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Content rewards (Raid,PVE,WVW,PVP(i donno much about, stopped pvp after my ascension(another topic))

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I feel like raiding is the most difficult and competitive content in guild wars 2. The rewards we get for this is almost nothing. There is absolutely nothing that we can gain by doing this other than crafting legendary armor by collecting massive amounts of legendary insights with the exception of super rare ghostly infusion and bench of final judge. Don't get me wrong but this is the most frustrating and the hardest content in game. U start with a raid squad on LFG u never get your desired squad ever. U gotta make compromises and let power DPS play on condi bosses and condi DPS on power bosses and so on and u will know its a fake LI ping when u command a squad but u still keep it cool and try to just finish the boss. After ridiculous number of tries u finally get a kill and get awarded with one legendary divination or insight and some shit(excuse my language) drops ascended if you lucky and if RNGesus bless u with either ghostly infusion or bench of final judge on two specific bosses Gorseval or Dhuum. My question is how is that balanced??



This is the most bullshit(excuse my language again) content in the game. There are two modes to make most GPM in the game right now and they are either Silver wastes chest farm or Domain of Istan Farm. Other than that the Meta content of PvE is good for one amalgamated gemstone per day and getting a infusion drop is a myth(u can include shatterer from jahai bluffs, choya pinyata from crystal oasis and that mini from awakened destroyer or something). So, what about the other maps of the entire game u developed? nothing to earn there? then y u created all those maps when the best rewards we gain from guild wars 2 is exclusive to silver wastes chest farm and countless hours Spam of istan and not to forget the amalgamated gemstones from HOT metas? now a days even leather farm is also bullshit because of the fluctuating prices on TP. I wanna clear this discussion by implying and stressing on one thing balancing the reward content in open PVE not everything is rewarding. It takes endless hours of grind and makes us loose interest in game by doing so in repeating the same shit(lost my count of "shit" I used, excuse my language) again and again. Need some serious insight into this.



My WVW level is 80 or 90. I only WVW for gift of battle and I know deep inside that i'm not the one to speak about this. My dear WVW players pls share your experience in comments regarding this topic in particular. Same goes for Fractals and PVP.

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Cool story bro.


Given all you play for is rewards and/or gold per hour, have fun your last few days. You'll be bored of the game within a week.


Meanwhile the rest of us play the game for leisure, fun and friends. There is a ton of valid and lucrative maps and things to do, even close enough to Silver Wastes and Istan. There is more than just loot and gold/hour to care about.


Maybe this game is not for you.

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And I, on the other hand, **do not** feel like raiding is the most difficult and competitive content in guild wars 2, and I think **rewards are adequate** for time you spend on it.

If you spend hours on it because you raid with pugs/lfg it's _your_ problem, not game problem.

Try to win AT match if you get thrown against high league players, then you will know most difficult and competitive content with kitten rewards.

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I just wonder what kind of rewards do you expect from raiding?

You get your kill, you get your LI, you get your fun, you get M.Shards that can be traded for ascended gear and if you lucky you get an ascended gear drop.

If you lucky enough you get infusion or bench.

What esle do you expect, I wonder?

SW & Istan get you 15-20 gold p/h in lazy mode. That is there not to farm endlessly but to help to get some pocket change.

PvPer already told you of things you don't know. Maybe you can go try to win Monthly tournaments for [better reward?](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Automated_Tournaments "better reward?")

Lets see what WvWers will tell or better yet check WvW forum with 'reward'


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I play fractals - solid gold reward if you play dailys everyday depending on your luckiness and Tier, occassional ascended drops, Tiered content so unlike raids - players build up to the max challenge content, achievements, and very cool skin drops for the fashion obsessed. You're not going to be daddy warbucks - but you wont be panhandling for money to waypoint either. I play with the same groups of people regularly and don't have to worry about pugging. Tends to be almost salt free compared to PvP and WvW, like PvP can use grandmaster marks to buy stats selectible ascended gear, and asceneded trinkets (pristine relics), as well as give you the ability to get infusions which give agaony resistatce and a stat bonus. The real endgame content of GW2 is hanging out with your friends, dancing, laughing together on discord, dressing your characters up for festivals, being silly, and generally hanging out for awhile then running on a whim to kill gorseval slow break because one of your friends wants to see if he has gotten his rotation down well enough, or helping someone get through story missions or kill balthazar.

