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Some of the Gold times needed for the new races are ridiculous


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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> You also bring up a good point though, in that if anet does introduce more difficult challenges as I and others hope, it may be a good idea to let those challenges be their own reward **rather than locking titles, skins or ap behind them. Players doing it for the challenge wouldn't be bothered by the lack of rewards**, and it would prevent players turned off by the challenge from getting too fussed about it . . .


Funny you should say that because that is very wrong. I would have done the races ONCE and not cared about the content ever again. Knowing I could get that sweet scarf from the achievements got me motivated enough to learn the races and get gold in every single one of them to get both. So, really, if the case was that we got nothing from it, a majority wouldn't do it anymore. What's the point in doing content that doesn't reward you with something exclusive for the challenge? Challenge is it's own reward? Perhaps in real life, yes, but here, it's different. This is a game where you are after normal rewards plus exclusives. I personally like these races. Just got through doing gold again on all races to get my daily chests. I got better. Cut the amount of times I needed to redo the races by half and next time will be even better.


I fully understand that the times are tight, but if I can do it multiple times, where I am not very skillful and just decided to practice, not caring whether I am in the top 5 or not, then I think lots of others can do it as well. All about practice.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > You also bring up a good point though, in that if anet does introduce more difficult challenges as I and others hope, it may be a good idea to let those challenges be their own reward **rather than locking titles, skins or ap behind them. Players doing it for the challenge wouldn't be bothered by the lack of rewards**, and it would prevent players turned off by the challenge from getting too fussed about it . . .


> Funny you should say that because that is very wrong. I would have done the races ONCE and not cared about the content ever again. Knowing I could get that sweet scarf from the achievements got me motivated enough to learn the races and get gold in every single one of them to get both. So, really, if the case was that we got nothing from it, a majority wouldn't do it anymore. What's the point in doing content that doesn't reward you with something exclusive for the challenge? Challenge is it's own reward? Perhaps in real life, yes, but here, it's different. This is a game where you are after normal rewards plus exclusives. I personally like these races. Just got through doing gold again on all races to get my daily chests. I got better. Cut the amount of times I needed to redo the races by half and next time will be even better.


> I fully understand that the times are tight, but if I can do it multiple times, where I am not very skillful and just decided to practice, not caring whether I am in the top 5 or not, then I think lots of others can do it as well. All about practice.


I love challenging content myself, but if there is *no* reward im not going to do it as theres no point in doing it. Challenge for the sake of challenge is not something i enjoy, so..

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Exactly my point. The only reason I did the races, and enjoy them, is because of the rewards. Getting that gold scarf was so satisfying and I felt my hard work paid off. Now that I have gold, and keep getting gold for the chests, I am now working towards building a track in my guild hall for my members to race around in. It's gonna be awesome!

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> Exactly my point. The only reason I did the races, and enjoy them, is because of the rewards. Getting that gold scarf was so satisfying and I felt my hard work paid off. Now that I have gold, and keep getting gold for the chests, I am now working towards building a track in my guild hall for my members to race around in. It's gonna be awesome!


I did the same thing, i wish i could improve my times more but its simply not possible due to some server, and game issues :(

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> For me, I just set my settings to low and LOD to ultra and it makes running them buttery smooth. If I lag behind due to obstacles, that's on me for not avoiding them properly, like the kitten I am. lel


Im having other issues as well. Drifting doesnt engage 100% of the time(yes i know about the limitations on when it will not allow you to do it) and ill go careening into walls, doesnt seem to be a fix for this either, tried several different bindings. Even with my settings on low if i see more than one other mount it causes me to stutter which is absurd :/


i get 60FPS(locked) everywhere else in the game and even during massive world bosses get at least 45, but a race? HAH, nope.

