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Disable transfer 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after relink servers. Thanks.


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Move to a tiered gems transfer system. Regardless of the population of the (open) server you move to:


6 month rolling average:

First in 6 months = 1800 gems

Second in 6 months = 3600 gems

Third in 6 months = 5400 gems


With a successive increase of 1800 gems for each additional transfer within the rolling 6 month period.


Allows guilds to transfer but they pay for it. Anet gets gems, and guilds can move.


Monitize the system.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.




Got fully paid to go to SoR, which had only 2 guilds who run in our timezone SF and PMA, in fact despite what anyone thinks SoR didnt have any ques besided the reset ones, we could usually raid in EBG in T2 everyday which would be hard to do on most servers, we have alts on every server on NA and know which servers have more/less ques etc. All we care about is being able to raid and get our guild into as many maps as possible during NA prime, while staying on a competitive tier. When mag was linked with JQ it had a permanent EBG que 24/7 despite being locked in T4 which was why we left in first place, it didnt have anything to do with other guilds or whatever u pugs think are the reasons people move around lol.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.




Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> > Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> > Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> > Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> >

> >


> Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server


But... you guys wanted ebg all to yourselves.

Grats on carrying mag down to link status.

/slow clap

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> I like the 2 guys defending the guild moves. Idk your guilds. Idk if you are a band wagoner but if you went to sor paid or not when they were good then bounced after they lost link and headed to a server with 2 links ya you sound like an effen band wagoner. Band wagon doesn't always mean join a t1/t2 link every 2 months it's can also be hey sbi or cd got 2 links lets go stack on sbi or their 2 links and you saw sb go right thru t4 t3 t2 and won t1 twice from outta nowhere. Cd also w 2 links moved up nicely and was populated af. If you coordinate that kitten w other players/guilds after anet's attempt of evening servers out then yes you are the problem.


You are dumb if you think having 2 links is the thing you look forward as a guild when u move to a server. But that its ok because you are just some random guildless pug who does not really understand how WvW guilds work. All guilds want are fights on a dying game mode where finding fights is getting harder everynight due guilds disbanding and Arenanet not doing anything to help the game mode. You do not transfer to a server based on how many links servers have, you transfer to servers looking to stay on a particular tier to fight the only few left WvW guilds on those other servers and at the same time you try find a place whith very few guilds on your side so you do not have to share the few fights left with those other groups on your side.

For example Blackgate has no links, no ques during NA maybe 1 guild running everynight, it is always closed so that makes that server the 1st choice i would have if i wanted to transfer to a server from a fighting perspective, it has nothing to do with bandwagoning it is all about finding a server where u can do your own thing as a guild and have your fun.

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Only reasson this bouncing happens is because there are too many tier and too few fighters to populate 12 servers so guilds naturally have to relocate every > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > I like the 2 guys defending the guild moves. Idk your guilds. Idk if you are a band wagoner but if you went to sor paid or not when they were good then bounced after they lost link and headed to a server with 2 links ya you sound like an effen band wagoner. Band wagon doesn't always mean join a t1/t2 link every 2 months it's can also be hey sbi or cd got 2 links lets go stack on sbi or their 2 links and you saw sb go right thru t4 t3 t2 and won t1 twice from outta nowhere. Cd also w 2 links moved up nicely and was populated af. If you coordinate that kitten w other players/guilds after anet's attempt of evening servers out then yes you are the problem.

> >

> > You are dumb if you think having 2 links is the thing you look forward as a guild when u move to a server. But that its ok because you are just some random guildless pug who does not really understand how WvW guilds work. All guilds want are fights on a dying game mode where finding fights is getting harder everynight due guilds disbanding and Arenanet not doing anything to help the game mode. You do not transfer to a server based on how many links servers have, you transfer to servers looking to stay on a particular tier to fight the only few left WvW guilds on those other servers and at the same time you try find a place whith very few guilds on your side so you do not have to share the few fights left with those other groups on your side.

