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Mesmer Patch Notes 12/11/18


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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > > > > RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.

> > > > >

> > > > > Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong.

> > > > >

> > > > > I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp)

> > > >

> > > > Yea... so you talk about CONDI mirage. I think we wont see nearly as many, if any, mirages in PVP comps. People brought mirages because of portalplays and now that's nerfed into the ground, why not bring something better like Soulnoobs right? So you got 1 shot by a mirage you say? Was he power or condi? How many power mirages climb the ladder these days? How many power mirages are an actual issue in WvW? Hell I got 1 shot by bound daredevils the other day, also a d/d core thief. Are d/d core thieves viable in PVP because of "1 shot" potential? They hit Power Mirages hard for no good reason at all. But whatever enjoy Soulboon bro.

> > >

> > > Well it depends on the ability of players to play mirage or soulbeast better... if they play mirage better than soulbeast ... there's no point going soulbeast. And portal is still usable even nerfed... it will be more competitive with others utilities (which is a good change imo)

> > >

> > > PLUS : there's still one strong build for the mesmer class in sPvP you said it yourself ... not being the one you want doesn't mean the whole SPEC is RIP. That's why I said you were overreacting and that your affirmation isn't correct.

> >

> > Maybe, in time we'll see. But there was absolutley no reason to punish power mes/chrono/mirage in any game mode. Totally uncalled for. If they wanted to tone down condi mirages who have been the top dogs for along time, they should have just looked into cutting down condi damage/application. You don't go about fixing an overpowered build by nerfing an underwhelming one. For example they could have just removed the confusion on Jaunt, or maybe reduce a stack or 2 of confusion on axe 3 or shed a stack of torment on axe ambush ... something along those lines, now I know Axe got "hit" with some increased cooldowns and - power damage on #3 but that's kinda minor. They really should revert the changes made to Jaunt, Power block and Portal in WvW.


> It always been like this ... it's not easy (almost impossible) to fix a specific build without impacting the others ones that are less popular and / or effective. you can't let the crazy build rampaging just cause there is few other build that are less strong.

> Especially when the main issues are core mechanics of the class.


I hear you, but that's not what they did this time. These guys don't even play their own game. They go onto this forum and read thread titles "Mesmer OP nurf nau" and act on that alone. Like I said, if you want to fix a problem, then fix the problem. You don't go about changing things that have nothing at all to do with the problem. The changes they made in this patch did barely nothing to solve the overwhelming amount of conditions thrown around. All it did was to hit Power mirages mobility, utility and damage (and chronos ofc rip brothers :/).


And to add some serious salt to the wound say crazy shit like "We've also reduced the power of mirages in PvP in order to lower their burst damage. We want mirages to excel in longer combat engagements, but their burst damage was just too high." So what do they do? They go about hitting Power block, Portal and Jaunt in WvW because surely that will fix Carrion/Sage mirages in sPVP. Screw you roamers how dare you enjoy power builds in WvW?! - Anet 2018. Having a great time getting hit with 10-15k Sic Em Soulbeast longbow auto attacks.


Anyways, there have been plenty of constructive posts on these forums with alot of good people coming up with ideas on how to make the Condi Mirage more in line with other builds but like I said these dudes don't play their own game they simply listen to the vocal majority who I suspect don't understand the Mesmer class at all and aren't very objective.



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On the plus side there are a few posters (some who have already posted in this thread) who must be absolutely seething that Power Chrono survived this massacre.


> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Anyway I'll be dabbling in Snowball Mayhem a bit because that's always fun, but otherwise looking forward to playing Fortuna part 2, nyx rework and baruuk in warframe, if they get it out in the next week and a half or so.

That Mesa Prime though.


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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> If you guys are seriously leaving, can I have some stuff you don't need anymore? I know the changes are not favourable in many ways but I experience this on every single class that I've become desensitized to it. I can only try to adapt and accept with each change, and try to not stay sour about it for long. I guess my main draw to this game is all the builds, classes, weapon sets, etc I get to constantly switch to so it's not as bad on my end since I like to change things up frequently. I know the changes are rough, but I think we'll have to see in the next few weeks if any changes will need to be considered. Maybe Anet wanted to spend more time with their families during the holiday so they made this patch as untasty as possible so many don't play for the time being XD *tinfoil*


You can have some of my stuff....like my dirty toilet paper perhaps.

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> I think Chrono Will be a still thing. And mesmers utilities Are still powerfull. Besides Chrono, ONLY rev can give alacrity. Im lookibg forward to some hybrid builds. We Will see. But statemant that Mesmer Is dead Is kinda...you know. True mains Will find a way.


This. Yes, this was a big swing of the nerf bat. But players and metas will evolve with the changes as they always have. Even when X class is "the worst in the game" there are always still people playing them and loving them. It will be no different for mesmers. So please don't make me start singing "Roll with the Changes" because I really don't have the voice for it...

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I understand and agree that changes needed to occur, but the magnitude of the mesmer nerf is akin to throwing out the baby with the bath water. The hits are far more extensive than their skillsets.


Example: Before the mesmer nerf, I paid for 7 superior sigils of concentration x 33 g = 231 g. Now, all 7 are worth 21 g.

They're useless to me because I don't find the chrono build appealing or even necessary anymore. Which is fine, except now I'm out all that time and money.


Consider the time and effort to create/quest for ascendeds/items etc to accomodate my utility/chrono-specific stats. Total waste.

AND, I have to work up even more money to change the stats on my mesmer's ascended light armor to other stats so another class character can use it.


