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While I am excited for Wintersday (it is my first) I have to ask

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What is the best method to money make here (in the public sense, I know the people who will make 1k gold a day off this event won't share)? Is it like Halloween where I just sell boxes until they go below 5s (current price is 8s to buy, 8-5=3 and 3 is 37.5% of 8 which I want to GUESS is the sales/buy tax)? Are any of the consumables or recipes worth the time to try and market out? So far I'm piling boxes up to 250 stacks then selling them.



On the fun note (money aside): What are some of the cool things to get besides Winter Presence (which I am wiki completing as I ask this)? Halloween had some hidden goodies like the Ghastly Grinning Shield, does Wintersday?


Thanks for your time and sorry for taking it if you answer.

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The candy canes and doing the daily present handout to children reward you with some of the better karma boosts. I use them all year in karma runs. Also the temporary harvesting tools add 60-70 copper to every swing by selling the snowflakes if you stock up on them. I haven't checked if they're avail this year though.

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Wintersday is often a good opportunity to make a lot of gold, even if you're a casual player. I can usually manage about 100-200g during the festival and that's playing an hour or two a day and missing almost 2 weeks because I'm away. (And then I spend it all in about 3 minutes.)


The basic idea is to farm karma by getting whatever boosts you can (as mentioned the candy canes and orphans give boosts) then doing whatever activity you find best/easiest/quickest - usually the jumping puzzle or bell choir. Then use the karma at the festival merchant to buy presents and sell them.


As a general rule containers are worth more than the items you get from them - because the price of the container is pushed up by the rare items but you're highly unlikely to get them. So it's generally better to sell them and use the gold to buy the drops you want, but if you prefer to open them you can do. There seems to be less of a difference between the price of wintersday gifts and the price of the contents (mainly thanks to the drinks, which are needed in large numbers for Winters Presence) but I haven't worked out the actual numbers.


Finally if you want to buy any festival drops I recommend waiting until near the end, because the price will go down as more of them enter the game through the festival.


> @"Muusic.2967" said:

> The candy canes and doing the daily present handout to children reward you with some of the better karma boosts. I use them all year in karma runs. Also the temporary harvesting tools add 60-70 copper to every swing by selling the snowflakes if you stock up on them. I haven't checked if they're avail this year though.


They are available this year, but they may not be the best way to make extra gold through gathering now glyphs are available - it might be better to use a normal tool with a glyph that adds extra drops. But I've not done the math to work out which is best.

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The best method is to use your credit card, the rewards just arn't worth the grind IMO. I'm guessing the content is for the .19% that pay over 40% of their profit. I already know I'll get flamed for telling the truth here but at least you know.

I logged in just to check out Wintersday, there is nothing I find enjoyable about it due to lack of rewards, I'm already sitting on gold with nothing to buy,logged right back out to go play Fallout 4 with Mods.

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> @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> On the fun note (money aside): What are some of the cool things to get besides Winter Presence (which I am wiki completing as I ask this)? Halloween had some hidden goodies like the Ghastly Grinning Shield, does Wintersday?


There are a couple of things that come in mind:

- Foostivoo the Merry is a cute quaggan-mini with a very unique bonus (requires ingame sound on).

- Enchanted Snowball and the colored versions. While the transformation itself is not much of a big deal, it is very funny and people often pull it out when larger groups wait. It is also funny to use in Thermal Tubes, on Jumping Mushrooms or while gliding.

Note: With a few guildies, we sometimes visit Ember bay and transform into those snowballs. Two guys go inside a skulls eye-holes, one into the nose and the 4th takes pictures. It is fun XD.

- Mini Gift Skritt and the Mini Charitable Gift Skritt are also pretty nice Wintersday minis.

- Toy Weapons Collection is also a quick collection to access a unique mini-skritt.


But wintersday is more than just rewards. It is an awesome time-period every year. You can do activities with your friends, guildmembers or strangers and have fun. The atmosphere in the game is unique and imho the community as a whole cheers up. There are of course many people out there who plan to make a fortune with the event. You can meet some of those in the JP Winter Wonderland. With every day the farmers become more accurate with their jumps and use more and more shortcuts. If you feel skilled enough, you can challenge them into a race.


However, do not focus too much on objectives. Do what you enjoy.

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