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Remove soulbinding of 24- and 28-slot bags


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From [today's patch notes](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/163692#Comment_163692):

>Crafting new 32-slot bags will result in account-bound bags that do not bind to characters. If you have a 32-slot bag that is bound to a character, you can trade it to merchants in the Free City of Amnoon for a version of the same bag that does not bind to characters.


Why are only the 32-slot bags updated to make them account bound? Why are the 24- and 28-slot bags left alone, and are still soulbound on use?

This is incredibly inconsistent with all the other 20-slot special bags: [which](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancient_Karka_Shell_Box) [are](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siegemaster%27s_Satchel) [mostly](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pillager%27s_Pack) [all](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/20_Slot_Fractal_Exotic_Equipment_Box) [account](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/20_Slot_Fractal_Rare_Equipment_Box) [bound](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/20_Slot_Fractal_Uncommon_Equipment_Box). Even the crafted ones are actually still [tradable](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/20_Slot_Gossamer_Bag) [after](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/20_Slot_Hardened_Leather_Pack) [using](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/20_Slot_Orichalcum_Box).


It makes it very difficult and annoying to use the 24- and 28-slot bags as temporary bags before you can finally afford it to upgrade to 32-slot bags. The reason: You basically don't want to use them on a character that doesn't have the crafting profession to upgrade them further. If you do use them, you are stuck with that bag forever on a character that can't upgrade them further because you can't use soulbound items of other characters stored in the bank.


Please consider removing the soulbind on use flag on the 24- and 28-slot bags. It just doesn't make any sense to restrict those items when all 20-slot or lower bags are account bound or still tradable after use. For a game that's supposed to be very alt-friendly, this goes against one of the core features of GW2. And as long as they will have this flag, I won't even consider making them.

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> @Archomeda.6472 said:

> Please consider removing the soulbind on use flag on the 24- and 28-slot bags. It just doesn't make any sense to restrict those items when all 20-slot or lower bags are account bound or still tradable after use. For a game that's supposed to be very alt-friendly, this goes against one of the core features of GW2. And as long as they will have this flag, I won't even consider making them.


This. Most of the time you have bags on chars without corresponding crafting professions to upgrade. Also there is a bit of progress when you upgrading that 1 invisible bag through the ages. It is like the addiction when you try to fit another set of armor, then food, then siege... Without 20-24-28 journey 32 account bound bags do not punch enough motivation.



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Honestly, you didn't need to add "of 24- and 28- slot bags" to the title.


Soul binding needs to go away.


*edit* to be specific and on topic: I think it's silly that the new bags are soulbound. Account bound would be nice. We're limited as it is with bag slot expansions being per character. The bags themselves should be account bound, if not trade-able.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Errr... [according to Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag "according to Wiki"), all the new bags **are** account bound.


> Edit: Ahhhh, now I get you. The 32-slot ones soulbind **on use**. That is ridiculous. But at least you can craft them with any character.


No, there is a vendor where you can trade your 32 soulbound bags against 32 acc bound bags. Problem is there is no such option for 24-28 bags.


My fresh main character has no profession. My alt has the profession needed. I want to use the 28 bags on my main until I have the money for the 32 bags. When I equip a 24 or 28 bag it's soulbound to my main and my alt that has the profession on 500 can no longer upgrade the 28 bag to 32.


This would be no problem if these bags would be acc bound. I can't understand the reasoning behind these decisions.


_Edit: Or just make upgrading bags available in the mystic forge_

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> @Neural.1824 said:

> Honestly, you didn't need to add "of 24- and 28- slot bags" to the title.


> Soul binding needs to go away.


> *edit* to be specific and on topic: I think it's silly that the new bags are soulbound. Account bound would be nice. We're limited as it is with bag slot expansions being per character. The bags themselves should be account bound, if not trade-able.


I totally agree, it's bonkers.


I had to log in to comment on this post, it amazes me that they added new bags and decided it would be fine to turn 24, 28 and 32 slots into soulbound items.

I do not have the gold required to get a 32 slot account bound bag, I don't mind the gold required to craft the items, but it was a really bad decision to make all of them soulbound in the first place.

Please fix this anet, I don't have much time to play the game and farm that amount of gold to afford upgrading from a soulbound 24 slot bag to an account bound 32 slot bag and I generally change toons so I went out blind and crafted a couple of the 24 slot bags thinking I could use them on another toon whenever I wanted, well, that message asking to soulbind the bag in the act of crafting it was really dissapointing.

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I second making them account bound.

I can't even understand how they came to such a half-thought decision as to make them soulbound, while each profession has their unique bag-type to craft(craftsman, oiled, safe). Soulbound should be removed entirely, except for stuff you spawn with after character creation.

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I second making them account bound.

I can't even understand how they came to such a half-thought decision as to make them soulbound, while each profession has their unique bag-type to craft(craftsman, oiled, safe). Soulbound should be removed entirely, except for stuff you spawn with after character creation.


Or at least remove the restriction that other characters can't take soulbound items out of the bank, so the different bags can be used for crafting the bigger ones after you bound them to a specific character.

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I second making them account bound.

I can't even understand how they came to such a half-thought decision as to make them soulbound, while each profession has their unique bag-type to craft(craftsman, oiled, safe). Soulbound should be removed entirely, except for stuff you spawn with after character creation.


Or at least remove the restriction that other characters can't take soulbound items out of the bank, so the different bags can be used for crafting the bigger ones after you bound them to a specific character.

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>Consider removing the soulbind on use flag on the 24- and 28-slot bags. It just doesn't make any sense to restrict those items when all 20-slot or lower bags are account bound or still tradable after use. For a game that's supposed to be very alt-friendly, this goes against one of the core features of GW2. And as long as they will have this flag, I won't even consider making them.


I think it's pathetic how Anet is so meticulous about making sure you can't reap any real benefit from the money and work you put into crafting. ~500 gold to level a skill to grandmaster. But can you sell anything that you make? NOPE! Because that would be gold in your own account instead of dollars in their gem-store.



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> @"Carnius Magius.8091" said:

> Can soulbound 24 slot bags be used for upgrading to 28 slot bags. If not I just crafted my first and last 24 slot bag. Besides 5 Supreme Runes of Holding(at present prices) for 4 more slots is a joke.



They can BUT, and here's the kicker, we still can't use soulbound 'ingredients' unless the crafter bought them (see also basic guild weapons).

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