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Well, you stated in the other thread you are on a laptop, so that could be the issue. CPU might choke when another player is around. Used to happen on my old PC when I played Aion. Was a really good way to know when I was about to get engaged in PvP. lol


As for the the delay, that could also be an issue I ran into. Input delay happens when whatever game you are trying to run is too much for the CPU/GPU to handle, so your input lags behind. It's annoying. Might need to consider getting a PC or newer laptop.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> Well, you stated in the other thread you are on a laptop, so that could be the issue. CPU might choke when another player is around. Used to happen on my old PC when I played Aion. Was a really good way to know when I was about to get engaged in PvP. lol


> As for the the delay, that could also be an issue I ran into. Input delay happens when whatever game you are trying to run is too much for the CPU/GPU to handle, so your input lags behind. It's annoying. Might need to consider getting a PC or newer laptop.


Oh, im already considering getting a PC, got my eyes on one right now, just have to wait till after the holidays to get it(laptop is only about a year old, so not considered with that yet.)

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A few tips.


1. Start your boost before you hit play.

2. You should usually boost right after consuming a green ball but there are exceptions. I f you are losing a lot of speed in an area try changing when you use it.

3. Don't boost in the air. You waste speed gain since boost doesnt work in the air.

4. IF you have trouble with an area and you know your time isn't going to be fast engough then turn back around and work on that area if you can.

5. If the massive cluster of people is obstructing your view or slowing your pc down then time your start to coincide with less people.

6. Use land marks to determine the best time to start a sliding turn or turns in general. Think "I need to turn when I get to that tree."


I feel like the Gold time requirements are good as they are. I got most of my golds day one and it was the first day I ever used the beetle. I got the rest of the golds the second day. Id still be satisfied if gold took me months. In fact I would be even more thrilled. Too many people want instant gratification and they also try to eat through content similar to scratching a bad itch. Don't be in such a hurry to finish the content. Enjoy it for a while and if you don't like roller beetle racing in the first place, then I don't see why your complaining in the first place.


Though I can understand one groups frustration; those that love the scarf but don't have the skills or don't like the racing. That's one of the dilemmas of having aesthetic rewards locked behind skill and is probably one of the reasons that there is easy content in the game. Good news though, I believe there are other scarfs to choose from, just not with that particular gold color.

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The title of the discussion is kinda confusing, the real problem isn't the times required for gold but your computer. I say that because I'm in that case, gold can easily be done, with for each tracks, arriving 2 sec in advance. The real issue is the environment: Do you encounter lags and freezes? Are you 100% percent sure how to drift and when starting to drift? Using your boost orb at the best moment? Don't take that as a reproach, I know that sometime we are just bad at something, for me it's pvp and wvw.

It's a challenge, we shouldn't nerf everything, or they're will be no more challenging content. All tracks are correct except Brisban and Snowen with lags.

The behaviour of the beetle is weird, sometime it bounce on a little obstacle on your road whereas when hitting a root at high speed you're just stuck and stopped in one second. That's sad it's filtering players based on their CPU performance. I do my best and lose FPS just when doing races.


Here are some tips because I know how it's hard:

-Don't try to do an acrobatic in air if you aren't at +5 meters minimum or it will be a fail and you will lose endurance.

-Don't use your endurance regeneration if you haven't fully used your actual one + used the next endurance orb coming to you.

-Prepare some meters for your drift, don't drift at the location of your turn but some times before. Also don't hesitate to turn your camera to help drifting.

-Associate drifting (mount skill2) to a key near your arrows keys like Right Shift, associate movements to arrows.

-To drift: Press Shift+ turn your camera in the direction you want to drift+ keep one finger on the up arrow key.

-Avoid any collision when doing the race, your beetle should stay in movement, if stopped, it's too late.

-Always keep the camera behind you with mouse right button pressed.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > I was interested to discover that according to gw2efficiency -- I know, I know -- more players have the golden scarf than the regular scarf. To me, that says players were more interested in the more challenging content than the 'participation' content. Perhaps anet would do well by its players to introduce more challenging content moving forward as well . . .

> > > > > > > > Or it could just mean that have the participation trophy as their goal aren't there yet because they won't (or can't) spend hours on beetle races on day 1.

