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WvW Recruiting to New Guild Dilemma!


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Before anything, please don't move this to "looking for a guild", I am addressing an issue in WvW.


Simple question, why is recruiting for a new guild in WvW is harder than pulling a healthy teeth?! Aside from being a "new" guild and not known enough etc. It is really punishing here!!

This is not only for me, I've been in multiple other new-ish guilds and it was brutal. Any explanation or suggestion to overcome this rough issue? I play other games and I've never experienced such harsh issue.


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> @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:

> Before anything, please don't move this to "looking for a guild", I am addressing an issue in WvW.


> Simple question, why is recruiting for a new guild in WvW is harder than pulling a healthy teeth?! Aside from being a "new" guild and not known enough etc. It is really punishing here!!

> This is not only for me, I've been in multiple other new-ish guilds and it was brutal. Any explanation or suggestion to overcome this rough issue? I play other games and I've never experienced such harsh issue.


Like if you really wanna recruit from scratch u would need to be ready to give your life pugmanding trying to find any decent players around. It is and will always be the only way, at some point your guild will be strong enough for u to stop depending on pugmanding so you can do your guild things. Players just wanna have fun man, nobody will join a guild that they dont know or they dont know how the community or the commander is, only way to overcome this is by pugmanding everyday and trying to get a name for yourself and your guild. Go to a server where you are the only commander who likes the pugs, u will recruit much faster than in a server with 5 other guilds taking all the players, this will mean low tier server for sure, try make some media content twitch/youtube let people watch you kill some men

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There is a couple of things

* running 15 or less is rough vs a map queue regardless of how organized you are just because of target caps

* less synergy between players, in established guilds you know who's going to go do something stupid before it happens normally

* comms, it's hard to get people to talk or to call out relevant information

* teams of one. Look at some of the threads on this forum, it's chock full of roamers or /t heros that think they contribute more than guild groups by standing on/beside a wall

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Stop going to stacked servers competing with 10 guilds for recruits when you can go to a server lacking NA guilds, commanders and open up to the server with some open raids and you'll get some recruits. I dunno why people think they can recruit well on servers with so many guilds. Unless you are the biggest and best guilds you probably won't be able to recruit anything.

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1) consistency-- raiding same time every day that you raid. so the pugs get to know you around that time

2) dedication- you're looking at 3months+ and be lucky if you get 10 core dudes.

3) Process- have a process to train and integrate new pugs

4) competition- guild's are like a business. you need to understand who your competition is on your server. what advantages do you have over established guilds on server?

5) Tryhard mode- if an established guild is raiding 10hrs+/week. do you honestly think matching 10hrs is enough?

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Well, if it was EU i'd say ask in the discord. As it is NA, no idea how to get veterans, unless you know people who know people.


As for starting from nothing, well you can't start from nothing, you will need another commander for sure, unless you have A LOT and i really mean A LOT of free time. People have to recognize your tag, there's no other good way to recruit randoms.


Even with another commander, you will need another 3 or so people that are perfectly familiar with GvG routine and will act as they should and contribute to the guild, thus eventually showing other people what is expected of them, by example, instead of just having some rules. Having someone asking for a review of a recording is a lot stronger than having a rule that everyone has to upload recording and than watch is with you.


Even if you get a lot of people, you will also kick a lot of them, don't be shy about kicking. If people do not show improvement they are not GvG material. If they don't show consistency they are not GvG material. When you switch from, "oh we are gathering by pugmanding" to "we are raiding", is the moment you should show consistency in your judgement/rules/whatever.


It's going to take more than half a year. Believe me, i was/am very involved in GvG and bringing someone up to speed from a random pug takes half a year. Bringing more than half a guild up, oh well that might take even more than that. Are you going to handle that?


Don't switch to serious raids to soon, look at what people you're getting and act accordingly. Getting good people, oh we can start raiding right now (don't go overboard on scrims at start as it might break the morale too much), getting randoms, well than you might want to gather a good number and kick the ones that are being shit (yeah even with the more casual pugmanding attitude), when you switch to real guild stuff.


But yeah, it mostly takes time A LOT of it and dedication from leader/commander and you will eventually get there, except if you are really bad commander, than you will have to overcome that first.

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First, it depends on the timezone you are recruiting.


If you are recruiting in prime timezone aka NA prime in NA server or EU prime in Eu server, all you need to do is pugmand enough to be "known". People who are in existing wvw guilds will not be joining a guild that isn't known. Likewise, a average vet will not be joining a guild that doesn't has a lot of people either. Your only choice here is to recruit newbies which most wvw guilds reject. As long you pugmand frequently (like everyday), you will build up your roster relatively quick and once you got nice number of people going, then you can work on other things. Naturally, the moment you got nice number going, if even one popular streamer or vet join your guild then advertise for you, you will be able to pull more vets into your guild, this part is really depend on luck or if you have any connections.


