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Recipes for Superior Sigil of Mischief and Superior Rune of Snowfall [Resolved]


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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> Honestly I just wish they just could remove the 50 Superior Sigil of Mischief and Superior Rune of Snowfall instead, how difficult is that. Why did not they just remove rune and sigil instead? Personally I would have eliminated both 50 runes and sigil instead of adding recipes.


> I waited for the price to go down, but now 50 Superior Sigil of Mischief costs 507g and 50 Superior Rune of Snowfall costs 339g. : /


Because that's the carrot to use the TP and hope you either waste your in game gold in large qty or buy gems to convert.

The cost is obscene.. the imbiber used to be the biggest time sync and cost around 200gold to complete (still does) to get you on your way with Winters Presence. Now you still have the drinks to slug down but with the added twist of either praying RNG shines down on your endless amounts of salvaging or you pump around 850gold to complete your Essences of Snowfall and Mischief.

That is not way less than previous it is at best the same.. but what ILC and others forget is players have already spent a year, two years + to get to the position of being confident of completing the WP this time round having steadily stashed sigils and runes, drunk their drinks.. only to now find they have to either buy new materials or start hoarding them again long term.

It is an obscene way to push players to the TP in order to complete another piece of content.

TBH I have been a Guild Wars player since early GW1 and the last 6 months or so has just seen ANET kill the fun aspect for me and my guild to the point we had a discussion last night, which means our time in Tyria is coming to an end. GW2 to us has lost its way, turned back on its pledges and become just another typical F2P cashcow full of endless grinds and mind numbing farms, which can only keep players interested for so long before they grow tired of it all.. for me and mine that point has now been reached unfortunately.

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> That is not way less than previous it is at best the same.. but what ILC and others forget is players have already spent a year, two years + to get to the position of being confident of completing the WP this time round having steadily stashed sigils and runes, drunk their drinks.. only to now find they have to either buy new materials or start hoarding them again long term.

I didn't forget it at all. I was in the same boat. I just waited for mid-year and purchased my sigils and runes at a discount compared to the December before.


Again, it's a premium skin, and always intended to be a major investment in time and gold.


> just another typical F2P cashcow

I don't see how this is in any way an example of F2P "cashcow" behavior; everything can be earned in game.


> full of endless grinds

This criticism has even less foundation: the game has always included some amount of grind. It just happens to be for relatively meaningless things like fashion and achievement points. The Carnival Weapons from Ember Bay, the various sets of HoT weapon sets, the Silverwastes armor sets ... all of these cost some gold and a lot of grind. (I don't think it's great that they do; I just mean that it's a consistent feature of the game and not something new with sigils of mischief).



I really have nothing against the suggestion that ANet lower some of the crafting costs on some of the upgrades. I am against justifying it on the basis of there be something inherently wrong with the existing costs. I'd rather have seen ANet make use of some of the things that don't have major sinks, such as silver ore, gold ore, "lesser" lodestones, and so on.

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