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Home keeps should be protected when outnumbered


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Our world (Ring of Fire) seems to be cursed to fight only against dedicated world servers. That means nearly constant outnumbered bonus during off-peak hours.


What bugs me so freaking bad, is that we can't fight against choo-choo aoe trains of 50+ people and protect our home keep. So my suggestion would be that whenever someone is outnumbered, their home keep can't be captured.


Your thoughts?

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I don't agree with the solution presented (basically RI for the Garrison/EBG corner keep while outnumbered).


But I do think that a "handicap" system could be worth discussing, where being outnumbered or far back in points would give some advantages.


It is however very difficult to come up with a working handicap system for WvW, because of the constantly changing number of players on each side, and the large difference in each players skill levels. The question if it should be a help to points, fights, other things etc.


Honestly I think the best way to solve it is actually map design, but that would require a whole new map. (To have a map that gets progressively easier to defend and harder to assault, the further you're pushed back. To the degree that 5 man with siege and supplies could hold back enemy zerg at spawn tower for eternity)

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> @Rampage.7145 said:

> YO big blob hitting garrison!!!! NO WORRIES as long we dont go to the map they cannot take it!!!!! this makes total sense bro, keep posting good ideas is what this forums are for


Yea, like anyone isn't busy already defending other towers while outnumbered.


Adults are talking now, go play outside.

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> @Ikihiki.2316 said:

> > @Rampage.7145 said:

> > YO big blob hitting garrison!!!! NO WORRIES as long we dont go to the map they cannot take it!!!!! this makes total sense bro, keep posting good ideas is what this forums are for


> Yea, like anyone isn't busy already defending other towers while outnumbered.


> Adults are talking now, go play outside.


You may think his response is crazy, but the reality is, people will do what he posted in order to keep that t-3 keep.


What you are suggesting would result in a strategy similar to what he posted above.


Can you imagine walking into a t3 keep and seeing RI?


Also can see at least ONE server saying if they are losing their keep and get wiped: port to another BL. So mid lord fight, is the RI going to pop?

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RoF isnt that great of a server, that's why you're lacking numbers. I mean, it's the last choice for international players to transfer to.


Its normal to lose keeps on home borderland if you're playing during times that isn't for your advantage. Thats how higher tiers work in general, 1 server dominates day, 1 morning, 1 night.


If you want to improve the times you're playing at. Become a commander or make a small sniping guild. A small group can keep the enemy blob busy with backcapping/supply traps/disablers/doubleteaming etc so they don't have time to come to your map. In general you only need 2nd place in skirmish anyways. You can't lose the matchup if you always get 2nd place.

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there are better ways this can be done than making keeps impossible to take

1. increase the timer on the protection on a keep so they dont flip as quickly, allowing a low pop the ability to flip better.

2. uncontested way points for low pop (iffy imo)

3. Give walls and doors a low pop buff, maybe add a irremovable damage decrease or increase their HP.

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If you are outnumbered you should lose everything that you cannot defend by fighting tbh, what is wrong with that? people like you thinking the game would be soooo much better if no keeps could be captured ever just sit in walls all day trebing ruin the game, yeah you are outnumbered it sucks, but it is just the way it is u should get rolled when you are outnumbered anyway, if you dont have the fighting force to actually hold structures then your structures are lost, what is so bad about that? it is a numbers game tbh deal with it

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> @joneirikb.7506 said:

> I don't agree with the solution presented (basically RI for the Garrison/EBG corner keep while outnumbered).


> But I do think that a "handicap" system could be worth discussing, where being outnumbered or far back in points would give some advantages.


> It is however very difficult to come up with a working handicap system for WvW, because of the constantly changing number of players on each side, and the large difference in each players skill levels. The question if it should be a help to points, fights, other things etc.


> Honestly I think the best way to solve it is actually map design, but that would require a whole new map. (To have a map that gets progressively easier to defend and harder to assault, the further you're pushed back. To the degree that 5 man with siege and supplies could hold back enemy zerg at spawn tower for eternity)


out numbered could spawn ELITE npc in each structure that have aoe skills and will build and use npc exclusive siege

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> @Rangerdeity.5847 said:

> > @joneirikb.7506 said:

> > I don't agree with the solution presented (basically RI for the Garrison/EBG corner keep while outnumbered).

> >

> > But I do think that a "handicap" system could be worth discussing, where being outnumbered or far back in points would give some advantages.

> >

> > It is however very difficult to come up with a working handicap system for WvW, because of the constantly changing number of players on each side, and the large difference in each players skill levels. The question if it should be a help to points, fights, other things etc.

> >

> > Honestly I think the best way to solve it is actually map design, but that would require a whole new map. (To have a map that gets progressively easier to defend and harder to assault, the further you're pushed back. To the degree that 5 man with siege and supplies could hold back enemy zerg at spawn tower for eternity)


> out numbered could spawn ELITE npc in each structure that have aoe skills and will build and use npc exclusive siege


The problem with using the NPC's are two fold:

* They would have to use scaling NPC's in order to avoid 20 people struggling against 15 elite/champions, but 60 to just AoE them down. ANet doesn't have a very good track record on getting those right.

* NPC's are not very exciting to play against in a largely PvP focused play mode. And they are predictable, thus creating a situation where organized group trivialize them, and general pug groups gets demolished by them.


In order to make NPC's work as a balancing factor, I think they first need to work a lot on creating NPC's with AI's and skills that scale. With a good mix of different abilities, including several AOE's probably with increased target limits or just 50 target limit like siege. Condition clearing, boons etc, basically they need to counter the most used strategies in WvW. And scale properly to the number of enemy players. Also make them use siege. This will naturally make large parts of pug zergs scream for nerfs because OP, and the hardcore pvp-focused WvW players will cry that they hate more PVE in their WVW.


And then distribute them somehow. Not entirely certain how to do that in a good manner, one idea would be that if outnumbered, any guards in your "home keep" that respawns, respawns as these "elites". That way you're rewarded for trying to defend and hold out as long as possible, while the "elites" respawn and help causing trouble for the attacker.


All in all, I don't like this idea as a "blanket fix" for entire WvW, I could see it as a mechanic on a single map.

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