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Shackling Wave change in PvE completely ruins the rotational flow of Power Herald


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It now feels like I'm casting Gravedigger and you guys didn't even bother to buff its damage in PvE to follow the massive increase in activation time.


Did you guys bother to playtest this? Any marginal buff you offered via shiro's true nature you completely undermined with this change.


It's not just a numbers nerf, it downright worsened the playstyle experience of the power herald spec in PvE as you're now far more suceptible to interruptions from dodging mechanics in your rotation.


Awful change, I don't know how you could make power herald worse but you just did.



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Just got on, clicked that 4, and man oh man. I normally don't comment on changes, but my god it feels bad. Can send an email, take a nap, and have a cup of tea before the skill casts. Could nothing else have been done?


I already have my rev mostly parked in a spot for material collection purposes. This just added a fairly annoying reason to keep em there.

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