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once you get the idea reward earning is easy. i can farm 40-50g even without meta farming and amalgam gems everyday i f i want . i just casually hang out ,chat with guildies, do some raids, craft some legendary armors/weapons or play the story (cause i didn't rush to finisht it). once you get into a good guild it changes things and make them interesting. I've seen people even friends rushing stories and stuff focusing only one aspect of the game and they feel like bored and they give up. I like MMO cause i get to meet new people, interact with them, compete with them(like pvp) or do some casual chit chat during meta, as long as you dont prioritize rewards you will enjoy this game for sure.

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  • 7 months later...

Ye raids need some more rewards, some ppl say: u get li what tf u want more, its fun to play - Fun ? nah, its not fun, u waste whole day, or even 2 days to finish all bosses, sometimes even more, that's not fun, we need some better reward, ghostly infusion and final judge bench is RARE, like really rare, I never got either of these, so please, please, give some more improvements, we need more rewards, its the hardest thing in the game, yet, smallest rewards

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> @"FrozenNike.5701" said:

> Ye raids need some more rewards, some ppl say: u get li what tf u want more, its fun to play - Fun ? nah, its not fun, u waste whole day, or even 2 days to finish all bosses, sometimes even more, that's not fun, we need some better reward, ghostly infusion and final judge bench is RARE, like really rare, I never got either of these, so please, please, give some more improvements, we need more rewards, its the hardest thing in the game, yet, smallest rewards


**Cough** December 2018 thread **cough**


TC has likely already quit the game and has not been active in the forums since.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I just wonder what kind of rewards do you expect from raiding?

> You get your kill, you get your LI, you get your fun, you get M.Shards that can be traded for ascended gear and if you lucky you get an ascended gear drop.

> If you lucky enough you get infusion or bench.

TLDR: raid rewards are constantly a disappointment


Here are the the main changes I think should be made to raid rewards.

1.) Legendary divinations have no sink. Seriously the long term sink is to convert them to LI? Is that a joke? Why did they bother to make LD, if long term the only use for them is to convert to LI? Why can we only make a single legendary ring? We should be able to make multiple rings, the same way LI can be used to make multiple sets of legendary armor. The handling of LD is frankly pathetic. Think about it, the day we could finally spend LD on something, they were already irrelevant for many raiders. Anet had multiple years to figure that out, and what we got was pathetic. I can not put in words how incredibly disappointed I am in Anet regarding the long term sinks for LD.


2.) Raid rewards can't be earned through raids. The new ring requires 250 desert incense. Which you can either earn through converting 5 crystalline ore daily, or doing heart quests daily, or doing the absolutely pathetically boring legendary bounties. Why can't I earn any of these conversions through raids? Let alone the fact that you can't even earn amalgamated gemstones through raids, instead you have to do boring open world pve to get them.


2B.) Faction provisioner tokens are stupid. This same problem is visible in legendary armor requiring provisioner tokens. Why can't I earn provisioner tokens through raiding? What does parking an alt at a merchant and buying a few tokens daily have to do with raids? And before someone says, 'oh its not that bad'. I have 4 sets of legendary armor. I'm fully aware of the system. But it is symbolic of how Anet views raid rewards as being centered around boring time gated sinks external to raids, rather than a reward for doing challenging content. Its a stupid system that has existed for many years now.


3.) legendary armor is lackluster. Legendary heavy armor essentially can't even be dyed. Your options are shiny white with a hint of blue, shiny white with a hint of red, etc. It seems like gem store skins never have this issue. But the skins anet spent 2 years developing magically can't be fixed. Even though they have commented on reddit a few times that they are investigating the issue. Do you think it will ever be fixed? I don't, because I think Anet wants you to buy gems to get a good skin. If Anet has a problem with me saying this, all they have to do is fix the skins to prove me wrong. I openly encourage them to prove me wrong, and I will happily eat crow if they ever do.


4.) Legendary ring aura can't be toggled off. Why can't I turn off the aura effect? I don't want the balls floating around my head and adding even more visual noise to my raids. Seriously all they need to do is have a legendary merchant that you can trade your legendary trinket to in exchange for a aura free legendary trinket. Its not that hard, yet this issue has existed with the other legendary trinket for years, and I imagine it will stay for a long time to come.


