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Bad habits gearing!


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So for yeeeears in gw2 I have had so much of this "bad habit" of bring unable to break away from gearing in full "x" Stat gear.


For example for power ill go full marauder gear with berserker trinkets and weapons, even though my 2 legendary weapons allow for constant Stat swapping.


In my warrior I am just now slowly beginning to realize that having toughness is quite important (in pvp and wvw especially. And I know in pvp its only based off rune and amulet).


So ive started to think about maybe replacing 2 or 3 trinkets for ones with toughness on it, and maybe 1 or 2 pieces of gear to soldiers, etc.



My question is this; do any of you guys know what I am referring to? XD. This kind of semi instinctual habit of gearing all into a certain Stat.



As I play more gw2 and get experienced I have started to see exactly how useful a bit of toughness is, and how for example, more ferocity is vastly superior when you have enough precision, things like this.


Just a musing of mine before I head to work :D share your stories and tips!


I have warrior and necromancer in FULL ascended (both with berserker trinkets and weapons, and all the rest marauder). I will gear my medium armor class now, and plan to do it.... differently haha. More effectively, having learned from my experience and lessons!




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> My question is this; do any of you guys know what I am referring to? XD. This kind of semi instinctual habit of gearing all into a certain Stat.

It's a human foible to like things tidy. It's easier to explain "full zerk" or "full marauder" rather than "on my Warrior, I replace one accessory and the backpack with zerk, on my thief, I replace the leggings and shoulders with zerk." Or whatever interesting combination.


As long as you understand why the number crunchers and benchmarkers recommend build A and build B, adjust it as you like to suit your style and needs. Don't worry about making it all have the same name.


(One other consideration is: when you have multiple builds for the same character or share ascended gear through your bank, it's easier if all the stats are the same. But that's an inventory management problem, not a build theory issue.)

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