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Petition: Buff or Revert [Shining Aspects]


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I've been recently assessing the changes to Herald's Talent selection. The Teir 2 talent [shining Aspects] needs to be re-addressed. This ability procs whenever the herald uses a 'consume' skill. You know, the ones from the dragon legend which are on a 15 to 45 second recast and the facet which is on a 20 second cool down. I'm running full Harrier or Minstrel gear with 1600 to 1990 Healing power with food and oils and this ability says it only provides 420 healing (since all of our +healing is outgoing), and it's not even Aoe party, or 10 people. This trait is underwhelming and undesirable.


I petition to change [shining Aspects] back to the 4-5 seconds of protection buffer from heal on 5-10 targets, or to have its current form significantly buffed to be useful as a party/raid support ability.

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I definitely agree that the trait is underwhelming. However, I think having the trait serve a more "selfish" purpose would be nice since both Hardening Persistence and Shared Empowerment (the traits it competes with) both have some level of group support already. Whether the healing should just be tuned up or the trait should be reworked all together is something I'm not sure on at the moment, but I'm sure that the trait needs some love.


Some potential ideas:

1. Remove or reduce the ICD. Healing stays as is.

2. Increase the healing but leave ICD as is.

3. Do a bit of both, lower ICD and increase healing slightly.

4. Rework: Using a consume skill increases outgoing damage for a short period of time (similar to Peak Performance).

5. Rework: Consume skills siphon life from foes.

6. Rework: Consume skills have increased effects (e.g. Gaze of Darkness applies more vulnerability, Burst of Strength deals more damage, Infuse Light heals for slightly more)

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