> > > > > > > It doesn't take very long to do the participation cheeve. It's only fifteen laps and you can do them with the time trial, don't have to wait for the races. Given that even on the easiest courses the players that have achieved the golden scarf would only be a few more laps away from the regular scarf it would appear that once they achieved gold on a course many actually ignored the regular cheeve and moved on to the more challenging cheeve, so a more reasonable interpretation of the data would be that more players preferred the more challenging content . . .

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ofc the content is just a few days old now and the data will likely change over time with more players obtaining the regular scarf, which if true would indicate to me that more players who play a lot preferred the more challenging content while more of the infrequent players preferred the more casual content, which would be less surprising . . .

> > > > > > But why should I do 15 laps on 5 races in a day or two when I can just do a lap or two on whatever map I am on for the daily bronze/silver/gold chests and get my scarf in a couple of weeks that way? I still think your interpretation of those numbers is majorly flawed.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Plus I seriously doubt it's in ANet's best interest to concentrate their development on the needs of those that rush through new content/achievements early (and then complain that there's nothing to do). A good mix is in order, but the new content is meant to entertain people for a good while, and those numbers you quote do nothing to convince me that ANet is better off developing for the people that are done with the content in a matter of hours.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think the argument that players wouldn't care about running fifteen laps bc they'll probably run fifteen laps eventually anyway would actually support the theory that they are not especially interested in the reward for doing so . . .

> > > > Wanting a reward and wanting it NOW are two very different things. Patience is a virtue not to be overlooked.

> > >

> > > Seems the challenge was the much more effective motivator in this case then . . .

> > You keep insisting that the first day numbers are any kind of indicator, while willfully ignoring the fact that a large part of this game's playerbase leads lives that don't even permit that much gametime a day, much less spend all of it on just one specific aspect of the game.

> >

> > Face it: a lot of people play this game because (unlike many others) it allows goals to be reached without having to no-life every content that is released. How many people complete new challenges on the first day has no connection to how many people enjoy the more relaxed aspects and goals of new content.


> You seem to misunderstand what is being discussed. I am not comparing the number of ppl who have achieved each goal to the total number of players, I am comparing the number of ppl who have completed one goal to the number who have completed the other. The ppl who completed either goal could have used the same time to complete the other instead. The fact that the more difficult goal has been completed more frequently is a strong indicator that the challenge of that goal is more appealing. Why is that uncomfortable for you . . ?


I'd just like to point out that if you are even half-decent with controlling the Beetle (which is easier said than done!), the "difficult" goal is actually much faster to do than the "easy" goal, meaning it's perfectly normal to get it done earlier without even trying.


For example, I got my 5th gold today, yet I haven't even done 15 laps on any single race course (ok, maybe in Brisban if you count the times I reset the race). I wasn't TRYING to get the "difficult" achievement first, nor did I find it more appealing in any way. I just....got it first because it was faster to do.


Point being, you're trying to read something into the achievement completion numbers that simply isn't there.

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > @"Locce.8405" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > > Terrain bumps can really mess with the Beetle since the Beetle gains no traction or has any control while it's not connected to the ground

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It would be neat if we could actually speed up in mid air as well. :+1:

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Agreed, It's kind of silly the boost doesn't really speed you up in the air, it is essentially a rocket boost lol

> > > >

> > > > I mean, I like that you can gain adrenalin by using "boost" in the air, **but** some jumps are too short for that, namely when you hit a small bump (and there are locations where you have several bumps in sequence). In that case, I often want to speed up shortly before the bump, but the game doesn't register and I have to wait until I hit stable ground again to be able to speed up. Precious time lost.

> > >

> > > Yeah and if you try to build up the endurance bar on those chances are you'll loose more since you don't have enough time to pull off evena short trick.

