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Glider Ideas


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I recently was in WvW when a guildy mentioned a pretty good idea i'd thought i'd share.

Hot Air Balloon Glider skins! or just a balloon it self.

Imagine a charr holding on to a balloon floating along. fun!


Now there are those balloon things (watchtower?) above towers in WvW so the idea is already in game and could be slightly modified into a Hot Air Balloon personal glider.

And balloons exist from scribing and were already in game.


Just two fun ideas. List your own below, who knows maybe they might come into game!

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* **Jumping Animation Glider**

So it feels like my character is jumping on a invincible platform on air

The jumping animation should be like cartoon-ish happy jump while flailing your hand

Also give some effect like the water ripple effect when our feet reach the invincible platform

* **Swimming Animation Glider**

Doing freestyle swimming movement while gliding?

* **Rider Kick Animation Glider**

Doing a kamen rider "rider kick" while glide

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> @Kelly.7019 said:

> Imagine a charr holding on to a balloon floating along. fun!


"I'm just a little black rain cloud, hovering under the honey tree..."


How about a surf board that leaves a wake behind it?

A mini-airship hat-glider, with matching helm, the way back gliders have matching back items.

Low-profile anti-gravity belt, that only gives off a few ley sparks and doesn't interfere with your vision.



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