> > For example Blackgate has no links, no ques during NA maybe 1 guild running everynight, it is always closed so that makes that server the 1st choice i would have if i wanted to transfer to a server from a fighting perspective, it has nothing to do with bandwagoning it is all about finding a server where u can do your own thing as a guild and have your fun.


> And your dumb if you think all these threads are directed at you personally. Again idk you or who you are and you don't know me. Most are referrring to the guilds and players that transfer every 2 months trying with some success to stack a server. Ded Wvw servers become populated overnight and populated server become empty shells like sor. I know bg has no links but what you think would happen if kain lost their link next and bg got a link for w/e reason. Where would you or other run too? Bg's link i bet. Never said any1 transfers to a server based on 2 links but ya 500 gems might be a cheaper transfer for the band wagoners. not you of course you legit but need to be on here defending bouncing from a ded sever to another for a random reason we don't know but def not band wagoning.


Only reasson this guild relocation happens every relink is because as i said guilds need to fight each other in order to get some fun and content and reasson to exist and play the game. 12 servers and 4 tiers are just way too many for the current game population so because The link system is dumb, every 2 months guilds are just forced to move around to find the fights they want T1 and T2, it has nothing to do to moving to a winning server or whatver reasson random puglets like you think guilds move and bounce around for. It is just guilds trying to stay alive, which is very expensive for us BTW but it has to be done since arenanet just do not care and wont give us a decent matchmaking system.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:


> >

> > Only reasson this guild relocation happens every relink is because as i said guilds need to fight each other to get some fun and content and reasson to exist and play the game, 12 servers and 4 tiers are just way too many for the current game population so since The link system is dumb so, every 2 months guilds are just forced to move around to find the fights they want, it has nothing to do to moving to a winning server or whatver reasson random puglets like you think guilds bounce around for.


> Lol are you Violent Resolution. I only ask cause the vr driver. So your idea of fun is rolling around on these ded servers and their puglets with your 25 man guild zerg all buffed up with healing food in an pretty much invincible fashion saying your looking for fights when there are like 2 other guilds with the ability to pull that many together. So you and flux and sf were on sor at same time. Boy that must of been fun. You aren't looking for fights. You are looking to farm us puglets. Grats on getting 25 good players together in a mode that's 90 percent puglets. I'll get my pips every week but I would have even less fun rolling over everything with no challenge.



See, i just stop playing when i notice that everytime i try and take an objective i get swarmed over by a zerg(i dont get how zerging a player or two capturing a camp is fun), because my server is mostly dead(due to bandwagoning in large part) so all thats left is those of us who love being on the server. They arent fighters, they are bag farmers. Ive noticed by and large most players/commanders who want "fights" really wanna do is zerg farm endlessly, and as soon as they lose to another zerg they switch maps to one that has no enemy players.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:


> Lol are you Violent Resolution. I only ask cause the vr driver. So your idea of fun is rolling around on these ded servers and their puglets with your 25 man guild zerg all buffed up with healing food in an pretty much invincible fashion saying your looking for fights when there are like 2 other guilds with the ability to pull that many together. So you and flux and sf were on sor at same time. Boy that must of been fun. You aren't looking for fights. You are looking to farm us puglets. Grats on getting 25 good players together in a mode that's 90 percent puglets. I'll get my pips every week but I would have even less fun rolling over everything with no challenge.





Yeah that is literally what WvW guilds have done since 2013, you would know if you were part of any guild and not a salty pug gets rolled over and gets mad about it, back in the day game was full of guilds so you would be fighting similar groups everynight on multiple maps pretty much no matter what server u were on, as i said since there are not many guilds left in the game who can pull good 25 people to fight us 1 on 1, guilds are forced to move to different links or whatver to try get matched against the few left. It makes 0 sense to say guilds stack on a server to play together and roll over idiots, it is more like guilds trying to get a matchup where they can fight simillar groups, or just open some EBG keep and sit insde the lords room, farm random a mapblob of idiot pugs for hour with your 25 guys and then laugh at their salty comments in team chat. It is a dying game what can i say, we need to try find the little fun moments u can get out of it till the next game comes.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:


> > Lol are you Violent Resolution. I only ask cause the vr driver. So your idea of fun is rolling around on these ded servers and their puglets with your 25 man guild zerg all buffed up with healing food in an pretty much invincible fashion saying your looking for fights when there are like 2 other guilds with the ability to pull that many together. So you and flux and sf were on sor at same time. Boy that must of been fun. You aren't looking for fights. You are looking to farm us puglets. Grats on getting 25 good players together in a mode that's 90 percent puglets. I'll get my pips every week but I would have even less fun rolling over everything with no challenge.

