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Guild membership capacity upgrades

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Hi everyone!


We have been recruiting new guild members recently up to the point when we reached 50 players in our guild roster and further invites become impossible.

So, we figured out that guild membership can be extended by purchasing capacity upgrades from the Guild Registrar NPC (we headed to the lady Beaulieu in LA).

And now our guild is facing a problem - after choosing 'I want to apply for a large guild license.' the NPC say's: "... One moment, while I check your records." and "Hmm, your membership is not large enough. You need more guild members before I can give you a bigger license."

From what I read in [gw2wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild "gw2wiki"): "Initially, each guild is limited to 50 members. You can purchase the following capacity upgrades by speaking to a Guild Registrar in any of the major cities or WvW, only if the guild membership is at least 80% [verification requested] of the current maximum size." At [guild talk](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Guild "guild talk") under topic 'Roster size info incorrect' guys are discussing the issue where they reach a conclusion that the limit might be up to 80%, however it is still unclear if maybe there is a check on guild member activity (column 'Last Online' in guild Roster).

Our guild has 50 members in Roster, 33 of them were seen online less than a week ago. And we are still unable to purchase the upgrade.

What prerequisites do we have to fulfill to be able to extend the guild member capacity?

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starhunter.6015, yes, we have a guild hall unlocked, our guild is lvl 53

Inculpatus cedo.9234 , thank you for suggesting this! we tried to talk to the Registrar in the Guild Initiative Headquarters and the woman still insisted we are too few for an upgrade. Shortly after that, I incidentally discovered that in Rooster tab in guild menu: if you drag the cursor on the text xx/xx Members Online a description pops up:

"Your current guild licence allows up to 100 members."

![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448440374105735168/522149334670901249/unknown.png "")

Now we tried to invite more people and suddenly it worked!!

Thank you so very much!!


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Cronospere.8143, no we didn't have unanswered invites. It wouldn't allow us to invite more people because strangely enough there was this 50 members limit present.

When trying to invite more people the message popped up on screen about the need of extending guild membership licence.

Maybe this was a bug that fixed itself after one of us entered Guild Initiative Headquarters instance, or we missed something out?...

Anyway, it would be really great to know about sufficient requirements for the next guild membership upgrade. So far we only have an empiric hunch from gw2wiki about those 80%.

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