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What to do at level 80?

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With Guild Wars 2 being a very "open" game. It's hard to decide what to do when you do not have a set quest or goal telling you where to go. I would first take the time that, now you have reached level 80, to explore all the aspects of the current GW2 game. Here are some general things you can explore and attempt to do:


1. Level up another character to lvl 80. Fill out your character slots and max everything out.

I leveled all my characters to 80 because I wasn't quite sure which profession I enjoyed the most.


2. Get Map Completion on your lvl 80.

One of the best things you can do if you're new and don't know what to do. Is to take your time and explore the world. A lot of people want to rush the story and get to the "meat" of the game. But in reality the meat of the game is the world and the universe and the stories it tells. I would say if you're looking for a more casual experience, to take your time and explore every inch of the games maps.


3. Do every Jump Puzzle

This kind of goes with above but there are plenty of really enjoyable JP's out there.


4. Do every Mini Dungeon

There's lots of fun little stories you can do with a small group.


5. Do Every Dungeon!

Dungeons are now pretty trivial and you'll have no problem doing every story mode and route for each.


6. Crafting Professions to 400/500

If you intend on investing a lot of time in this game, getting all or most of your crafting professions maxed is highly recommended.


7. Push to get Ascended Equipment through Crafting or other gamemodes.

Whether it be crafting/fractals/wvw/raids. The next best technical thing for a lvl 80 is the gear you have for them.


8. Play Casual/Structured PvP or Participate in the tournaments.

I enjoy pick up games of pvp, although it takes a certain attitude and skill level to really really enjoy and play pvp. It does provide a welcome break from the regular game to a more fast paced and intense action experience within 10 minute increments.


9. Find a Roleplaying Guild and ask to learn.

Personally I don't roleplay in GW2, however there are plenty around and you can usually make plenty of friends along the way if you find the right group.


10. Start doing Fractals.

Fractals is good repeatable content. With a decent group you should be able to get through all fractal dailies in about an hour. Where each level takes about 15 minutes. It's a good jumping off point to content that levels in difficulty. If you enjoy fractals you might enjoy raiding.


11. Find a group willing to teach and help you learn how to Raid.

The hardest part about raiding is getting started. But there are plenty of groups out there willing to teach if you let them know you're willing to learn. Fair warning though, most groups insist on Ascended Gear and preset builds. While I don't enjoy pre-designed builds. There are reasons they exist, because they're the best of the best. If you decide to go that way I recommend doing your research and visiting Snowcrows.com, they have the most current advice and data for player builds available.


12. Participate in WvW.

Honestly, this can be hit or miss. What you really want is to find a commander you enjoy playing with. Do you want to be yelled at? There's a commander for that. Do you want to hop around with you and 20 other friends? There's a commander for that. I'd recommend to spending some time learning the different roles you can play in wvw and likewise find people that reflect those similar values. Personally I enjoy running stealth thief so I scout for 2 or 3 squads when I hop into wvw.


13. And if you're really struggling, Achievement Point hunting is also a thing.

Yes I know there's hardly any AP awards anymore, but doing dailies is just one thing out of plenty of achievements that you can use to focus your time.


14. Crafting A Legendary.

Crafting a Legendary is about the most time consuming of projects one can undertake. But it will keep you occupied and will push you through 80% of the content in the vanilla game.


15. Join a Guild.

If you have not, a Guild is a great way to meet people similar of mind and help you build a community around those interests.


Overall, I recommend you take a look at yourself and think, "What do I enjoy about this game and how can I use this to play how I like to play." The above are options only and I'm sure there are plenty more things you can do that I have not listed.


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like any RPG, play the game (that is, the story)

if it's your first time playing, and you boosted it to lv80, it'll be tricky to figure out a proper playstyle.

Just start with your lv10 personal story, and sit it through. At lv80, it will be very easy, but gives you a chance to learn the class.

After completing the first campaign, at lv80, you will have to play LS2, Heart of Thorns, LS3, Path of Fire, LS4, LS5 (which is yet to start), and then expansion 3

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Now you can play, all of Guild Wars 2. The answer is everything. All new content is effectively designed for level 80. Fractals and Raids are level 80. All open world content level adjusts you to the appropriate level, so that is still open to you. So literally everything is open to you. If you have HoT and PoF and don't care about following the story consistently I would recommend starting HoT and unlocking Gliders, then starting PoF and unlocking mounts. But from there, it's whatever you want to do.

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