> >




> or just open some EBG keep and sit insde the lords room, farm random a mapblob of idiot pugs for hour with your 25 guys and then laugh at their salty comments in team chat. It is a dying game what can i say, we need to try find the little fun moments u can get out of it till the next game comes.


This bit, right here, is why this game mode is on the verge of death. Stuff like this is what drives new players trying wvw out almost instantly. Getting swarmed over by a zerg the first time you enter WvW with a fresh pair of eyes, is what drives players away. The *only* reason i stay in WvW outside of the GoB, is that for a short time period my server gets placed at the bottom where there arent any major guilds and we do well because our core population actually goes to wvw when they arent against stacked servers.


Theres a meme going around the internet, its got Pikachu on it with a shocked expression.


fight guilds: *transfer servers ever 2 months to get better fights*

server natives/opponent servers: *stop going to wvw because they are constantly getting farmed by said "fight guilds"*

fight guilds: We cant seem to find fights, and the game mode is dying!

*insert Pikachu shocked expression picture here*



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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> Got fully paid to go to SoR, which had only 2 guilds who run in our timezone SF and PMA, in fact despite what anyone thinks SoR didnt have any ques besided the reset ones, we could usually raid in EBG in T2 everyday which would be hard to do on most servers, we have alts on every server on NA and know which servers have more/less ques etc. All we care about is being able to raid and get our guild into as many maps as possible during NA prime, while staying on a competitive tier. When mag was linked with JQ it had a permanent EBG que 24/7 despite being locked in T4 which was why we left in first place, it didnt have anything to do with other guilds or whatever u pugs think are the reasons people move around lol.

Your reasons for moving were not part of the discussion. hunkamania claimed that your guild moves to servers with less guilds. All I'm saying is that both of your last moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server

That may be true, but your previous post said "less guilds", not "less guilds like us".



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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> >

> > > Lol are you Violent Resolution. I only ask cause the vr driver. So your idea of fun is rolling around on these ded servers and their puglets with your 25 man guild zerg all buffed up with healing food in an pretty much invincible fashion saying your looking for fights when there are like 2 other guilds with the ability to pull that many together. So you and flux and sf were on sor at same time. Boy that must of been fun. You aren't looking for fights. You are looking to farm us puglets. Grats on getting 25 good players together in a mode that's 90 percent puglets. I'll get my pips every week but I would have even less fun rolling over everything with no challenge.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > Yeah that is literally what WvW guilds have done since 2013, you would know if you were part of any guild and not a salty pug gets rolled over and gets mad about it, back in the day game was full of guilds so you would be fighting similar groups everynight on multiple maps pretty much no matter what server u were on, as i said since there are not many guilds left in the game who can pull good 25 people to fight us 1 on 1, guilds are forced to move to different links or whatver to try get matched against the few left. It makes 0 sense to say guilds stack on a server to play together and roll over idiots, it is more like guilds trying to get a matchup where they can fight simillar groups, or just open some EBG keep and sit insde the lords room, farm random a mapblob of idiot pugs for hour with your 25 guys and then laugh at their salty comments in team chat. It is a dying game what can i say, we need to try find the little fun moments u can get out of it till the next game comes.


