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[PETITION] Speed up the casting time of Sand Swell


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Good afternoon, Mr ANET developer.


I'd like to ask of you to speed up or remove the casting time of Scourge's Sand Swell utility skill. I've been testing it as a tool to reposition myself, or to get out of an ugly scenario, and while it's been good enough for me to keep it, more often than not I find myself half dead/very dead before the skill teleports me to the designated location. I don't really think other Scourge players would even care if you removed the barrier and the boon corruption in exchange of this.




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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > I like the animation as is. Throw some evade frames on the first port and call it a day.


> That can't happen. Necromancer can't get skills with evades (or skills that grant endurance or that give any other form of active defense)


> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Necro with a good mobility skill?


> Not gonna happen.


The disillusionment's level is quite high here...


But yeah, the " barrier and the boon corruption" are already there to make up for the cast time. I'd say that it's already huge for the necromancer that there is this level of "compensation".



I'm pretty sure that if they remove the dodge from the necromancer they wouldn't mind giving the necromancer huge endurance gen.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284"

> > I'm pretty sure that if they remove the dodge from the necromancer they wouldn't mind giving the necromancer huge endurance gen.


> Don't give them any ideas, they might implement these changes!


True... True...

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > I like the animation as is. Throw some evade frames on the first port and call it a day.

> >

> > That can't happen. Necromancer can't get skills with evades (or skills that grant endurance or that give any other form of active defense)


> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Necro with a good mobility skill?

> >

> > Not gonna happen.


> The disillusionment's level is quite high here...


> But yeah, the " barrier and the boon corruption" are already there to make up for the cast time. I'd say that it's already huge for the necromancer that there is this level of "compensation".


> @"lodjur.1284"

> I'm pretty sure that if they remove the dodge from the necromancer they wouldn't mind giving the necromancer huge endurance gen.


Call me when Necro gets t good mobility.



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> I like the animation as is. Throw some evade frames on the first port and call it a day.


I think the evade frames would be even better than removing the cast altogether, but since that smells as NERF-torch-crowd, let's stick with no casting time.


> But yeah, the " barrier and the boon corruption" are already there to make up for the cast time. I'd say that it's already huge for the necromancer that there is this level of "compensation".


If the purpose of the skill is mobility, a barrier and a boon corrupted make up for nothing. Why would I care if I'm here or there if I'm already dead/half dead?

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> @"herrmartell.7109" said:

> > But yeah, the " barrier and the boon corruption" are already there to make up for the cast time. I'd say that it's already huge for the necromancer that there is this level of "compensation".


> If the purpose of the skill is mobility, a barrier and a boon corrupted make up for nothing. Why would I care if I'm here or there if I'm already dead/half dead?


The purpose of the skill is mobility in the context of a **caster** using a **punishment** skill. If you remove the "punishment" the skill lose part of it's identity. In itself, the necromancer having some mobility is in no way a punishment which mean that the "codes" of the "punishment" skills have to be respected and barrier and boon corruption are the important codes that define the skill way before the movement effect.


You also need to take into account that the skill can port more than a single player which can justify the cast time as well.

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> The purpose of the skill is mobility in the context of a **caster** using a **punishment** skill. If you remove the "punishment" the skill lose part of it's identity. In itself, the necromancer having some mobility is in no way a punishment which mean that the "codes" of the "punishment" skills have to be respected and barrier and boon corruption are the important codes that define the skill way before the movement effect.


> You also need to take into account that the skill can port more than a single player which can justify the cast time as well.


I read you. I understand what you say quite well.


I just want to find a middle point where this skill is actually useful as a mobility skill, instead of being just another skill who everyone ignores because let's be real, even among punishment skills the effect is lacking. Why not make it better by rebranding it as a single purpose, mobility related skill?


Taking into account that it only moves you 900, (which isn't that good, or that bad) I think it's a sweet idea. Not game breaking, and not too bad for it to be ignored.

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Op posts actually needed qol change for necro and people jump to debate compensations. As expected.


A 600range portal is honestly so pitiful with that large cast time. Idk why they gave break stun to trail of anguish and not sand swell. It shouldve been insta cast breakstun 600 range teleport and trail of anguish shouldve been barrier+pulsing stab.


Btw has anyone used that skill that has snake like icon in any gamemode?

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Op posts actually needed qol change for necro and people jump to debate compensations. As expected.


> A 600range portal is honestly so pitiful with that large cast time. Idk why they gave break stun to trail of anguish and not sand swell. It shouldve been insta cast breakstun 600 range teleport and trail of anguish shouldve been barrier+pulsing stab.


Indeed. It's a skill with little to no use in or outside of pvp. I'm just asking to make it useful.


> Btw has anyone used that skill that has snake like icon in any gamemode?


Nope. I think when playing Scourge most utility skills come from vanilla Necromancer, if not all of them.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > I like the animation as is. Throw some evade frames on the first port and call it a day.

> >

> > That can't happen. Necromancer can't get skills with evades (or skills that grant endurance or that give any other form of active defense)


> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Necro with a good mobility skill?

> >

> > Not gonna happen.


> The disillusionment's level is quite high here...


> But yeah, the " barrier and the boon corruption" are already there to make up for the cast time. I'd say that it's already huge for the necromancer that there is this level of "compensation".


> @"lodjur.1284"

> I'm pretty sure that if they remove the dodge from the necromancer they wouldn't mind giving the necromancer huge endurance gen.


Im so happy to have a potential heal and corrupt on my panic button.


Totally worth the lousy range, clipping rules and cast time.


Oh and best thing? its not a stunbreak :)

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> Im so happy to have a potential heal and corrupt on my panic button.


> Totally worth the lousy range, clipping rules and cast time.


> Oh and best thing? its not a stunbreak :)


Is it designed to be a panic button or a planed mobility skill for groups in order to assault/harass another group? The thematic that ANet gave to the necromancer lean highly toward offense and the idea of taking incoming attack with health point as defense. Abilities that prevent damage, let the necromancer avoid damage or avoid attack effects aren't favored by this underlying thematic.


I'm not saying that it wouldn't be a tremendous amount of QoL to have an on demand instant group teleport skill that break stun for the necromancer but that goes totally against the thematic design of the necromancer 'til now and that goes against the idea of "punishment".

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'm not saying that it wouldn't be a tremendous amount of QoL to have an on demand instant group teleport skill that break stun for the necromancer but that goes totally against the thematic design of the necromancer 'til now and that goes against the idea of "punishment".


"thematic design of the necromancer"


"goes against the idea of "punishment""


Agreed the theme of playing necromancer is that it's a punishment

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > Im so happy to have a potential heal and corrupt on my panic button.

> >

> > Totally worth the lousy range, clipping rules and cast time.

> >

> > Oh and best thing? its not a stunbreak :)


> Is it designed to be a panic button or a planed mobility skill for groups in order to assault/harass another group?


No group worth a skill will be surprised/shocked/harassed/assaulted by a 600 range skill.


So many skills can hurt you from twice that range, it's laughable that you would even suggest that.


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