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Scribe, Commander, and Strategist looking for WvW/PvX guild


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Well, hello there. GOAT is a 100% WvW guild which runs almost everyday looking for carnage, loot and boosting the ppt, from early to late NA time (something like 5pm to midnight for squads or whenever we damn please for small party roaming). We have a bunch of veterans and new folks, we try to play silly and fun while also being serious in the battlefield. We do our best to coordinate with the other guilds looking for the best to our server, and have pretty good relations with everybody there. We are located in Yaks Bend and can totally help you get. You would be more than welcome!


You can check more info about us in our recruitment post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/692/na-wvw-yaks-bend-goat-multi-gaming-community-seeking-pliable-nutrients/p1


Or join our discord: https://discord.gg/y7vbNSr

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