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Belgium - Black Lion future plans & vision

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Hi all,


I was wondering if anyone had found some sources on the plans Arenanet has to allow players from Belgium to gain access to the Black Lion chest items somehow. It seems the statuette system is a step in the good direction, but I haven't been able to find any announcement on future plans. I might just have overlooked them.


Now I don't want to spark a debate on whether or not the Belgian decision was a good one. I do think Arenanet did the right thing by being compliant. However, I would like to know what the vision of the Arenanet dev team is on the future of the Black Lion Trading Company in Belgium, as I assume they want to keep the Belgian market without destabilizing the economy.


Thank you all in advance and sorry if this has already been answered.

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> @"Morridir.3962" said:

> Hi all,


> I was wondering if anyone had found some sources on the plans Arenanet has to allow players from Belgium to gain access to the Black Lion chest items somehow. It seems the statuette system is a step in the good direction, but I haven't been able to find any announcement on future plans. I might just have overlooked them.


> Now I don't want to spark a debate on whether or not the Belgian decision was a good one. I do think Arenanet did the right thing by being compliant. However, I would like to know what the vision of the Arenanet dev team is on the future of the Black Lion Trading Company in Belgium, as I assume they want to keep the Belgian market without destabilizing the economy.


> Thank you all in advance and sorry if this has already been answered.


You should talk with your government about this. Anet is trying to comply with a law made someplace outside the country this game is produced and hosted. I doubt they will be spending much man power trying to invent a work around for one country. I would suggest that I am not trying to start a debate but this is politics. I am guessing they are not going to say much (ANET) about this as it is usually bad business for a company like this to get mired down in international politics when they are in business to make money not set policy.

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> @"Crashdown.7419" said:

> The reply of the gouvrement is that ANET is the one that decided on these restrictions. They said these are our rules either add an age or restrict things. The gouvrement says that they can't or will not change anything and that we should contact ANET about this.



It’s pretty impractical to verify age on all transactions over the Internet. Restrictions were the only practical course of action. Your workaround is to use VPN.

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> @"Crashdown.7419" said:

> The reply of the gouvrement is that ANET is the one that decided on these restrictions. They said these are our rules either add an age or restrict things. The gouvrement says that they can't or will not change anything and that we should contact ANET about this.



Your government specifically replied regarding ArenaNet? Wow, feel special, then.

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