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(PvP & WvW) Should out of combat recovery be removed?


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How would it change the game? You don't see this in other games where you recover to full health (and basically get all cooldowns back as a result) after going some arbitrary, randomly decided distance. And that distance was decided upon in at least 2012 when mobility was at least half of what we have now. It's kind of ridiculous if you think about it. Damage would actually matter. Out of combat is the biggest sustain of all.


As a random example, you wouldn't see a ranger run out of combat after being outplayed just so he could "try again" with his burst until he finally lands it. He would have to leave for good until he can recover or get help from an ally.

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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> How would it change the game? You don't see this in other games where you recover to full health (and basically get all cooldowns back as a result) after going some arbitrary, randomly decided distance. And that distance was decided upon in at least 2012 when mobility was at least half of what we have now. It's kind of ridiculous if you think about it. Damage would actually matter. Out of combat is the biggest sustain of all.


The range for OOC should prolly be adjusted some (for WvW at least). Making you not get health back at all would just be tedious af though (having to spam your heal between fights and having more fights decided by random things wouldn't really improve the game)

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I wouldn't mind if breaking combat took a few seconds longer, just all around, and maybe a bit more distance, but complete removal is out of the question.


Your example is a bit limp as a ranger can sustain equally well while in combat if no one is hitting him. He doesn't even need combat break. And neither does warrior. That's actually a part of their tactics against classes that don't have passive health regens. So while you might think this a good idea, it would actually make Soulbeasts even more OP than they already are.

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