> But what you do is literally why every game dies. There are players that are just better at pvp then others. They understand their skills and can chose the op/meta ones and are just smarter then I will ever be. These players on there own would win in pvp 70 percent of the time but that's not good enough. So the find a second good player and they win 80 percent of games now. Then they premade 5 vs 5 mode with 5 good players vs pugs to win 99 percent the time. Oh then a 15 vs 15 mode is added so lets team up with 10 more dudes to dominate pugs. Eventually theres just a number like gw2 wvw where you can't do that, well at least until alliance mode. Don't do what you do then complain you can't find fights. And yeah if you are rolling into smc and not killing the lord only to farm and read our comments means not only do you got 25 man guild group you got a spy spying on puglets reading our comments. Who's the sad one here.


This is also not true, the game dies cuz competetive good players leave and guilds disband becuase of the lack of action, matchmaking is attrotious alongside with things liike siege tactivators etc so all the guilds just leave and die. There will always be useless puglets around to do nothing in WvW and wait to be carried, look at the current population for an example i bet every single one of those 12 server can que maps on reset and whatnot so they do thecnically have players, but how many have competentent PvP focused guilds? like like 3 or 4 servers out 12, so yeah there are puglets around just not enough guilds and commanders. We have alts on every server and know when every map has a que and whatnot u would be surprised to see how many of those 12 server can que a map with nothing but idiots u can just run over pressing 1 with 20 guys, so yeah there are plenty of bads, casuals and pugs around just a massive lack of good players and guilds etc. WvW is supposed to be a competitive PvP gamemode my dude just like any sport or whatver, yeah you can play for fun but you should know if you get matched vs the pros u will just get fucked it is normal imo it would happen on any team focused competitive game sport or whatver, the matchmaking should take care of that and match the pros with the pros and the casuals with the casuals but here is where arenantet failed for all these years.

The matchmaking and scoring system should reward skill and skill alone and match realms according to things like, guild scorings, KDR, kills relative to population, objectives captured, objectives defended and whatnot, PPT should literally not exist whatsoever as a winning meassurement, specially not as a 24h thing, because it only rewards coverage and that has nothing to do with skill most of the time, so it ends up matching non skilled vs skilled players creating a very unpleaseant experience for both, believe me i dont wanna be farming shitlord pugs in EBG all day, i just have to do it because there is nothing else.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> > > Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> > > Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> > > Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server


> But... you guys wanted ebg all to yourselves.

> Grats on carrying mag down to link status.

> /slow clap


We left and you went Medium and link status in T4. we come back your High pop in T2. You see how this works? Literally carry the server so you are welcome little fella.



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All games die or lose a lot of their players eventually. At some point something new or different comes along and people leave. This is the natural way of things. Everything ends.


Now here's the real quandary good guilds find themselves in: they lose something no matter what they do. We are now raiding three timezones almost 5 days a week just to keep our server in t2. It's exhausting thankless work and it would be much easier to get paid to stack an already stacked server and do a quarter of the work for the same result. Why not just do that? Why wouldn't any good guild just do that?

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> > > > Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> > > > Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> > > > Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server

> >

> > But... you guys wanted ebg all to yourselves.

> > Grats on carrying mag down to link status.

> > /slow clap


> We left and you went Medium and link status in T4. we come back your High pop in T2. You see how this works? Literally carry the server so you are welcome little fella.




Not before your guild helped run players and guilds off mag to drop to link status.

Comes back after a paid vacation to screw over another server, to brag about getting server back to high status as a link server, good job lil boi.


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> > > > > Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> > > > > Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> > > > > Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server

> > >

> > > But... you guys wanted ebg all to yourselves.

> > > Grats on carrying mag down to link status.

> > > /slow clap

> >

> > We left and you went Medium and link status in T4. we come back your High pop in T2. You see how this works? Literally carry the server so you are welcome little fella.

> >

> >


> Not before your guild helped run players and guilds off mag to drop to link status.

> Comes back after a paid vacation to screw over another server, to brag about getting server back to high status as a link server, good job lil boi.



Which guilds and/or players did vr "run off?"

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> > > > > > Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> > > > > > Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> > > > > > Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server

> > > >

> > > > But... you guys wanted ebg all to yourselves.

> > > > Grats on carrying mag down to link status.

