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A sincere thank you for this patch

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I was thoroughly impressed by this patch. They finally removed the automatically triggered punish/reflect CC traits. I remember an old post after the HOT expansion describing how obsurd these traits were.


A Revenant CCs a Mesmer. The Mesmer’s trait stun-breaks and reflects the CC. The Revenant’s trait stun-breaks and taunts the Mesmer. All of this with no player interaction.


These traits were even worse in WvW since a well placed CC will usually trigger these traits on several players. It may be possible to use static fields with a glass Elementalist again without having to worry about how many stacks of Stability you have!


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > I guess sarcastic no one with the right mind would say that otherwise . They obliterated the meta in wvw and pve with a single patch with no replacement


> A meta exists because one build is better than another. So if they obliterated the meta in WvW and PvE with no replacement then logically that means that no build is better than any other build and they’ve reached perfect parity on all builds.


Wich is what they wanted

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > I guess sarcastic no one with the right mind would say that otherwise . They obliterated the meta in wvw and pve with a single patch with no replacement

> >

> > A meta exists because one build is better than another. So if they obliterated the meta in WvW and PvE with no replacement then logically that means that no build is better than any other build and they’ve reached perfect parity on all builds.


> Wich is what they wanted


Uh....at worse, another meta will take its place.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > Chronos became the core of any PvE endcontent group

> >

> > I think that's the point though, no? I don't have any position on this issue, but I've certainly seen many a complaint thread about Chrono being irreplaceable for certain content. I would think players would welcome the plan to break that dependency on a single elite spec.

> >

> >


> If you mitigate the point between chronos and other support specs like rev yes but this is more like deleting.

> Also the timing is really bad Anet forced to change the equipment and spent a lot of gold with the last patch and now this

> On top of this with the changes other builts are forced into the meta like Tempest and Firebrand to do the jobs which result in less optional slots in the group design with result in the average case in lower dps . Which means I can't drag some through the raid(possible from my gilde) or at least it become harder same goes for fractals.


> Same goes also for the completion in general for fractals and raids also it becomes harder to find all the needed player/classes.


I agree. To me this almost seems like Balance Patch 1 of 2 - they reduced support capabilities for certain professions, but didn't really increase support options for others to compensate.


Did T4s fine last night, but the Chrono who joined was very hesitant, and tried to explain that he wasn't sure what his performance would be. I'll say this, for the first time in forever someone beside the Mesmer had to deal with the reactor room in Thaumanova, since triple-blink apparently is no longer possible. We had our Druid do it.



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Did T4s fine last night, but the Chrono who joined was very hesitant, and tried to explain that he wasn't sure what his performance would be. I'll say this, for the first time in forever someone beside the Mesmer had to deal with the reactor room in Thaumanova, since triple-blink apparently is no longer possible. We had our Druid do it.


Crazy idea: ever tried the cooling rods?


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I am not going to side with its a good or bad patch right now because with 31 toons it will take a while to check them all. In general I like skill updates because to me it refreshens the game and gives me new theories to craft and builds to consider which I enjoy. But I do understand the other side and have seen many people leave the game because they feel all the time they spent building and gearing up a toon is now thrown out because of a re-balance. There is no way that a new elite will be balanced when released because we have too many variables in place. But ANet and the player base should put some thought into how can that impact of a change be lightened on less alt-o-holic players that only have time for a few toons and they spent what they consider vast time on. Again I like skill changes, but I don't like to lose players due to it either. Good gaming.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Did T4s fine last night, but the Chrono who joined was very hesitant, and tried to explain that he wasn't sure what his performance would be. I'll say this, for the first time in forever someone beside the Mesmer had to deal with the reactor room in Thaumanova, since triple-blink apparently is no longer possible. We had our Druid do it.


> Crazy idea: ever tried the cooling rods?



PSSH. Do the instance that the way it was designed? That's for peasants and dredge lovers..

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> Crazy idea: ever tried the cooling rods?


Yes, that's what my guild and I do, after I taught them how to do it, but the thing is, meta requires simply doing that super quick without the rods so that you waste less time. If you use at least one rod, which is what I do, you still have to wait for your heals to get off CD in the middle to be able to make it to the end. Great for us as we're not exactly in a rush, but the meta demands it.


I get where they are coming from. I hate the meta, except when it comes to Boonshare since that really, REALLY is vital to certain end-game content. Oh well...nothing we can do about it now. No amount of screaming at Anet will change their minds about it now.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

>thing is, meta requires simply doing that super quick without the rods so that you waste less time [...] but the meta demands it.


I don't understand. I usually form an LFG about 15mins before reset, get T4s and Recs done, and am sorting through loot about an hour later, all without doing anything different or special - we just skip what we can when we can.


Some groups decide to fight every mob in Molten Boss, while other groups will run past the first few waves.

Some groups will dive into the lava right after the 1st Shaman fight on Volcanic and /gg, while others will take a few minutes more to run around through the tunnels.

Some groups will run down every corridor on Cliffside while other groups will use Mesmer portals.


If you want to take more time to do the exact same thing I'm doing for no additional benefit, it's a free country, so by all means; but to hint that being more efficient with your time as being somehow wrong is illogical. Because while other groups are still in a fractal trying to complete the daily, I've had the time to finish Daily Completionist for my gold/shards, and am likely in the middle of crafting cooldowns. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Your wants come as the high cost of class diversity in though game types. ***I hope your ready to see 2-3 class comps in spvp and wvw*** because that is where patches like this lead to.


Iirc you have noted in the WvW forum for months that only FB, and scourge was needed. With the occasional revenent thrown in for good measure and a rare warrior.


Based on this and your previous posts, adding a 3rd prevalent class would be a step up.

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Not weighing in on the pve balance issues. That will sort its self out.


From a WvW perspective though... yeah FB and Scourge were already way over represented there and now basically any competitive build got deleted from the mode.


I know, no one players WvW but TC, hopefully you will be just as overjoyed when the next balance patch addresses Firebrands over representation in WvW.


On a side note, its funny how people are celebrating chronos demise when a 4-8 chrono + druid+warrior squad might be competing for meta atm.


Remember how SoI now doesn't need boon duration? (yeah I know, most of you read it as it doesn't benefit from bd, works both ways funny enough). 4 mesmer dps (power chrono or condi mirage) is all it takes to make ANY boon setup permanent while pulling competitive damage. Let's see how things work out.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Your wants come as the high cost of class diversity in though game types. ***I hope your ready to see 2-3 class comps in spvp and wvw*** because that is where patches like this lead to.


> Iirc you have noted in the WvW forum for months that only FB, and scourge was needed. With the occasional revenent thrown in for good measure and a rare warrior.


> Based on this and your previous posts, adding a 3rd prevalent class would be a step up.


That did make me laughter but i was only able to talk about so much with giving up guild things. Rev will cover scraper roll now for super speed and the other class FB and scorge will be every thing else because they have every thing now. Its not good for the game and its not good for balancing.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Bye druid meta bye chrono meta hello renegade firebrand meta . I guess chrono player are sad but firebrand and renegade players overjoyed to be meta at last


keep dreaming,hf getting kicked from groups when you mention support renegade or support firebrand :) also you wont be so happy when you start complaining "muh boon uptime i cant dee p es support cant keep up boons"

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > Bye druid meta bye chrono meta hello renegade firebrand meta . I guess chrono player are sad but firebrand and renegade players overjoyed to be meta at last


> keep dreaming,hf getting kicked from groups when you mention support renegade or support firebrand :) also you wont be so happy when you start complaining "muh boon uptime i cant dee p es support cant keep up boons"


I dont play either

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