> >

> > Don't even get me started on those small bumps! I don't know how many good rounds were ruined by those when I just wanted to use the boost but hit a micro-bump which the game interpreted as me attempting a trick during this half-a-second airtime, resulting in me losing a quarter of the endurance bar and now unable to use the boost even _after_ that bump. :#


> Turn off the conditional mount commands and use a key that's not the same as jump for your boost. Then you can hammer the boost button all you want in the air without loosing it for failing a trick.


Ooooooh, I did not even know that "trick" and "boost" were separable commands for that matter. I thought "boost" would just turn into "trick" regardless of the button used. Now _this_ is much better if I remember to beetle with my griffon setup. Thanks for the hint, mate! :)

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> @"Link.6157" said:

> My biggest problem is jumping over checkpoint bubbles and that doesn' count. Would be perfect if you were allowed to go over them and it still counted, you followed the intended path.


Yeah, I've had that happen a few times, kinda irritating when you skyrocket off some rock. It'd be nice if they were columns instead of spheres. Gotta say I'm glad for the reset button.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. Brisban was especially difficult and it felt amazing when I finally got it.


It's always depressing whenever anything with even the slightest hint of difficulty and chance of failure is added to the game it always has tons of people coming to the forums to cry about it. You aren't entitled to gold just like I wasn't. There's so much stuff in the game that's impossible to fail and has no challenge.


Like tons of the griffon adventures I got gold on my first try. I don't even remember them they were so easy. I won't forget these racing courses anytime soon.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > You also bring up a good point though, in that if anet does introduce more difficult challenges as I and others hope, it may be a good idea to let those challenges be their own reward **rather than locking titles, skins or ap behind them. Players doing it for the challenge wouldn't be bothered by the lack of rewards**, and it would prevent players turned off by the challenge from getting too fussed about it . . .


> Funny you should say that because that is very wrong. I would have done the races ONCE and not cared about the content ever again. Knowing I could get that sweet scarf from the achievements got me motivated enough to learn the races and get gold in every single one of them to get both. So, really, if the case was that we got nothing from it, a majority wouldn't do it anymore. What's the point in doing content that doesn't reward you with something exclusive for the challenge? Challenge is it's own reward? Perhaps in real life, yes, but here, it's different. This is a game where you are after normal rewards plus exclusives. I personally like these races. Just got through doing gold again on all races to get my daily chests. I got better. Cut the amount of times I needed to redo the races by half and next time will be even better.


> I fully understand that the times are tight, but if I can do it multiple times, where I am not very skillful and just decided to practice, not caring whether I am in the top 5 or not, then I think lots of others can do it as well. All about practice.


I'm sorry that you misunderstood, or feel that everyone is motivated by the same things. I am not suggesting that anet remove current rewards, but rather that if anet were to introduce truly difficult challenges that only a minority could accomplish, putting rewards behind that probably wouldn't be a good idea as it would run contrary to the inclusive nature of the game. And most ppl who are motivated by challenge -- not rewards, as you say you are -- would not be bothered by the lack of rewards. In order to understand that you need to think not about yourself, but about ppl who are motivated differently than you . . .


I am curious though, why would you spend the time to build a track in your guild hall if you believe ppl will only race on it if you provide them with rewards . . ?

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> @"Link.6157" said:

> My biggest problem is jumping over checkpoint bubbles and that doesn' count. Would be perfect if you were allowed to go over them and it still counted, you followed the intended path.


Ditto. There are several places where it's possible to miss checkpoints due to jumps. Diessa immediately comes to mind. They should have a lot more vertical extension than they do.


Also, on the subject of checkpoints, there's a significant number of places where the next checkpoint isn't visible from the one you're crossing, and the direction indicators on the bubbles are only a general "thataway". Would be nice to have a few more checkpoints or other indicators filling the gaps to help you keep your visual bearings.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"Link.6157" said:

> > My biggest problem is jumping over checkpoint bubbles and that doesn' count. Would be perfect if you were allowed to go over them and it still counted, you followed the intended path.


> Ditto. There are several places where it's possible to miss checkpoints due to jumps. Diessa immediately comes to mind. They should have a lot more vertical extension than they do.


