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Beetle Race feedback


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Ever since the beetle came out I've been using it non stop, it's my favorite mount and lots of fun cruising around maps etc.

So obviously I was very hyped with the beetle races that recently came out and I want to say well done Arenanet! The beetle races are awesome! The ability to make a guildhall track? great! scoreboards? fun!


That said, I have some pointers for possible future improvements, updates etc.


The Scoreboard. It's great fun to be competitive with your friends and see who can make the fastest lap, but for some (including me) that's not enough, we want to see what the best scores are out there!

That leaves me to the idea that you can see the whole scoreboard, or perhaps the top 20 or something like this.


Seeing what scores are out there would be great fun, although here I'm going to be a bit of a nag.. It has come to my attention that some scores are done through the use of portals.

(see the link at the bottom as example)

I don't blame the ones who did so, I mean it's doable and it's not like anyone can't do it but It doesn't seem fit with the idea when developing these races'.

I don't know what's doable in programming and developing, but It doesn't seem out of reach to make it impossible to use skills or portals while in a race/trial.


Finally, one more suggestion for the future, (and this is just a hope from a fervent beetle racer) allow those blue orbs to be purchased so we can add them to our guild hall tracks.



1Make the scoreboard show the top scores

2disable the use of portals/non mount skills etc while in a race/trial

3Addition of blue orbs for guild hall race tracks


Once again, I'm all happy with the implementation and races thus far, these are simply pointers for possible improvements!

Thanks for reading :)





(link regarding portal usage)

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Well for feedback as titled, i have another experience.


I will say to begin with, that i'm not rocking a high end computer, so there's that. Personally i don't care much for the Beetle races but can surely respect others do enjoy it. However, i have experinced a drastic increase in loadtimes on maps since the implementation of Beetle races. I have asked around briefly, and i know some have had the same experience as i have, while others haven't felt it.


So first off, i'm curious if this could be an issue for lower end computers?


And secondly, if so, could the Beetle races possibly be instance based to remove the load from the main servers?

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Event is great to me, fun and new, that's something that could have lacked recently. However, if i had to make 1 point, i'd say that there lacks special reward for best racers to me. I'm all for the car and mouse/computer items prizes, but there should have also been unique rewards in game for the top scorers, like it could happen in GW1 with the unique miniature for the top250.


Not that people do not play for fun only, but giving an additionnal end-objective can reinforce the fun and motivation to play that place.

People played that in GW1 24/7 because of the end objective. Same for the mini dungeon for wintersday, which was played actively in order to get the expensive miniature.



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My suggestion is to combine the time trial and and race into one event that starts every 15 seconds or so, but for just one lap. That way you can work on your time trial while also starting the race with other players more often, which allows you to learn from their strategies more often, which can really help you improve. That is what got me addicted to Winter Wonderland.

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While i agree with most of the original post, I have to point out that making non-mount skills unusable while in a race is impractical. It means that if you start a race, you are stuck in it until it ends, because you can't use other skills. It means that if you are attacked and dismounted during the race, all your skills are unavailable to you in the fight.


> @"casualkenny.9817" said:

> feedback: make the registration wait 17min long, instead of 15min of silence and 2min reg


Absolutely, the race desperately needs some kind of timer or countdown. It is so frustrating to show up and have to wait and wait, never knowing when it starts. (Then you wander off to kill time with a little mining, or run a time trial, and the race starts when you're not looking.) Of course, when the month of dailies is over, that will not be so important, but...


**I would like to suggest that the daily beetle races remain permanently!!!!** I will miss these so much when they are gone. Of course, by then most racers will have acquired most of the loot, but you could always add some more items to the racing merchants, and/or add other types of loot to the winnings to make it profitable even when we have bought everything in the racing shop.



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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> While i agree with most of the original post, I have to point out that making non-mount skills unusable while in a race is impractical. It means that if you start a race, you are stuck in it until it ends, because you can't use other skills. It means that if you are attacked and dismounted during the race, all your skills are unavailable to you in the fight.


> > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

> > feedback: make the registration wait 17min long, instead of 15min of silence and 2min reg


> Absolutely, the race desperately needs some kind of timer or countdown. It is so frustrating to show up and have to wait and wait, never knowing when it starts. (Then you wander off to kill time with a little mining, or run a time trial, and the race starts when you're not looking.) Of course, when the month of dailies is over, that will not be so important, but...


> **I would like to suggest that the daily beetle races remain permanently!!!!** I will miss these so much when they are gone. Of course, by then most racers will have acquired most of the loot, but you could always add some more items to the racing merchants, and/or add other types of loot to the winnings to make it profitable even when we have bought everything in the racing shop.



THIS!!! I like GW2 because it's almost always clear to me when stuff is happening (a la Tarir meta event, Palawadan, World bosses etc.). I also hope these are here to stay, maybe new tracks in the future (even though we have mount races in those maps, Crystal Desert beetle races would be amazing). A crazy marathon, Le Mans type event every month. Special skill, instance-based drag-racing. Endless possibilities.


My suggestion would be this:

I wish that during a race event, it would automatically award me the daily chest(s) for the time trial, if I achieved Gold/Silver on any of the three laps. It's not a big deal to just rush another lap after the race is over, but to me it seems a bit redundant to have to complete the time trial separately. I already proved I can beat the challenge time (some races, I finish the lap with Gold on all three laps). I shouldn't have to do it again just because.


BTW, I realize you can just start the time trial at the same time as the race, but I also think it's not a smooth way of implementing it.





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> @"Braynz.2906" said:

> The racing is fun but the waiting is tedious - There's no indication of how long until the next race and when you finish you have to hang around for the race completion chest.


It'd be nice to see the races show up every ten minutes, and maybe include a timer on one of the NPCs so we know how soon it will be.

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