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Black Lion Chest Bug

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The first slot of all of the black lion chests I opened was a mini raptor -- I opened 25 chests and got 25 mini raptors, I reported the bug to support and they pushed me off, saying it was just my account having strange RNG - I opened two more chests and yep 2 more mini raptors. This is NOT RNG, this has to be a bug. In no way could I open 27 chests and get 27 raptor minis. Support basically pushed me off to the forums "where devs will see this faster". I posted in guild and everyone is getting mini raptors. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but your support people gave me the smarmy answer to post in forums for faster results. *eyerolls*

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They honestly probably didn't realize you meant the guaranteed unlock, or it was a case of someone not understanding that you meant the guaranteed unlock since it does say it on the black lion chest right now if you hover over it. You turn those into better and fancier raptors, or you can sell them for a decent profit. A neat trick that I learned, you can preview what's in the chest by right-clicking on it and selecting 'preview', and it will give you a rundown of what your chances are for each thing, including what's guaranteed this time around.

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> @therapite.3645 said:

> They honestly probably didn't realize you meant the guaranteed unlock, or it was a case of someone not understanding that you meant the guaranteed unlock since it does say it on the black lion chest right now if you hover over it. You turn those into better and fancier raptors, or you can sell them for a decent profit. A neat trick that I learned, you can preview what's in the chest by right-clicking on it and selecting 'preview', and it will give you a rundown of what your chances are for each thing, including what's guaranteed this time around.


Beyond the obvious, I need not buy black lion chest keys anymore until this raptor, taking up one of three spots in every chest, is done. It is counter intuitive to the "sales" process and unfortunately making 38 gold on raptors, does not come close to making up for the cost of gems to buy keys. I did not start this thread to be cantankerous, support recommended that I come to the forums for faster response from devs. Thank you for your insights and info! I think it is a case of miscommunication between departments.

GM Magical Cowlick Fairy (Guild Wars 2 Support)

Sep 27, 23:49 PDT


Hi there,


I'm sorry to hear that you received so many of the Mini Raptors! I can understand how frustrating this can be when the Black Lion Chest has so many other awesome items.


When it comes to the drops, this is entirely a gamble when you are looking for something specific. The RNG for the Black Lion Chests is not determined based on how long you play the game or how much money is spent within the game but entirely by chance. These are made to be a game of chance in regards to the prizes within. To receive so many Mini Raptors is a bit unusual, but this just means that the luck was extremely unusual for your account! This can always change at any time.


This doesn't guarantee you won't receive anymore raptors, but it also means you have a chance to receive other things as well. There is no way to guarantee one drop over another.


At the same time, I can completely understand how frustrating this can be when you put in so much time and money into a game and find that you aren't happy with the rewards. I'm going to go ahead and forward your information to the Development Team as a suggestion to look into the RNG for the Black Lion Chests. Please keep in mind that while this will be forwarded to them they may not reply to your ticket, though they will look!


However, I also encourage you to post this suggestion in the Forums as well. While I can forward the suggestion to the Development Team, they'll receive the suggestion faster through the Forums. Plus, you may find this to be a more popular idea among others, which will also help to draw attention to it.


The Developers look through the Forums daily for anything ranging from potential bugs to suggestions. It's not a guarantee they'll implement the change or reply but they do always take into consideration things the players are wanting in the game. After all, they added the mounts since the players had been asking for them.



GM Magical Cowlick Fairy

Guild Wars 2 Support Team


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The Mini Raptors are one of the best-value guaranteed first slot items ever offered. You would have been truly upset with the Trick-or-Treat Bags, I'm guessing.


With those 27 Raptors, you can change them into a Gold Raptor worth 70 Gold. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Gold_Raptor_Hatchling

Something to consider.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> The Mini Raptors are one of the best-value guaranteed first slot items ever offered. You would have been truly upset with the Trick-or-Treat Bags, I'm guessing.


> With those 27 Raptors, you can change them into a Gold Raptor worth 70 Gold. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Gold_Raptor_Hatchling

> Something to consider.


> Good luck.


Thanks for the suggestion, I still don't think I will come ahead in terms of gold vs gem conversions. I'll keep this in mind, it is better than nothing. Until then, I am not wasting anymore keys.

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Three BL Chests for a Mini Blue Raptor Hatchling. Sixty-seven for a Fire Mini Raptor Hatchling, not to mention the Unidentified Dyes, which is worth 182 Gold.


There are 10 different Mini Raptor Hatchling to unlock, and an Achievement available for doing so, as well.


