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How to kill spellbreaker with Firebrand?


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Watch the boon bar for berserker stance. You can stack burns once the stance is off. They'll then throw on feather-foot grace or healing signet so you use a boon strip on weaponswap/on interrupt to strip resistance (pair it with JI + mantra of truth+ shield 5 for maximum effectiveness). Berserker stance is the only skill you have to just kite/sustain against since it pulses resistance which isn't something FB can deal with in any capacity.


From there, a bit of luck and skill (dodging or avoiding full-counters) and you're golden. It's not a favorable matchup even with this, but it's the best we got at the moment.

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In wvw if the spell break is well verse in fighting condi you can either run around like a goose and hope he gives up or succumb to your fire damage. Neh the cc with removal your boons and you will just get hit super hard. Or you can build your self into a healing bot condi tank but than you just become useless in team fights.

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Both spellbreakers and Scourge seems almost impossible to me. I can build exclusively for them but it seems i am the underdog even if i do so and if i do i am the underdog versus the rest of the professions in the game.


The only way to beat them imo is to pair up with one, in that scenarion FB can be super strong.

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I've fought a few spellbreakers. The trouble really arises with really long resistances. The most success I've had against them is using Judges' intervention and purging flames. This along with a few autoattack swings will put about 6-8 stacks of burning on them, which should hopefully bait out their resist. If the doesn't work you can switch to ToJ and just go ham until they do. Next step is to whip out that ToR and just survive. try not to spam the pages, only use them when you need them. Having some healing power like using the sage's amulet helps a lot. If you have it equipped, Then at some point you should nullify one of their bursts using a renewed focus. This will recharge your tomes in time for their resist to go down. As soon as the resist goes down, you'll have at least 10 seconds (depending on their build) to switch back to ToJ and unleash as much condi damage as possible.

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You can, it just takes a bit of kiting and knowing when to burst (and when to dodge). Also the right Sage build with Virtues/Valor/FB. I honestly believe you can beat a spellbreaker 1v1 skill vs skill but... that doesn't really matter. Does it? ... because this is speaking on a pure 1v1 standpoint where nothing else matters...


FB just lacks in SPvP altogether. Any competitive team will focus that FB Sage build as if we were Reapers prepatch, like i've always said before PoF hit. We simply go down WAY too quickly and easily. FB is forced to play Bunker punching bag roles so that the insta-kill doesn't happen.


I rolled a Warrior and.... lets just say my losing streak stopped. Plat (no longer T2 because of Fb).

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> @Saiyan.1704 said:


> I rolled a Warrior and.... lets just say my losing streak stopped. Plat (no longer T2 because of Fb).


I did the same, finally rolled a warrior.

Playing one right after the other, (6k hours guardian, .01 hours warrior here), really does emphasize the disparity between and leaves one in serious doubt the balance team did likewise.

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Power Firebrand can really surprise them. I tried a variety of builds against a guildmate running SB the other day and found that no condi build could get through to him but a power build could (Sw/sh, GS, have to land quickness+whirling wrath every single time). Honestly at that point though, you may as well run DH since it is far better at kiting/sustaining and gap opening againstn a SB. It's also a lot better at baiting out or avoiding fullcounter since it deals damage in singular bursts.

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