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Hounds of Balthazar in the last instance of Living world s3 ep5

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Just discovering this weird thing when i do this story instance for the second time. I was playing a chrono at the time and i can't seem to kill those hounds. The fight supposed to be : kill 1 hound > scan the machine > go airborne > collect 2 orbs > throw at the hound's corpse. The problem is... when i kill one hound and go airborne, that particular hound directly regenerate its own health to 30%, preventing me to finish it with the orbs i collected airborne. I tried this about 10 times with no avail. I started wondering what thing that i do wrong and try to do everything i can to finish this instance.


After some more tries, i finally get it why the hounds keep regenerating even after i killed it. It seems like if i kill the hound with my phantasm and that phantasm keep attacking (with considerable amount of damage) it even after it dies (thanks to the nature of phantasm skills itself and "Chronophantasma" trait), the hound will regenerate to 30% directly. This little discovery of mine is (kinda) reinforced by the fact that i can kill the hound with no problem with Thief (yes... i redo the story with thief out of curiosity and to prove this "theory") since my power Thief have no 'delayed' damage like mesmer's phantasm or condis. After that, i try it again with my mesmer (no phantasm this time) and it works perfectly.


I don't know whether this is what supposed to happen or this is a bug. If this is really a bug, i hope this get fixed soon. It's really frustrating for mesmers with phantasm out there if they encounter the same 'thing'. If this thing is what supposed to happen (and not a bug), please make a little change. Making the hound invulnerable when it reach 1% health until it regenerate, maybe?

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  • 2 years later...

This is definitely a bug, one that will not be fixed, becasue nobody cares.

I experienced the same with a minion necro in party. I tried a dozen times and finally managed to finish them off BEFORE minions started attacking again (or in between attacks). This is utterly stupid and makes totally no sense, but it's still present in 2020, because you know what... nobody cares about bugs like that. The only bugs that are sorted out are the ones which prevent you from buying gems.

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