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Oceanic players need love too :(


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So I reached out to ArenaNet a few months ago regarding my thoughts and feelings on the games current stance towards an Oceanic Server; even if it be purely just for 5v5 structured player versus player content, as I'm more than happy to pve on 200ping..

I received a response not long after by a very friendly and empathetic Game Master. He took value and passion from my original email, however as a lone-wolf my voice cannot be heard as of yet. So I have come to the forums as suggested by said GM; the thread is also running on reddit of-which I will post a link in the reply section if you all would be so kind to up-vote and help out!


- I have posted my original email to support below (please excuse the wow comparison if it's going to trigger you.. I was simply giving a living example to reference :))


"Dear ArenaNet,


It is with the utmost respect that I reach out to you in this manner. A friend and I have just recently started playing World of Warcraft again as the new expansion will be coming out very shortly. However, the game we used to love and enjoy has changed greatly. Player versus player has become something we have grown to not enjoy within the games current state. I have been a player, fan and follower of the Guild Wars franchise since prophecies all the way through to Guild Wars 2. I admire the effort your team puts into the game and how you can feel the effort even whilst playing it… My point being, what you guys have created at ArenaNet is nothing short of amazing. However, in a country from down under we are pretty heavily restricted to playing the one MMORPG (on a competitive PvP level), that being World of Warcraft. The only thing keeping me from completely swapping over to GW2 and I’m sure I can speak for many more Australians is the fact that I can PvP on WoW with 21ms. I tried and tried to stay within a mindset that structured PvP in Guild Wars 2 was possible to reach even playing with 250-300ms. The more I tried to push myself through it, the more discouraged I got by it and eventually swapped back to a more comfortable PvP experience (Purely only uncomfortable because I like playing melees such as warriors and thieves, input lag made simple things like D/P step-backstab cancelling very tedious.. I could go on)

The point of this small letter wasn’t to point out everything I don’t like about your game, but simply allowing you into the mind of a potential full-time player who feels a micro-server PURELY for structured PvP in the Oceanic Region would be an AMAZING addition. I have spoken to friends and discord associates, all of which believe this would be a healthy turn for the game. We understand there isn’t enough of a demand to cater to Player versus Environment players, we can, have and will continue to deal with open world content on high ping (that is no issue at all). We just want our voice to be heard for the many Australians and I’m sure South East Asians that would also be willing to jump on board, I think you’d be very surprised how many people would get around this game. Even if to begin with it has a player capacity.. We aren’t asking for much; maybe 100-250 people to start. It would be extremely touching to get a reply from someone in regards to a possibility of action.


Regards Billy Watson,"




So the whole point of this post is to try and get as many people on-board as possible to even just get a reply from a developer, even if its just to say no - I'm sure we'd like to squish some numbers and see if it really is 'unprofitable'.


Help a brother out and I'll ship some vegemite to aNet HQ if I get a response



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I dont think its technically feasable to have part of the game on one server, and the rest on another. Patching in particular would be a nightmare as they are not only different locations, but also different companies hosting. It tends to be all or nothing for where your account info is stored.


Considering the OCE population isn't large enough to host PVE and WVW, (and pvp for that matter) its not realistic to expect anet to create an OCE based server.

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