> Also, on the subject of checkpoints, there's a significant number of places where the next checkpoint isn't visible from the one you're crossing, and the direction indicators on the bubbles are only a general "thataway". Would be nice to have a few more checkpoints or other indicators filling the gaps to help you keep your visual bearings.


This is probably one of my only complaints.

I'd like to see them use the tech from guild races (i think, geez it's been a while) where the flags/checkpoints pop up on the minimap and have hightlighting for which is next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Corvus.2831" said:


> Another annoying thing is that there is no quick reset mechanic. With gryphon you just touch the ground and warp back to start, with the beetle you cant. And since the smallest of mistakes is unrecoverable you just spend another 30 seconds going back to the start point and reloging to reset the track. This is annoying ,feels unpolished and nothing more.


If you're talking about the timed trials, there IS a way to reset it. Click on the yellow X on the upper right to close the part of the UI for the trial, and it can teleport you back to the start.


As someone that had to fight and practice a lot to finally get all 5 golds, here's a few tips:


* You don't have to pass through a checkpoint, just touch it. In some spots, you want to do that, just clipping the outside of it on your way past.

* If you know you have a problem with a specific turn, look for a way to slightly alter your approach to the turn to change how you have to take it. (For me, it was the bridge in Gendarran. I would always overshoot and hit the water, until I learned to make more of a jump right before and land in a better spot to turn from.)

* You have a small amount of control even while you're in the air. If nothing else, make sure you're facing the right direction before you land, and it'll act like you're coming out of a drift.

* You can get gold for the achievement during races as well. You may have more luck that way, as you'll hit the start already rolling fast on the 2nd and 3rd lap.


With the points that gave me real problems, I actually had to change my path starting one or two checkpoints BEFORE I hit that area. Swing a bit wider to know I'll make the turn that's coming up, hold on to a boost for a bit longer so I'll have it when I know I'm about to lose speed, stuff like that. And yeah, it's hard. Even now, it's not like I can easily get gold in all of them. One or two I'll get gold sometimes, but I had to be really focused to get that single gold in Snowden and Brisban.

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> @"Corvus.2831" said:

> All i see is some ~~ignorant~~ people who have LUCKED OUT on doing some of the races to gold early on now protecting their "achievement". There is plenty wrong with current race tracks and it should be fixed so that the gameplay is more skill based rather than LUCK.

You're not reading carefully then. There are people taking time to explain how to get gold and people who haven't done it yet who are fine with the current requirements.


I haven't done gold. I'm not sure I'll ever manage to do so. But I'm having fun trying for a little bit each day.


I'm not blaming "luck" either; I've yet to find a particular issue that I couldn't avoid or work past... if I remembered a bit better where to use features (or where not to). As someone said in /map earlier today, "I keep finding new ways to get air so good... I pass right over a checkpoint ... and have to backtrack." But that's on me.


I'm glad ANet hasn't adjusted the times. I feel silver should be doable by anyone (and I think it is on all five races) and gold should be something that only the most skilled and/or dedicated player will manage. The basic scarf (which looks awesome to me) is available just by running the races enough times; I think it's fair that the gold scarf is reserved for those able to do more.

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> @"Corvus.2831" said:

> All i see is some ignorant people who have LUCKED OUT on doing some of the races to gold early on now protecting their "achievement".


Yes, must be sheer luck to be doing Gold **daily** on **all tracks** for the Racing Medallions. ;) Certainly has zero to do with practice and becoming skilled at drifting, choosing the optimal route and figuring out when to best use the boost. :#

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Corvus.2831" said:

> > All i see is some ignorant people who have LUCKED OUT on doing some of the races to gold early on now protecting their "achievement".


> Yes, must be sheer luck to be doing Gold **daily** on **all tracks** for the Racing Medals. ;) Certainly has zero to do with practice and becoming skilled at drifting, choosing the best route and knowing when to use the boost. :#


You, sir, stole my exact response. Have a thumbs up!

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