Here are some Wiki links that may prove informational:


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Chest (yet to be updated with the new Chest offerings picture)


p.s. Sometimes, the CS Team is mistaken when assessing the ticket submitted, and use the boiler-plate response that might fit the general topic. A guaranteed first item, which changes seasonally has been a feature for some time. Here's the announcement: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/vibrant-dye-pack-and-customer-appreciation-package-in-the-gem-store/

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> @LizLemon.7843 said:

> Thanks for the suggestion, I still don't think I will come ahead in terms of gold vs gem conversions. I'll keep this in mind, it is better than nothing. Until then, I am not wasting anymore keys.


The wiki can calculate the total cost of any recipe, including that for the [Mini Gold Raptor Hatchling](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Base_ingredients_query&Base_ingredients%5Bitem%5D=Mini%20Gold%20Raptor%20Hatchling&Base_ingredients%5Bid%5D=8494601&Base_ingredients%5Bdiscipline%5D=Mystic+forge&Base_ingredients%5Bquantity%5D=1&wpRunQuery=true "Mini Gold Raptor Hatchling")


* 50 Unidentified Dyes (<21g)

* 27 Mini Green Ratpor Hatchling (<24g)

* Total TP value: <45g

* TP market price: <71g


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If you thought a Black Lion Key guaranteed anything more than the 1 Gold Mini Raptors are fetching, you may have misunderstood what Black Lion Chest Keys offer. The only thing guaranteed, other than the now featured Seasonal items, is a _chance_, and a small chance at that, at getting something other than 1 or 2 of the Common items listed in the preview of each chest. It's just a lottery, where you may be pleased, and more often...not.


Good luck.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> * 50 Unidentified Dyes (<21g)

> * 27 Mini Green Ratpor Hatchling (<24g)

> * Total TP value: <45g

> * TP market price: <71g


Most people don't open BLC for that amount of gold. They want a fair chance of getting the unique Uncommon skins/items, or the rare tonics, nodes and what have you.


Ever since they changed the BLC mechanic to have a guaranteed drop of something (e.g., something useless like that raptor), chances of getting the aforementioned drops have been immensely decreased. I hate that new system.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If you thought a Black Lion Key guaranteed anything more than the 1 Gold Mini Raptors are fetching, you may have misunderstood what Black Lion Chest Keys offer. The only thing guaranteed, other than the now featured Seasonal items, is a _chance_, and a small chance at that, at getting something other than 1 or 2 of the Common items listed in the preview of each chest. It's just a lottery, where you may be pleased, and more often...not.


> Good luck.


I am not looking for some spectacular drop, I like the teleport to a friend and other useful items. NOT 25 raptors from 25 keys, that is NOT a lottery, although I appreciate your comments.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Most people don't open BLC for that amount of gold. They want a fair chance of getting the unique Uncommon skins/items, or the rare tonics, nodes and what have you.


> Ever since they changed the BLC mechanic to have a guaranteed drop of something (e.g., something useless like that raptor), chances of getting the aforementioned drops have been immensely decreased. I hate that new system.


I don't think you can speak for "most people" or their expectations.


However, regardless, BL Chests are specifically designed to drop junk. They have never had a fair chance of getting the stuff you mentioned and never will. They are precisely like lottery tickets, in which (traditionally) sponsors offer 50% of the ticket cost in **average** value of the results, including the jackpot. They are sold for the entertainment value, that moment of excitement one has right before opening, when one can imagine getting something amazing (or even, please Kormir, just decent).


As a result, if you want a specific skin or even a high end drop (such as a node), it will always be cheaper to purchase it directly from the TP unless you are extremely lucky. And, at least for the 5-6 months prior to the current offering, you could also choose to wait to purchase a previously-account-bound offering (e.g. the Elemental Sword skin), which were made available via the Black Lion Exclusive's Chest.


tl;dr Regardless of what _some_ people believe, BL Chests contain junk, trash, garbage. If you aren't interested in the entertainment value of rolling the dice, spend your RL cash or in-game coin elsewhere, either directly for the items you want or on something nearly as good.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Also, the inclusion of the seasonal guaranteed drop did _not_ replace any chances for high-end items. Throughout the history of Black Lion Chests, there has always been a guaranteed drop of some kind: First tonics, then boosters, etc. etc. (Check Wiki for confirmation.)


I am not sure if people are understanding my issue. I do appreciate the feedback, so far! My issue, now is that with the raptor mini taking up one of three spots on every unlocked chest, it diminishes the availability of that spaced for other rewards, that I would prefer, unless I get the "special' four slot drop, then I have three open spaces again. Keep in mind, that I have no interest in the mini raptor or what I can make it into and sell it on the trading post. The gold acquired from the sale of the upgraded mini, will never meet the exchange rate of buying the keys with gems bought from real world money. I am sitting on 25 keys, that likely won't use while this silly "guaranteed" mini is gone. Please don't take my remarks as being cantankerous. It is was just a question asked to ANET. I simply don't want 25 raptor minis whenever I buy 25 keys. Again, I appreciate all of your feedback. Again, when three open spots for random drops. In the past I have gotten some great drops from the chests, (i.e. Personal Bank Merchant Contract and way back in the day fused weapon skins.) Happy gaming to all!