Maybe I'll just do all PvP... bahaha not.

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Instead of fixing the core issue with boon classes, namely that you can't play them reactively due to the UI not giving you any indication of the status of the boons you put out, they do the opposite, make you "refresh" other's boons requiring an even more braindead playstyle of even more blindly doing your rotation (if that was even possible anymore).


For me the issue isn't so much the "nerf" but the fact that the game evolves in entirely the opposite direction of where I'd like them to go: a more skill based, reactive playstyle.

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> On the plus side there are a few posters (some who have already posted in this thread) who must be absolutely seething that Power Chrono survived this massacre.


> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Anyway I'll be dabbling in Snowball Mayhem a bit because that's always fun, but otherwise looking forward to playing Fortuna part 2, nyx rework and baruuk in warframe, if they get it out in the next week and a half or so.

> That Mesa Prime though.



She certainly looks good - credit to the artists for such an awesome design. But man I can't wait for the Nyx rework - will scratch that control fantasy itch better than mesmer in gw2 right now. :)

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Used chrono for fractals only but:

I liked playing support chrono, it was nice to feel helpfull and needed with a fun gameplay imo. I get the idea behind the change but this will be a change that all classes can feel, especially in a pug. I don't know enough about other builds of mesmer but there are still alot of nice utility's mesmer has, maybe mesmer can go more dps and still be a little support, if soi isn't affected by boon duraction? Time will tell.

I gess people will now want a druid in their party instead? I'm not going to gear a druid, because it's just a matter of time before they tackle that too.

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So maybe small summary 2 days after patch? I haven't played for last 2 days, so little help needed.

Wvw Chrono in zerg: deleted?

Wvw power mirage roaming: any reason now to take it?

Pvp power mesmer builds: did they even exist before last patch?

Pvp condi mirage: any changes here?

Pve Chrono in fractals: deleted.

Pve Chrono in raids: deleted.

Pve in general: thank God jp portal is still a thing.

Just one balance patch. How many of these changes were needed? For sure Condi mirage in Pvp nad Wvw. What do we have after changes? Condi mirage (is it a joke?) and jp portal. Gg and hf.

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DedalNort, first I don't know if people consider roaming as only 1vs1 or 1vsX but it is still kinda good, you can't follow people though, most of the time if a target is running away now don't try to chase the target, coz if you do and you get in another combat after you finish "assuming" you won you will be in bad situation, I don't take inspiration traitline, that traitline have no place for power Mesmer in wvw for me as you lose much damage for taking it.


the condi clear was issue before but it got worse now, I myself don't prefer to use the mantra to clear condis "not effective in true fights" and many situations it would just be waste to have. Assuming you use torch you will have 3 condi clear, 2 jaunts and torch 4, I use arcane thievery (I think there is the sigil also) but I don't prefer to use the sigil coz I prefer to have sigil of absorption for some team fights and better to strip some of the damn boon spam that there is in the game in general.


oh and before if a condi thief finds you, you are doomed, now I don't know what word to use, but they can probably kill you with just steal xD

I will not mention when there is combination of condi classes like thief + condi mirage etc but I guess you get the point =p


As for small groups, you will be okay as power mirage, but survival ability got worse ofc, that 3rd jaunt is so needed, but you will still be able to deal massive aoe dmg + boon stripping, if you run with the right class, I prefer holo, they have the same things kinda, massive aoe dmg, mobility and cc which we don't really have, so you as power can strip boons for them and deal dmg and they will cc and make it easier for you to land hits.


The longer the combat gets the worse it is for sure, which is opposite of Arenanet explanation xD


Oh and I don't think I can keep up with the mobility of holo now while we are just running, coz before I use blink and sword ambush and shatter + using their swiftness but after the jaunt change it is not possible I guess, unless you want to keep yourself with no jaunts xD


That is power mirage =D

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RIP Chronomancer boonsharing for Fractals and RAIDs.


Thank you ANet for ruining the holidays, and my enthusiasm for the game as a 6 year veteran. After all the investment in building and maturing the chrono class and abilities, creating compliment groups to challenge the highest levels aspects of the game, and building legendaries to compliment the class, you just nullified the Chrono's usefulness in group compliments in one fell swoop. Nice job.


Let's give a mighty "whoorah!" for the whiners that won out with all their "boo hoo, unfair" reports.


I echo the sentiments above... "Good job deleting a class ANet. Keep up the quality balance work!"

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  • 1 year later...

Aren’t we doing something that was unintended? We build characters to feel like the trinity arch-types. Gw isn’t a game to play like that, yet the benefits of certain classes make it feel that way. I’m confused sometimes what we as community are doing and want to strife for, while like the game isn’t intended to do so. It has evolved into a state of chaos somehow rather than joy. The joy of a class which should be playable in circumstances, which they aren’t in every environment.. is it just me or did the creation of chrono and druid totally mess up the perspectives and direction of the game?

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> @"Heartsfield.2684" said:

> Aren’t we doing something that was unintended? We build characters to feel like the trinity arch-types. Gw isn’t a game to play like that, yet the benefits of certain classes make it feel that way. I’m confused sometimes what we as community are doing and want to strife for, while like the game isn’t intended to do so. It has evolved into a state of chaos somehow rather than joy. The joy of a class which should be playable in circumstances, which they aren’t in every environment.. is it just me or did the creation of chrono and druid totally mess up the perspectives and direction of the game?


Why did you necro this thread? It is from 1-2 years ago.

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