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Newish player, question about hardware performance

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Been playing a lot the past few months. When I started I had everything on high settings and all was good. Once I leveled a couple 80s and actually started joining groups of 40+, my fps was dropping to the 30s and 20s at times. Lowered pretty much all settings to medium and still can dip pretty low in big groups.


Read a lot of threads and see so many different answers. Some people that have rigs older than mine are saying they play the game fine on high settings all the time. Sometimes I see people with better hardware saying the game runs worse. I guess my question is what is normal performance to expect? Is playing with 20 or 30fps acceptable for this game? Do most people play with lower settings?


I7 8700

16gb ram


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30 is pretty darn good! I have a decent rig (though over four years old -- the sparkling new comp is due on Tuesday, woo), and I run on high settings. But in dense, effect-filled zergs I can go down to single digits. 30 is enough to see everything running smoothly. I'm hoping to never dip below 30 once I'm on the new machine but I certainly won't consider 30 *low*.


I have heard that GW2's engine has something to do with choking the fps, or if not the engine, something about the setup that uses a choke point in any system. I'm no techie, though.

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Lowering model count/quality helps a lot with controlling consistency in large groups. But, GW2 maps are also very inconsistent with regard to scene complexity, so frame drops are unavoidable. If you can maintain a **minimum** fps of ~30, that's considered fairly good for this game. The average will depend more on your hardware. On my system I can get anywhere from 20 to 80 fps depending on where I am.


Note also that Anet applied a different performance profile for PoF that appears to make heavier use of the GPU, but without really improving utilization on the CPU side.

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