> > > > /slow clap

> > >

> > > We left and you went Medium and link status in T4. we come back your High pop in T2. You see how this works? Literally carry the server so you are welcome little fella.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Not before your guild helped run players and guilds off mag to drop to link status.

> > Comes back after a paid vacation to screw over another server, to brag about getting server back to high status as a link server, good job lil boi.

> >


> Which guilds and/or players did vr "run off?"


Would like to know this as well.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> > > > > > Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> > > > > > Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> > > > > > Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server

> > > >

> > > > But... you guys wanted ebg all to yourselves.

> > > > Grats on carrying mag down to link status.

> > > > /slow clap

> > >

> > > We left and you went Medium and link status in T4. we come back your High pop in T2. You see how this works? Literally carry the server so you are welcome little fella.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Not before your guild helped run players and guilds off mag to drop to link status.

> > Comes back after a paid vacation to screw over another server, to brag about getting server back to high status as a link server, good job lil boi.

> >


> Which guilds and/or players did vr "run off?"


Not that im saying you did(i dont know im not on mag) but if after your guild left Mag dropped to becoming a link for another server and it wasnt before, would indicated you either took a bunch of players with you, or players/guilds, left the server for whatever reasons.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > > I understand your intention with this, but we have at least a handful of guildies that cannot transfer because our server is full, so they transfer to our link server when we re-link. You would also be punishing the people that are just trying to continue to WVW with friends.

> > >

> > > All of you should just transfer to a linked server then and call it a day. Or all friends in WvW could easily just transfer to a link server and call it a day. But we don't see that ever do we? Why is that? For example, Maguuma has plenty of room, you'd all fit there, so why not move there? You'd all easily fit, seems like a logical solution for the entire guild. So what's the hold up?

> > >

> >

> > Because we all really enjoy the server we are currently on? Why would we transfer off a server where we have made many friends, and enjoy the server as a whole?

> >

> >


> Im eternally glad you dont care about the rest of the people on the server your guild/s are a part of, but perhaps you should, as guilds bandwagoning leaves servers abandoned and dead like the server im a part of. Join a server that can fit all of you and spare everyone else please.


Ok, pay for all of us to transfer off then, cuz no one wants to pay to transfer off a server that they enjoy being on.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > > > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> > > > > > > Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> > > > > > > Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> > > > > > > Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Maguuma has like nothing but us lol. Some nights we're up against 4 guilds on a map. We carry the server

> > > > >

> > > > > But... you guys wanted ebg all to yourselves.

> > > > > Grats on carrying mag down to link status.

> > > > > /slow clap

> > > >

> > > > We left and you went Medium and link status in T4. we come back your High pop in T2. You see how this works? Literally carry the server so you are welcome little fella.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Not before your guild helped run players and guilds off mag to drop to link status.

> > > Comes back after a paid vacation to screw over another server, to brag about getting server back to high status as a link server, good job lil boi.

> > >

> >

> > Which guilds and/or players did vr "run off?"


> Would like to know this as well.



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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > maguuma CD is stacked with guilds? could've fooled me

> Move 1: You moved to SoR when it was stacked with guilds.

> Move 2: You left SoR when it had very few guilds, I'd bet less guilds than CD and Maguuma.

> Both moves were from servers with less guilds to servers with more guilds.


Also they tried to transfer to BG when it opened but got caught out when it unexpectedly closed again.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Not that im saying you did(i dont know im not on mag) but if after your guild left Mag dropped to becoming a link for another server and it wasnt before, would indicated you either took a bunch of players with you, or players/guilds, left the server for whatever reasons.


VR only took VR members when we left Mag. Everyone else left way before VR did.


The reason Mag took a dive afterwards was because VR was covering three timezones. We still are.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Not that im saying you did(i dont know im not on mag) but if after your guild left Mag dropped to becoming a link for another server and it wasnt before, would indicated you either took a bunch of players with you, or players/guilds, left the server for whatever reasons.


> VR only took VR members when we left Mag. Everyone else left way before VR did.


> The reason Mag took a dive afterwards was because VR was covering three timezones. We still are.


I meant players who joined VR in the time you where there, but that makes sense i suppose.

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