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A rant: Timekeeper Weapons

Dreamy Lu.3865

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Dears, sorry, I need to rant.


I really liked the timekeeper weapon skins, so - at that time full of illusions - I started the collection: 3 BL claim tickets each, meaning 30 BL tickets.

It was crazy. Expensive. Long. We are talking years here, because I did not want - and was not able to - invest too much real money for gems (to get more black lion chests), and also, I have a busy real life and do not spend hours in the game every day so my game gold earnings are limited.

After an eternity of time, I finally had 13 of 16 weapons. To complete the collection did not seem out of reach anymore. I was happy after all the efforts. But then................ Timekeeper Weapons have become historical and can no more be obtained!


I lack the words here... Can't avoid being angry and frustrated, and believe me, I do my best to remain polite here.


As a result of my experience, let me provide a kind recommendation: Unless you:

1) Are rich enough to pay for gems at bank, or if you earn massive amounts of gold inside the game, allowing you to trade for gems to afford loads of black lion chests


2) You know that you are someone rather lucky, what will help you getting an acceptable spawning rate of tickets out of the BL chests

DO NOT start any BL weapons collection. Without those two conditions above, you will just be frustrated and angry most of the time with a high probability to never finish.


Now if you can't resist, stay maybe with those costing one ticket each. It will go faster and you have a better chance to complete.


If others had a better experience at doing a weapon collection with black lion claim tickets, nice for you. And I mean no offense, really. But me, I can not say anything positive about doing it due to my real bad experience at it. Sorry.

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Timekeeper weapons are in Black Lion Chests now, you can get them for about 400-500 Gold (all Skins not just one).


If you want to start and complete a BL Collection buy all the Skins which are in the Chests usually they are really cheap. I remember my first BL Collection was the Balthasar Skins, i bought them all for Gold and when i complete it i got 7 Tickets, bought the Skins you get for them, sold them and got more money for this 7 Skins then i paid for all Balthasar Skins :)

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Despite all this... you can unlock also black lion skins from collections by using these guaranteed Wardrobe unlocker items. if you are luck,y then you can also unlock skins from those colelctions ..


The last time i used such an item, for example I was so lucky and unlocked with it the shield skin of the Gallant Weapon Collection, I just screamed yippie, cause that was literally 400 Gold saved ^^



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