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If you thought a Black Lion Key guaranteed anything more than the 1 Gold Mini Raptors are fetching, you may have misunderstood what Black Lion Chest Keys offer. The only thing guaranteed, other than the now featured Seasonal items, is a _chance_, and a small chance at that, at getting something other than 1 or 2 of the Common items listed in the preview of each chest. It's just a lottery, where you may be pleased, and more often...not.


> Good> @therapite.3645 said:

> They honestly probably didn't realize you meant the guaranteed unlock, or it was a case of someone not understanding that you meant the guaranteed unlock since it does say it on the black lion chest right now if you hover over it. You turn those into better and fancier raptors, or you can sell them for a decent profit. A neat trick that I learned, you can preview what's in the chest by right-clicking on it and selecting 'preview', and it will give you a rundown of what your chances are for each thing, including what's guaranteed this time around.


Thanks! I can see the raptor guaranteed in the first slot, I can not right click and preview anything other than that, at least when I tried after this post. Maybe I am doing something wrong...

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> @"LizLemon.7843" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Also, the inclusion of the seasonal guaranteed drop did _not_ replace any chances for high-end items. Throughout the history of Black Lion Chests, there has always been a guaranteed drop of some kind: First tonics, then boosters, etc. etc. (Check Wiki for confirmation.)


> I am not sure if people are understanding my issue. I do appreciate the feedback, so far! My issue, now is that with the raptor mini taking up one of three spots on every unlocked chest, it diminishes the availability of that spaced for other rewards, that I would prefer, unless I get the "special' four slot drop, then I have three open spaces again. Keep in mind, that I have no interest in the mini raptor or what I can make it into and sell it on the trading post. The gold acquired from the sale of the upgraded mini, will never meet the exchange rate of buying the keys with gems bought from real world money. I am sitting on 25 keys, that likely won't use while this silly "guaranteed" mini is gone. Please don't take my remarks as being cantankerous. It is was just a question asked to ANET. I simply don't want 25 raptor minis whenever I buy 25 keys. Again, I appreciate all of your feedback. Again, when three open spots for random drops. In the past I have gotten some great drops from the chests, (i.e. Personal Bank Merchant Contract and way back in the day fused weapon skins.) Happy gaming to all!


I can understand your frustration. The disconnect comes from the fact that they changed the system. Slot 1 will always contain a seasonal "guaranteed" item. At the moment, as of the release of PoF, that's the mini raptor. In the past, it's been a little better, a little worse... it's a matter of opinion. It has never been amazing, since they won't give you a guaranteed rare drop. That's why they invented the Golden Key! The old system that had 3 RNG spaces is gone.


Unfortunately, it's just gambling, and the change to Slot 1 removed one of our RNG spaces. We're worse off than before from a chance perspective, but likely not much different in a value sense (since most of the items you get are junk). This isn't likely to change, but maybe you should wait to see what the next guaranteed item is in Slot 1. It could be something that you're more interested in. If you truly enjoy spending keys and taking chances, I'm afraid that you're stuck with a system that only gives you 2 RNG slots on average with the occasional, lucky 3rd RNG slot as Slot 4.

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> @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> > @"LizLemon.7843" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Also, the inclusion of the seasonal guaranteed drop did _not_ replace any chances for high-end items. Throughout the history of Black Lion Chests, there has always been a guaranteed drop of some kind: First tonics, then boosters, etc. etc. (Check Wiki for confirmation.)

> >

> > I am not sure if people are understanding my issue. I do appreciate the feedback, so far! My issue, now is that with the raptor mini taking up one of three spots on every unlocked chest, it diminishes the availability of that spaced for other rewards, that I would prefer, unless I get the "special' four slot drop, then I have three open spaces again. Keep in mind, that I have no interest in the mini raptor or what I can make it into and sell it on the trading post. The gold acquired from the sale of the upgraded mini, will never meet the exchange rate of buying the keys with gems bought from real world money. I am sitting on 25 keys, that likely won't use while this silly "guaranteed" mini is gone. Please don't take my remarks as being cantankerous. It is was just a question asked to ANET. I simply don't want 25 raptor minis whenever I buy 25 keys. Again, I appreciate all of your feedback. Again, when three open spots for random drops. In the past I have gotten some great drops from the chests, (i.e. Personal Bank Merchant Contract and way back in the day fused weapon skins.) Happy gaming to all!


