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My Soulbeast Build


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This is a build I have been playing with for a but and I think it should be doing more damage than it is. Survivability is not an issue at all but the damage is just not where I think it should be with the stats I have. Any help would be great, please keep in mind I do not want to lose the gear in any way. Well until I collect the 17500 volatile magic 300 inscriptions 100 laurels and 50 ecto for plaquedocs gear.



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Is this for PvE or WvW; Objective in mind when you're making the build? (Eg. Power or Condi?)

As for the question why there's no dmg - the setup is too spread out. You're using weapons which favors power but you're leaning more to survival and condi's trait and gears. Will need more direction/info before going futher (traits and gears). Try getting Vipers instead of Plague Docs stats if youre planning to go condi damage.

(i) easier and cheaper alternative.

(ii) more impact on damage compared to W.Doc (healing is a low priority for SB)

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In Wilderness Survival I would switch out Empathic Bond with Poison Master. In Nature Magic I would switch out Allies' Aid with Bountiful Hunter and Nature's Vengeance with Protective Ward. In Soulbeast I would switch out Leader of the Pack with Oppresive Superiority. Empathic Bond is really junk now, it's not worth taking. Other than that it looks fine.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Is this for PvE or WvW; Objective in mind when you're making the build? (Eg. Power or Condi?)

> As for the question why there's no dmg - the setup is too spread out. You're using weapons which favors power but you're leaning more to survival and condi's trait and gears. Will need more direction/info before going futher (traits and gears). Try getting Vipers instead of Plague Docs stats if youre planning to go condi damage.

> (i) easier and cheaper alternative.

> (ii) more impact on damage compared to W.Doc (healing is a low priority for SB)



The main this for this build is boon supplying and stance sharing, This is for all types as I do not switch out gear for WvW or PvP, I use it in high level fractals. I know about vipers and I find vipers is to squishy it goes along with zerkers assassins, and anything that is meta. Meta is nothing more than ppl looking for the highest numbers possible and not caring about anything else like survivability.


PlaqueDocs will give me the HP, and the concentration to keep protection up 100% this will allow for me to have reduced damage from condis and physical damage. the condi damage will be the burst type and not sustained like I would have it on a necro. it will also give me the healing that I can switch over to bear stance or healing spring to blast heal with warhorn and cleansing bolts with whirling defence


here is the idea once I have PD gear and weapons











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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> In Wilderness Survival I would switch out Empathic Bond with Poison Master. In Nature Magic I would switch out Allies' Aid with Bountiful Hunter and Nature's Vengeance with Protective Ward. In Soulbeast I would switch out Leader of the Pack with Oppresive Superiority. Empathic Bond is really junk now, it's not worth taking. Other than that it looks fine.


Thanks for the input I would agree with some of these but since this is a boon and stance sharing build I have to have leader of the pack, the Empathic bond im questioning on the fence with it but I get what you are saying but still 50% less duration is nothing to sneeze/ Aid allies is again a fence line and seach and rescue is very good for brining up players who are downed.

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The problem with Boonsharing for Soulbeast is that there are better classes out there that will outperform that role. I wouldn't focus on that for Soulbeast if I were you. Instead try to focus more on your ability to do as much damage as you can. If you really want to play a Boonshare role I would switch to Guardian or Mesmer. Those classes are far more superior than Soulbeast.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > Is this for PvE or WvW; Objective in mind when you're making the build? (Eg. Power or Condi?)

> > As for the question why there's no dmg - the setup is too spread out. You're using weapons which favors power but you're leaning more to survival and condi's trait and gears. Will need more direction/info before going futher (traits and gears). Try getting Vipers instead of Plague Docs stats if youre planning to go condi damage.

> > (i) easier and cheaper alternative.

> > (ii) more impact on damage compared to W.Doc (healing is a low priority for SB)



> The main this for this build is boon supplying and stance sharing, This is for all types as I do not switch out gear for WvW or PvP, I use it in high level fractals. I know about vipers and I find vipers is to squishy it goes along with zerkers assassins, and anything that is meta. Meta is nothing more than ppl looking for the highest numbers possible and not caring about anything else like survivability.


> PlaqueDocs will give me the HP, and the concentration to keep protection up 100% this will allow for me to have reduced damage from condis and physical damage. the condi damage will be the burst type and not sustained like I would have it on a necro. it will also give me the healing that I can switch over to bear stance or healing spring to blast heal with warhorn and cleansing bolts with whirling defence


> here is the idea once I have PD gear and weapons


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBMhd+0JjKQHvYDvgtgALvYhSwyzt92irzjryd5aCANuc2J2eJtA-jRxOQBEV5HQ1PIU1fKqSQAs/AA-e


Just some ideas. Weapon wise its best to go shortbow/axe+warhorn for PD's condi as power weapon's damage will be negligible. Shortbow for cripple and stun, axe over sword(practically obsolete here) to go with warhorn. Consider using Iboga as pet for un/merged, pulling foes and dropping confusion puddles etc.