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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> Here are the the main changes I think should be made to raid rewards.

> 1.) Legendary divinations have no sink. Seriously the long term sink is to convert them to LI? Is that a joke? Why did they bother to make LD, if long term the only use for them is to convert to LI? Why can we only make a single legendary ring? We should be able to make multiple rings, the same way LI can be used to make multiple sets of legendary armor. The handling of LD is frankly pathetic. Think about it, the day we could finally spend LD on something, they were already irrelevant for many raiders. Anet had multiple years to figure that out, and what we got was pathetic. I can not put in words how incredibly disappointed I am in Anet regarding the long term sinks for LD.

There won't be a sink for those. You are not suppose to have 150 this fast. You are too good for this game. Just wait a little so somebody can point you out that anet taking time to add sink for LD and LI into the game is waste of resources since so small portion of playerbase actually does raids enough to need one. So why make one? HAHAHA. (:

> 2.) Raid rewards can't be earned through raids. The new ring requires 250 desert incense. Which you can either earn through converting 5 crystalline ore daily, or doing heart quests daily, or doing the absolutely pathetically boring legendary bounties. Why can't I earn any of these conversions through raids? Let alone the fact that you can't even earn amalgamated gemstones through raids, instead you have to do boring open world pve to get them.

I see you were the unprepared one. It suppose to be a raid ring true. But it was also a PoF ring which would need PoF gift which has to engage you into all sorts of PoF content.

> 2B.) Faction provisioner tokens are stupid. This same problem is visible in legendary armor requiring provisioner tokens. Why can't I earn provisioner tokens through raiding? What does parking an alt at a merchant and buying a few tokens daily have to do with raids? And before someone says, 'oh its not that bad'. I have 4 sets of legendary armor. I'm fully aware of the system. But it is symbolic of how Anet views raid rewards as being centered around boring time gated sinks external to raids, rather than a reward for doing challenging content. Its a stupid system that has existed for many years now.

There had to be a timegate since there also is one for PvP and WvW. No system is perfect.

> 3.) legendary armor is lackluster. Legendary heavy armor essentially can't even be dyed. Your options are shiny white with a hint of blue, shiny white with a hint of red, etc. It seems like gem store skins never have this issue. But the skins anet spent 2 years developing magically can't be fixed. Even though they have commented on reddit a few times that they are investigating the issue. Do you think it will ever be fixed? I don't, because I think Anet wants you to buy gems to get a good skin. If Anet has a problem with me saying this, all they have to do is fix the skins to prove me wrong. I openly encourage them to prove me wrong, and I will happily eat crow if they ever do.

Brazil died for our sins, don't go there. Legendary armor is dead to anet. Old content they will never improve.

> 4.) Legendary ring aura can't be toggled off. Why can't I turn off the aura effect? I don't want the balls floating around my head and adding even more visual noise to my raids. Seriously all they need to do is have a legendary merchant that you can trade your legendary trinket to in exchange for a aura free legendary trinket. Its not that hard, yet this issue has existed with the other legendary trinket for years, and I imagine it will stay for a long time to come.

We will probably get something for that in the future as more legendary trinkets show up. NOT FROM RAIDS. Oh no (:



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I can speak for WvW rewards, 3k rank been playing since core. We used to have absolutely nothing, not nothing like you PvE guys think is nothing, I mean Nothing! No reward track, no pips, no legendary items, not even a weapon set for a long time after the tournament cos you couldn't get the currency anymore. Being a WvW player meant you were broke AF. We used to build up karma and convert to gold. That was the only reward in WvW. Nowadays it's great, between the jigs and the reels you prob make about 3 - 5g per hour. Which is freaking easy street when the hours slide by.

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Fractal rewards are pretty good (at least compared to other endgame content) in my experience.

WvW rewards are pretty terrible, but they are a vast improvement from the (almost literally) nothing that they used to give before pips and reward tracks.

Raid rewards are not very good for the time and effort they take. Even with a very experienced group, I can make more money flipping candy canes on the trading post in the same amount of time it takes to clear a raid wing.


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