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Can't manage to install game, Gw2-64 installer memory leak

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I'm a returning player and I've been trying to install the game again, the new gw2 64 bit client keeps causing a memory leak on my system and I'm not sure if I'm missing something. I tried to force the 32 bit client which holds at first but then after downloading a few mb it switches back to the 64 bit.


The symptoms are, as soon as gw2-64 downloading screen pops up, my cpu ramps up to 100% and my RAM starts steadily going up to 99% then switches to pagefile, at that point I either get a black screen with sluggish system, or a system lock, and I have to hard reset. I sort of verified it's a memory leak because I was monitoring the process and decided to kill it at 90% ram usage, and after killing it my ram doesn't get freed back to the system until I do a reboot. The 32-bit installer doesn't gives me the same issue, keeping my ram at 30% use, basically working fine, but it just works for about 10-30mb, then it closes and gw2-64 opens back up and tries to keep downloading.


Things I tried so far unsuccessfully:

Do a clean boot install, same issue.

Change Gw2-64.exe to gw2.exe and add at target -32, -image, -repair.

Edit: They work, I did see for example the repair window and also tried with -nopatchui as instructed in the wiki, but the memory leak keeps happening. So the -32 option is out the window.


System is Windows 10 pro 64bits

CPU i5 2500k

Ram 8g Gskill ripjaws

GPU msi r9 390


I know my ram is fine, because I have run memtest+ on it and has no issues. So far also it just once managed to give me a crash report and could only glimpse at it, saying basically out of memory with almost 0% physical available and 17gb pagefile used but before I could read it more system locked.


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I tried it again, but to no avail. I did as you say and the funny thing is at first it works fine. It first launches the patcher ui with the Sylvari woman on the right, starts downloading up until 10mb or so, and while monitoring the process, it's all perfect 41% cpu, ram 35%, no issue whatsoever. But at that point, the patcher ui switches to a smaller one, with no artwork and keeps downloading, and then it's when all starts going wrong, my cpu skyrockets and my ram starts to ramp up at about 1% each second until it runs out, pagefile also and my system locks. And if I kill the process my RAM keeps being allocated! It's not freed until I reboot. I just find it so strange that a memory leak is not happening to anyone else, I'm puzzled.

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Use the resource monitor to determine what's using the memory (alternatively, RAMMap). If you're actually force quitting GW2 and killing its process, it shouldn't continue to increase, but rather drop what was being used regardless of any leaks. Continuing to leak outside of the process would be a problem caused by something else. If there's nothing obvious, try updating your BIOS.


Check your system files using the following command in an administrative prompt (cmd.exe):

sfc /scannow


As a quick test, open msconfig, select the boot tab and check safe boot with network under it. Under advanced options, set the number of processors to 1. OK and reboot into safe mode. Now try it. Undo this to return to normal.

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I'm going to try what you suggest but just to clarify, it doesn't keep increasing when I kill the process, it just stay allocated at the percentage Gw2.exe or Gw2-64.exe had used up to the point of killing it. So the process does stop, but the ram is not freed back to the heap.


Edit: Did the system check and gave me no integrity violations. I had a breakthrough thanks to you but it's troublesome.

I tried the safe boot with the options as you suggested, and Gw2.exe with -32 command, worked out fine, managed to pass the initial patcherUI and went into the new clientUI with the download in progress of files and all the other fancy stuff. And **No memory leak**, I left it for a while and check the resource monitor and all is fine. Even with 4 cores enable, it works fine.

But then, I tried next things, in **safe mode:**

1. Run Gw2-64.exe instead, inside same folder -> Can't connect + memory leak.

2. Run Gw2.exe instead of shortcut with -32 command -> Can't connect + memory leak (!)

Then I tried in **normal mode** to run it through the shortcut with -32, as I had done before, and client opens to the point of the fancy patchUI/client version BUT **memory leak**.


So conclusions so far is, **I can only make it work in safe mode with the -32 command**. But the same thing does not work in normal mode. I'm just clueless.

I monitored the process as you suggested to try find the culprit but only thing I see is Gw2.exe consuming like 30-50MB of ram, and no other process moves up or down, but my RAM ramps up as commented before. I do have seen Gw2.exe doing a lot of hard faults/sec like a 100. Meanwhile when in safe mode with the working shortcut, it does 30 and drops to 9 or so.

So now I can download it, but I can't use the computer while doing so and I'm worried about what will happen when I try to play it in normal mode.


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I can't edit the title but I finally **solved the issue**! Thanks to support reminding me of looking at the obscurely created at %APPDATA%/Guild Wars 2/, which I had at first looked at in my documents and since I did not found one I thought they might not have been created because of the weirdness of the situation

Long story short, turns out it was a **bad connection to the port 6112**, caused by me forgetting to create the rule within windows firewall, which I rarely use. I had tested the ports before with another program, which I already had created a rule, some years ago and had forgotten all about it. After doing that, I can run the Gw2-64.exe right of the bat and it just uses the 30-100mb of ram indicated, and no more memory leaking.

Now my concern is why would an IP connection failure due to port forwarding translate into a memory leak? lol

I would have expected it to just be a warning or error, for easier troubleshooting.


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