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[PvP] Sword dual-skills range buff pretty please


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It needs stronger and/or faster AA ; Earth AA chain should be Bleeding > Cripple > Bleeding or be faster, like war's sword.

Better tracking/speed for dual attacks earth/water and air/water.

Air #2 should be 10 or 12sec CD instead of 15sec.


* It would help a lot to stick enemies.


The argument of "20 skills" is inconsequent; numbers don't make quality; and I only see 5 skills and attunements. AA are too weak, weapons skills are weak or too long CD and cast-time, and because we need to swap cd off to rollface every attunements and skills we have, arcane is too mandatory,

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> @"lLobo.7960" said:


> I don't think a flat dmg boost or flat defense boost (be it HP boost or anything else as some people ask for) would make the ele better. It would make it bland.


> Ele has a stat deficient and the exchange for that is versatility. The stat deficiency should be paid off with the traitlines bonuses, so that ele can achieve higher results for a extreme specialization.


> That means that for having less basic armor and HP, ele should be able to achieve higher dmg if fully specialized for it (fire/air full zerker) than any other class that tries to fully specialize in dmg but can't abdicate its base defenses (hp/armor). In the same way the ele should be able to specialize deep into defense (earth/water full minstrel) and have zero dmg but be very resistant.


> The fact that ele has a stat deficiency should make it able to specialize further and higher than other classes. Yes, it should be top dps against a golem, but in a real dangerous scenario achieving that dps should depend on how you can abdicate all those defenses or how can your group defend you so you can channel all your skills without interruption. This give good groups and players a high skill ceiling to go for.





How is being able to stay alive or being able to kill stuff bland? Engineer has versatility and Holosmith is 100% meta so the idea that Elementalist has to give up it's versatility just isn't supported by other professions in the game. Actually, Engineer/Holosmith is a really good template of what Elementalist could be without losing any of its flavor or versatility since the two professions share similar conceptual themes, such as being versatile and having a tool/spell for just about every problem.


If Elementalist had better baseline states extreme specialization would be feasible. But you have to start that from a very solid foundation because not everyone wants to extreme specialize. Some folks may want to play a more traditional wizard type faction and instead of specializing being good at a wider range but not overtly powerful as specialization would provide. If specialization started from a place where a player could opt to not specialize and do well then extreme specialization would actually pay off as it would have a stronger foundation to build on. A stronger foundation, i.e. better baseline stats, would also provide Elementalist the ability to weather nerfs without moving from being OP to being useless.


> @"Ganathar.4956" said:


> I would agree with the suggestion to increase the base damage of ele while removing damage modifiers and the like, since ele does appear to have a stat deficit somewhere. However, no matter what happens something in core has to be reworked, whether that's base damage or base defense.


I favor Elementalist having a stronger base level of damage since nerfs to defense are not nearly as prevalent as nerfs to damage output.



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