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How to move faster with Renegade?


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Renegade has very few options. So if speed is your thing either run Shiro/Rapid Flow or make use of Runes. The only other option is to play Herald. Herald was built for speed. Still, I am thankful that it's not the worst at mobility. Try running around as a Dragonhunter or Firebrand sometime.

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When you're out of combat, you can freely swap legends by just replacing the skill (and can even swap back and forth between your two selected ones by trading their spots, ie right clicking the icons) without incurring the cooldown on either.


Makes it a lot easier to superspeed spam, since you can swap out shiro to something else and immediately reslot it to get back to 50 energy.


I know it's not quite what you're looking for but it's easy to do and speeds up Renegade travel quite a bit.

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Another thing that others haven't mentioned is running Jalis and blasting the Inspiring Reinforcement's lightning field. Since you are running condi, I imagine you're also running mace, which has a blast finisher on it. I doubt you're running Jalis but that is your only other option if you aren't running any swiftness sigils/runes.



If you don't mind exerting a lot of effort, this is what I do in WvW to move fast if not using Herald:

-Inspiring Reinforcement [Jalis] >> Mace 3 or Staff 4

-Unyielding Anguish x2 [Mallyx]

-Phase Traversal [shiro]


Basically I will cycle through these. As @"Shagie.7612" mentioned, if you are out of combat, you can manually replace legends and restore all of your energy without incurring any cooldown. I will rotate between Jalis/Mallyx unless there are targettable creatures/mobs, in which case I will Phase Traversal because it is 1200 range. IIRC, Superspeed is just about the same speed as swiftness when out of combat, so porting/leaping while maintaining swiftness is the fastest means of travel. I do this in WvW when I am trying to get somewhere in a hurry and don't mind putting in the effort.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> Renegade has very few options. So if speed is your thing either run Shiro/Rapid Flow or make use of Runes. The only other option is to play Herald. Herald was built for speed. Still, I am thankful that it's not the worst at mobility. Try running around as a Dragonhunter or Firebrand sometime.


I have a firebrand that I use for WvW. Horrible. Unless I'm in a Zerg where I get the boons from others like Herald. Haha.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Another thing that others haven't mentioned is running Jalis and blasting the Inspiring Reinforcement's lightning field. Since you are running condi, I imagine you're also running mace, which has a blast finisher on it. I doubt you're running Jalis but that is your only other option if you aren't running any swiftness sigils/runes.


> Edit:

> If you don't mind exerting a lot of effort, this is what I do in WvW to move fast if not using Herald:

> -Inspiring Reinforcement [Jalis] >> Mace 3 or Staff 4

> -Unyielding Anguish x2 [Mallyx]

> -Phase Traversal [shiro]


> Basically I will cycle through these. As @"Shagie.7612" mentioned, if you are out of combat, you can manually replace legends and restore all of your energy without incurring any cooldown. I will rotate between Jalis/Mallyx unless there are targettable creatures/mobs, in which case I will Phase Traversal because it is 1200 range. IIRC, Superspeed is just about the same speed as swiftness when out of combat, so porting/leaping while maintaining swiftness is the fastest means of travel. I do this in WvW when I am trying to get somewhere in a hurry and don't mind putting in the effort.



Thanks for the tips! I'm actually playing in PVE, most likely not gonna play in WvW for this character.


Besides I'm kinda getting tired and worn out from WvW.

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> @"tinyasian.8941" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > Renegade has very few options. So if speed is your thing either run Shiro/Rapid Flow or make use of Runes. The only other option is to play Herald. Herald was built for speed. Still, I am thankful that it's not the worst at mobility. Try running around as a Dragonhunter or Firebrand sometime.


> I have a firebrand that I use for WvW. Horrible. Unless I'm in a Zerg where I get the boons from others like Herald. Haha.


Yeah, it sucks. I make use of Traveler Runes and I'm always using Tome of Courage when I'm having to move around the map in WvW and it just blows. I really want to use different runes but I dread the drop in speed.

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