> I can understand your frustration. The disconnect comes from the fact that they changed the system. Slot 1 will always contain a seasonal "guaranteed" item. At the moment, as of the release of PoF, that's the mini raptor. In the past, it's been a little better, a little worse... it's a matter of opinion. It has never been amazing, since they won't give you a guaranteed rare drop. That's why they invented the Golden Key! The old system that had 3 RNG spaces is gone.


> Unfortunately, it's just gambling, and the change to Slot 1 removed one of our RNG spaces. We're worse off than before from a chance perspective, but likely not much different in a value sense (since most of the items you get are junk). This isn't likely to change, but maybe you should wait to see what the next guaranteed item is in Slot 1. It could be something that you're more interested in. If you truly enjoy spending keys and taking chances, I'm afraid that you're stuck with a system that only gives you 2 RNG slots on average with the occasional, lucky 3rd RNG slot as Slot 4.


Yup, that is exactly the gist of what I am getting at. And your reply is basically the same as the one I just received from support, correcting the first reply.

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> @LizLemon.7843 said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Also, the inclusion of the seasonal guaranteed drop did _not_ replace any chances for high-end items. Throughout the history of Black Lion Chests, there has always been a guaranteed drop of some kind: First tonics, then boosters, etc. etc. (Check Wiki for confirmation.)


> I am not sure if people are understanding my issue. I do appreciate the feedback, so far! My issue, now is that with the raptor mini taking up one of three spots on every unlocked chest, it diminishes the availability of that spaced for other rewards, that I would prefer, unless I get the "special' four slot drop, then I have three open spaces again. Keep in mind, that I have no interest in the mini raptor or what I can make it into and sell it on the trading post. The gold acquired from the sale of the upgraded mini, will never meet the exchange rate of buying the keys with gems bought from real world money. I am sitting on 25 keys, that likely won't use while this silly "guaranteed" mini is gone. Please don't take my remarks as being cantankerous. It is was just a question asked to ANET. I simply don't want 25 raptor minis whenever I buy 25 keys. Again, I appreciate all of your feedback. Again, when three open spots for random drops. In the past I have gotten some great drops from the chests, (i.e. Personal Bank Merchant Contract and way back in the day fused weapon skins.) Happy gaming to all!


How it works: when opening a black lion chest, the item shown in the left slot is guaranteed, meaning you get that item with every chest you open. The other 2 items are random. A fourth slot will appear if you get an uncommon or rarer item for a total of 4 items from that chest (the guaranteed item plus 3 randoms). The current guaranteed item is the mini raptor, meaning you're going to get 1 from every single chest you open whether you like it or not. The guaranteed item available changes on occasion, but the fact is you always get the 1 item no matter how many chests you open.

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> @Charrbeque.8729 said:

> > @LizLemon.7843 said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Also, the inclusion of the seasonal guaranteed drop did _not_ replace any chances for high-end items. Throughout the history of Black Lion Chests, there has always been a guaranteed drop of some kind: First tonics, then boosters, etc. etc. (Check Wiki for confirmation.)

> >

> > I am not sure if people are understanding my issue. I do appreciate the feedback, so far! My issue, now is that with the raptor mini taking up one of three spots on every unlocked chest, it diminishes the availability of that spaced for other rewards, that I would prefer, unless I get the "special' four slot drop, then I have three open spaces again. Keep in mind, that I have no interest in the mini raptor or what I can make it into and sell it on the trading post. The gold acquired from the sale of the upgraded mini, will never meet the exchange rate of buying the keys with gems bought from real world money. I am sitting on 25 keys, that likely won't use while this silly "guaranteed" mini is gone. Please don't take my remarks as being cantankerous. It is was just a question asked to ANET. I simply don't want 25 raptor minis whenever I buy 25 keys. Again, I appreciate all of your feedback. Again, when three open spots for random drops. In the past I have gotten some great drops from the chests, (i.e. Personal Bank Merchant Contract and way back in the day fused weapon skins.) Happy gaming to all!


> How it works: when opening a black lion chest, the item shown in the left slot is guaranteed, meaning you get that item with every chest you open. The other 2 items are random. A fourth slot will appear if you get an uncommon or rarer item for a total of 4 items from that chest (the guaranteed item plus 3 randoms). The current guaranteed item is the mini raptor, meaning you're going to get 1 from every single chest you open whether you like it or not. The guaranteed item available changes on occasion, but the fact is you always get the 1 item no matter how many chests you open.


I realize that.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> However, regardless, BL Chests are specifically designed to drop junk. They have never had a fair chance of getting the stuff you mentioned and never will.


That is untrue. Like I said, I used to open tons of them, and before the update last fall there was a good chance of receiving valuable drops (even rares). Now chances are slim even for the unique uncommon items.

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