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Tetherbreaker: Ha, what a joke! Use THIS instead [Build]

The V.8759

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I looked at this build on metabattle, and thought to myself: I can do this better! So here I am.


BOOM: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS4enEdAt6iVhAOeAM7iFiAzIA8B7ZKfhp3WAPIfkfyA-jJhIAB+fRAmvMwY7PAwTAAA


Why would this be better? Simple: A bit less damage, but a ton more sustain and CC. How all this? Simple: Rune of the Aristocracy! 5 stacks of might on a one second cooldown when you apply weakness. And with this build, you apply weakness constantly. Making your enemies less dangerous to you, and you healing even more! Aside from that, you gain cc like crazy!

Still not tanky enough for you? BOOM: slap a paladin's amulet on there!


Am I wasting the stats of the rune with condition damage? I don't care, still get might duration and much more healing.


PS. some sigils etc might be more beneficial

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Or you could still use greatsword as Mobility is a key strength of Tetherbreaker and use Rune of the Fighter so that you can boost Mending up to a 7.1k heal. Also you're sacrificing team utility for personal utility when fighting on a point. Winds can be a helpful addition to help push the enemy off of a capture point so its not a terrible swap with Rampage, but Rampage allows you to contest a point or supplement your team with more CC while you have pulsing Stability. Also keep in mind Shake it Off is a helpful tool so that your allies don't get condi bombed off a point along with you.


Also sword is used over Dagger because of the longer distance leap and Dagger hits like a wet noodle where as sword damage is actually not terrible, especially Final Thrust with all that might and attacker's insight you're stacking.

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Dagger is used because of leap and boonstrip on F1, and because of the interrupt on 3. Auto also does very respectable damage, and Dagger 2 is a slow. It actually provides more mobility because you can chain Dagger 2 and F1 for dual leaps. It's superior to sword in every possible way unless you are playing with a teammate and specifically need to keep someone rooted for a big spike. Because of your incredibly low weapon switch cooldown with discipline you normally swap to greatsword for spike damage in form of Arcing Slice -> Full Counter -> Arcing Slice (just over 1s with Quickness up). It has much less telegraph and hits *everybody* instead of just one target, so it's useful both in a team fights and when dueling, and has better range to boot.


There is just no reason to ever use a sword in sPvP. Just because it can be done doesn't mean it can't be done better with dagger/GS.

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Dagger *used to* do respectable damage, it got nerfed a while ago remember. The interrupt on 3 and the leaps are helpful, I wouldn't dispute that but sword 2 has the same cooldown as Dagger 2 and double the range without needing to chain in your Dagger burst with it to cover the same distance or slightly more. Dagger is still around in the meta because of its utility and its still definitely used for that purpose, running sword still provides more damage than dagger while still maintaining some of the utility from spellbreaker with more mobility but functions more as a duelist that can still join in on team fights and help with FC and Shake It Off.


Right now tetherbreaker is just performing slightly better than the standard Spellbreaker build in sPvP but both are still strong just for slightly different reasons. I.E tetherbreaker has better burst and "daggerbreaker" can 1vX contest better.

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The real utility of Tetherbreaker IMO is the stamina regen you get from Might Makes Right, and the healing really helps as well. You need to be good at dodging, but you flat out have the best stamina regen going for you in a duel, plus your dodges do very respectable damage. I take Strength instead of Defense generally. It's a more hit-and-run playstyle, but it has surprising amounts of staying power and massive burst.


That said, in an actual sPvP fight, you almost never have time to actually land Sword autos and all sword moves are incredibly telegraphed. Either you will get a dodge, or simply get blinded. At plat level I find it extremely hard to actually land Sword attacks. Whereas dagger is so quick (and has an on-demand interrupt/stun) that it's great both at finishing wounded people off as well as getting in a great deal of damage rapidly wherever you can, even under pressure. It also has incredible utility at completely turning fights around, like baiting someone to chase after you at low health, hitting them with Dagger 3 in the middle of their charge, and then using your greatsword burst combo (Arc -> FC -> Arc) to instantly kill them when they stunbreak and press attack. I can literally farm or tilt the enemy team with this alone, and this is not something Sword can even try to provide, because for all its mobility sword offers only pressure, and no counterplay.


I will say that sword/GS combo is better at chasing down many kiters in general because you can get a considerable amount of extra range on your sword leap from weapon switching and it can really surprise people, plus not all of them know how to handle suddenly getting rooted. But you still won't be able to finish off anybody competent. It works better with a really bursty teammate, but chasing after a kiter with two people will more or less guarantee that you completely lose map control, so it's not a playstyle I can recommend.


I am sure it's different in WvW, but frankly in WvW you can find people that will just blindly walk into Hundred Blades and sit there, so...

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The reason why I went for dagger is that it compliments thus build much better than sword.


1. It gives another CC. This in its terms, gives you 5 stacks of might, thus healing.

2. It strips boons. Since this build is CC heavy, you NEED to strip enemies from stability.

3. The movement is still rather high, allthough not as high as with sword.


It just fits much better in the picture of applying weakness and CC!


I would even go as far to say this build is better in teamfighting than tetherbreaker. Yes you dont have the shout and less burst (allthough you can just slap the shout in there), you do offer much more AoE CC that actually hits due to boonstripping. This is much more valuable than burst

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While you provide some extra CC, you really provide very little damage with d/s+Hammer. Tetherbreaker isn't strictly a team fight or strictly a 1v1er. Its mobility and burst allows it to picks its fights very quickly.


This build basically just does all of those things worse or marginally better when it comes to CC, but also far worse mobility and damage.

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