need healing.

Problem with Healer druid (+ support chrono), in fractals, imo ; no DPS, no constant/strong heal, 2 classes to support (when they're not semi-afk) 2 DPS and a War, it's a clumsy division; while the chrono (or FB?) can also play this role of healer too.

If your chrono is commander/zerk; keep your healer; if he's harrier/minstrel, a second healer or support is a burden.



Edit: This is also true people are less and less attentive to mechanics, dodges, aoe etc, claiming "DPS loss" or "Not my role".

Like this is also true some chrono and druid, and war, are just trash that can't provide these unique buffs or mights, quickness,...

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> @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > You said druids. At no point in your comment did you mention healers even 1nce. As such I assumed you were talking specifically about druids, though what I said applies to all healers.


> I said: "Tried to test this theory that a healer is not needed"

> Try again.


Let's see:

> @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> I see a lot of flak towards **Druids** recently. I guess mostly by other classes that wish to take **Druid's** place for some reason.

> **Tried to test this theory that a healer is not needed, in Fractals at least. Changed to vipers, but kept my spirits and 10% glyph. Party was going splat all over the place, screaming in agony "Moar healing!"**

> I understand that some players think they can do without a healer, but I have yet to meet that party. And please, don't link some tight group's youtube heavily edited video.



You start with mentioning druid twice, then you get into an entire argument how you specifically tried to make druid work as viper build (which it does with good enough players) and only then mention healers only.


Excuse me, but this can very easily be misunderstood. Had you started off with talking about healers and then went more narrow and specific about druids and how it does not work for them, this would have been clear. Instead you made specific comments about druids and only at the end mention 1 time how people require healing.


It was unclear. That said, my remarks about healers in general still remain valid and answered your complaint.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> You have this backwards. **Pure healers have begun to allow players to drop their skill level and still succeed in completing the content.**

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  • 3 weeks later...

heal's like scrapper heal, scourage heal always welcome in fractals, cm+t4. Also now very ofen welcome fb heal, and others.

People just need read notes in lfg and understand diference between "dps, druid" adn "dps, heal". Use second if you not dudu. If heal skilled he welcome.

As for me now top heal is firebrand (ofc in top hands). I like it more then do top fractal content.


renegade /herald now replace new meta ?

- no, but that is working setup too nowadays.


Scrapper, good healing, but I'm not sure there is some boon share ? - Protection ? )

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