Dropping Nature's Vengeance seems right, since won't be utilizing spirits. Consider dropping Wilderness Survival for Skirmishing(for Spotter and Light on Your Feet). Taste of Danger is not practical for this; firstly, already overstacking vit which will probably amount to 7% ish worth of expertise(0.5second of condi if you're lucky) and the rest are just 'meh', as you discovered already the build doesn't contribute much to damage.


As oOStaticOo.9467 said above. A druid or other classes will and can do better with boon's sharing. Stance share is unique but not worth investing with fixed duration and allies only benefit a small portion of it.

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With the new balance patch, Mesmer guardian Elle are not longer your on stop shops,for boon sharing. With PD armour my condi will be high as a burst not sustained but bust. The Iboga for confusion is not a bad idea. Yes, the stance sharing maybe a short period of time but with quickness and a Mesmer expanding the time of all active boons on you, the extra damage from one wolf pack will add up quickly. Providing perma protection, regen, and possibly fury these are three very useful and powerful boons. Yes others can provide them but if they do not have to they can focus on other things. Like DPS and what not.

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Fb & druid looks promising and above the rest atm. Chrono still sorting it out and have yet to met any warhorn tempest to make a comparison.


Just things to note for this build. Soulbeast stance can't be extended aside from Leader of the Pack trait. If a party already consist of a boon healer/chrono, having a 2nd/3rd support is undesirable. A dps SB provides dps with stance share. Hence, might face difficulties going with self survival with stance share.

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Actually, from me trying the similar style( but power based), you can still survive quite well. Just need to swap some utilities to stances, and eventually bear stance as heal/condi clear. I think soulbeast is one weapon away from being meta zerg viable. Now you're limited to pew pew/GS burst which are both situational.

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The pew pew and GS burst being so situational is why I have looked to the condi and going PD gear. It also gives me high survivability and boon duration. Since zerker gear is trash at best for my play style I need something that is a lot more tanky and will stay alive. Yes you are reading that right zerker gear is trash garbage and not any fun so do not suggest it as it will find its way into the trash bin. The gear I have now is ok it is nothing fantastic and I think if I was to go power based I would use it over zerker gear.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > Is this for PvE or WvW; Objective in mind when you're making the build? (Eg. Power or Condi?)

> > As for the question why there's no dmg - the setup is too spread out. You're using weapons which favors power but you're leaning more to survival and condi's trait and gears. Will need more direction/info before going futher (traits and gears). Try getting Vipers instead of Plague Docs stats if youre planning to go condi damage.

> > (i) easier and cheaper alternative.

> > (ii) more impact on damage compared to W.Doc (healing is a low priority for SB)



> The main this for this build is boon supplying and stance sharing, This is for all types as I do not switch out gear for WvW or PvP, I use it in high level fractals. I know about vipers and I find vipers is to squishy it goes along with zerkers assassins, and anything that is meta. Meta is nothing more than ppl looking for the highest numbers possible and not caring about anything else like survivability.


> PlaqueDocs will give me the HP, and the concentration to keep protection up 100% this will allow for me to have reduced damage from condis and physical damage. the condi damage will be the burst type and not sustained like I would have it on a necro. it will also give me the healing that I can switch over to bear stance or healing spring to blast heal with warhorn and cleansing bolts with whirling defence


> here is the idea once I have PD gear and weapons


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBMhd+0JjKQHvYDvgtgALvYhSwyzt92irzjryd5aCANuc2J2eJtA-jRxOQBEV5HQ1PIU1fKqSQAs/AA-e










Is there a reason why you are using POWER weapons on a condition build? In your OP you mentioned not doing enough damage, and with those weapons equipped for this new build you'll be hitting for next to nothing... If you want a plague doctor gear build then use Shortbow and Dagger/Torch.



I feel you would benefit from look at Metabattle for builds... http://metabattle.com/wiki/Ranger


Edit- And as a general rule... If you want to be a condi/buffer/healer then go Druid. Soulbeast for condi or power damage. Yes, you can deviate some here and there, but don't try to reinvent the wheel or you will be really unhappy.

