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Superior Rune of Antitoxin & Condition Absorption

Za Shaloc.3908

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With the update to sigils and runes, [superior Rune of Antitoxin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Antitoxin "Superior Rune of Antitoxin") has become one of more notable rune choices, offering a significant increase in condition cleansing potential:


> Superior Rune of Antitoxin

> (1): +25 Condition Damage

> (2): -5% Condition Duration applied to you.

> (3): +50 Condition Damage

> (4): -10% Condition Duration applied to you.

> (5): +100 Condition Damage

> (6): -10% Condition Duration applied to you. When you remove one or more conditions, remove an additional condition.


This rune shines strongly on classes that have frequent access to smaller cleanses, such as Engineer with skills like Elixir Gun-3, Med Kit-3, and Anticorrosion Plating's interaction with skills such as Hard Light Arena and Reconstruction Field. Unfortunately though, from my testing, this runeset does not seem to interact with condition absorption, while it does with condition transfer to enemies. While I am happy that it seems to interact with transferring conditions to enemies, I personally believe that it should interact with condition absorption (as in, transferring conditions from allies to oneself). This would give a nice niche for both Necromancers and Mallyx Revenants, as both [Facet of Nature - Mallyx] and [Pain Absorption] absorb conditions from allies. The reduced incoming condition duration also synergizes perfectly with such an interaction.


To any ANet devs, is there a reason for this to not have an interaction? Is it an coding issue, or did you intentionally rule this out? I admit that I don't know much about coding, but from what I have read, [Altruism Runes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Altruism "Altruism Runes") trigger Purity of Purpose for Engineer, and Purity of Purpose qualifies the interaction through condition [cleansing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Purity_of_Purpose "cleansing") per the Wiki, so why wouldn't the interaction exist with Antitoxin Runes & condition absorption? I could totally be missing something, but if this is not intentional, would you consider re-evaluating this to include this interaction?


Note: I only tested this with Revenant, so I am unsure of the interactions with Necromancer condition absorption.


Skills Tested:

-Facet of Nature - Mallyx: ✘

-Pain Absorption: ✘

-True Nature - Mallyx: ✔

-Pulsating Pestilence: ✔

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> Skills Tested:

> -Facet of Nature - Mallyx: ✘

> -Pain Absorption: ✘

> -True Nature - Mallyx: ✔

> -Pulsating Pestilence: ✔


I want to contribute to this.


Skills Tested:

-Envoy of Exuberance : ✔

-Crystal Hiberation: ✔

Shield 4 removes 2 condis and shield 5 removes a whooping 8 condis total over 4 pulses. I'm testing this rune and despite the shortcomings of shield, I'm using it more often because of this rune.


Edit: this, of course, requires the trait Hardening Persistence

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> @"Set.7461" said:

> > Skills Tested:

> > -Facet of Nature - Mallyx: ✘

> > -Pain Absorption: ✘

> > -True Nature - Mallyx: ✔

> > -Pulsating Pestilence: ✔


> I want to contribute to this.


> Skills Tested:

> -Envoy of Exuberance : ✔

> -Crystal Hiberation: ✔


> Shield 4 removes 2 condis and shield 5 removes a whooping 8 condis total over 4 pulses. I'm testing this rune and despite the shortcomings of shield, I'm using it more often because of this rune.


> Edit: this, of course, requires the trait Hardening Persistence


Hey thanks for contributing. Nice to hear that those are working properly! I didn't test any other skills because they're all standard cleanses so I assumed they'd all work. 8 cleanses is pretty sweet though.

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