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I will say this plain and clear META is a joke period it is just a bunch of ppl sitting around figuring out the highest numbers they are not taking survivability into account. There are so many videos from high level players that can walk you through why META is not the best but in a short version there is no best build there is just best at.


I have kept the marshals gear and went with pack runes im not as tanky but I do, more damage over all


I have gone GS (which I hate) and axe axe which I love my axe bursts whirling defence is doing 30K damage so that is better

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> I will say this plain and clear META is a joke period it is just a bunch of ppl sitting around figuring out the highest numbers they are not taking survivability into account. There are so many videos from high level players that can walk you through why META is not the best but in a short version there is no best build there is just best at.


> I have kept the marshals gear and went with pack runes im not as tanky but I do, more damage over all


> I have gone GS (which I hate) and axe axe which I love my axe bursts whirling defence is doing 30K damage so that is better


I understand what you are trying to say, HOWEVER, the devs designed skills and elites to accomplish different things. Some things go hand and hand by game design, and some don't...


Trust me when I say that I experiment with builds... I have 6 rangers and 1 of every profession geared out... And I have almost 500 pieces of ascended gear AND 1 ranger with every legendary piece of equipment that it can use...

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I too have one of every class, but I play just three mostly Ranger, Elle and Necro. All other classes are garbage to me with Thief, Mesmer and Rev as the top garbage classes. Yes they all have their uses but to me they are garbage. Until i collect all the magic i need and all the scrips i need to get the PD gear I will be sticking with marshals gear. I am not as tanky in this gear but do more damage


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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> I will say this plain and clear META is a joke period it is just a bunch of ppl sitting around figuring out the highest numbers they are not taking survivability into account. There are so many videos from high level players that can walk you through why META is not the best but in a short version there is no best build there is just best at.


Fully agree with you there in principle. Most top players (not saying I am one) would agree with you too and change their meta build based on fights/pvp matchups.


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> The main this for this build is boon supplying and stance sharing, This is for all types as I do not switch out gear for WvW or PvP, I use it in high level fractals. I know about vipers and I find vipers is to squishy it goes along with zerkers assassins, and anything that is meta. Meta is nothing more than ppl looking for the highest numbers possible and not caring about anything else like survivability.


You don't want to mess with swapping builds/gear all the time, I can get that. You want your own build, fine. I'm going to call you out for saying meta is best at X, trashing meta builds while using a single build/gear set that is best at nothing in all game modes. That is BS. Don't trash meta just because you cant handle swapping stuff around a lot.

Meta/rant aside:

> PlaqueDocs will give me the HP, and the concentration to keep protection up 100% this will allow for me to have reduced damage from condis and physical damage. the condi damage will be the burst type and not sustained like I would have it on a necro. it will also give me the healing that I can switch over to bear stance or healing spring to blast heal with warhorn and cleansing bolts with whirling defence


> here is the idea once I have PD gear and weapons


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBMhd+0JjKQHvYDvgtgALvYhSwyzt92irzjryd5aCANuc2J2eJtA-jRxOQBEV5HQ1PIU1fKqSQAs/AA-e



If you are dead set on using plague doctor gear, WS/NM/SB and a war horn, I would seriously consider using Dagger/Wh + Axe/Torch for weapons. Sword and offhand axe are power weapons (especially if you don't have combo fields for axe 5). This is especially exacerbated by not having power from viper gear and won't work once you swap away from marshal to a pure condi set. OWP and Bountiful hunter also don't do much for you with full plague doctor.


I would also seriously consider either Rune of Aristocracy (if you grab some trailblazer gear which I highly recommend) or Rune of the Tempest (full plague doctor).



While merged with your pet, axe 3 applies weakness to proc the runes. Protective ward also applies weakness. Runes of aristocracy give 5 stacks of might every time you apply weakness. You will do ok damage with high might, some condi duration and condi weapons. You don't need 100% protection duration to have 100% protection uptime. Protective ward is 6 out of 15 seconds purely on a passive, dodging gives you 3. Protect me is 6/30. Moa stance gives you 6 and caps your boon duration anyways so you are good on protection with base 50% boon duration.


If you decide to be a team player in fractals, use the exact same gear. Swap to SB to Druid and protective ward to nature's vengeance. You can cap 25 might on your entire group with the exact same gear + gotl. Swap stances to stone and sun spirit. You can utilize that healing power on plague doctor to heal more than just yourself (Healing springs is really bad at team healing). Neither variant is meta but those are 3 easy changes with no changes to gear and you can be "ok" in multiple game modes.



Rune of the Tempest will be a 1100+742 or 1842 aoe heal every time you stun break. You get 25% condi duration which is a big buff to your condi dmg.

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