If you are recruiting on off hours timezone. You are out of luck here. Off hours is the hardest to recruit simply due to limited population. You got very little options here. You can either stack on popular server (for that timezone, every off hours timezone has preferred servers or simply stack on massive servers) or leech off as guest server, hoping that the residing off hour guild(s) are not actively recruiting or not running everyday or has restrictive policies so that you can take whatever you could take. Also, having one popular streamer or vet will make a major difference since they will help you spread the words during NA prime where some off hours peeps might be pugging there. Otherwise, you would have to make a true PvX guild as PvX guild is the only type of guild that can survive in dead server, especially for off hours, with sheer hardwork and no outside help.


Key thing is you still have to tag everyday.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> off hours is not that hard to recruit. unless you're total trash. most servers can't field more than 1 competent tag in off hours. you can be a monopoly on most servers for late na/ocx, eu, or sea.


The key word you use is MONOPOLY. That is the key to recruiting! Monopolize your server by being the only game in town. ezpz

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > off hours is not that hard to recruit. unless you're total trash. most servers can't field more than 1 competent tag in off hours. you can be a monopoly on most servers for late na/ocx, eu, or sea.


> The key word you use is MONOPOLY. That is the key to recruiting! Monopolize your server by being the only game in town. ezpz


gotto assert dominance and drive the competition out of town! ez game lads.

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If monopolizing is all you need to build a guild, then why so many guilds did not grow even when they had monopoly? Truth is even monopolizing may not be enough for certain off hour timezones. Some servers don't even have consistent off hours population. In other words, even if you stay there and tag up for half a year, you might not even break out of 15-men.


In off hours, population are just so limited that a dead timezone in the server is called a **dead** timezone. Just look at SOR, if monopoly is all you need then why SOR still fallen? It is not like SOR has completely no off hours commanders or plenty of off hours guilds, they had but numbers were just limited at certain timing. Why? Because there were guilds that already drained SOR numbers for those timing during the linking.


Well, to test the theory, I encourage people to head to SOR now and start an off hour guild there (alone), you will get monopoly there, I'm sure.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> If monopolizing is all you need to build a guild, then why so many guilds did not grow even when they had monopoly? Truth is even monopolizing may not be enough for certain off hour timezones. Some servers don't even have consistent off hours population. In other words, even if you stay there and tag up for half a year, you might not even break out of 15-men.


> In off hours, population are just so limited that a dead timezone in the server is called a **dead** timezone. Just look at SOR, if monopoly is all you need then why SOR still fallen? It is not like SOR has completely no off hours commanders or plenty of off hours guilds, they had but numbers were just limited at certain timing. Why? Because there were guilds that already drained SOR numbers for those timing during the linking.


> Well, to test the theory, I encourage people to head to SOR now and start an off hour guild there (alone), you will get monopoly there, I'm sure.


Nah, only you couldn't break 15 men for wvw after 5 years. the original point still stands for off hours to establish a monopoly mate.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> If monopolizing is all you need to build a guild, then why so many guilds did not grow even when they had monopoly? Truth is even monopolizing may not be enough for certain off hour timezones. Some servers don't even have consistent off hours population. In other words, even if you stay there and tag up for half a year, you might not even break out of 15-men.


> In off hours, population are just so limited that a dead timezone in the server is called a **dead** timezone. Just look at SOR, if monopoly is all you need then why SOR still fallen? It is not like SOR has completely no off hours commanders or plenty of off hours guilds, they had but numbers were just limited at certain timing. Why? Because there were guilds that already drained SOR numbers for those timing during the linking.


> Well, to test the theory, I encourage people to head to SOR now and start an off hour guild there (alone), you will get monopoly there, I'm sure.


Ok, that server is ded and will be gone so that point is invalid and i'm talking NA since other time zones are irrelevant and you can farm most off hour guilds with like 5 to 10 NA guys carrying the pugs in Sea/EU or OCX timezones.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > If monopolizing is all you need to build a guild, then why so many guilds did not grow even when they had monopoly? Truth is even monopolizing may not be enough for certain off hour timezones. Some servers don't even have consistent off hours population. In other words, even if you stay there and tag up for half a year, you might not even break out of 15-men.

> >

> > In off hours, population are just so limited that a dead timezone in the server is called a **dead** timezone. Just look at SOR, if monopoly is all you need then why SOR still fallen? It is not like SOR has completely no off hours commanders or plenty of off hours guilds, they had but numbers were just limited at certain timing. Why? Because there were guilds that already drained SOR numbers for those timing during the linking.

> >

> > Well, to test the theory, I encourage people to head to SOR now and start an off hour guild there (alone), you will get monopoly there, I'm sure.


> Nah, only you couldn't break 15 men for wvw after 5 years. the original point still stands for off hours to establish a monopoly mate.


Errm? My guild field 25 ytd? So, are you gonna go SOR to solo build an off hour guild?


> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > If monopolizing is all you need to build a guild, then why so many guilds did not grow even when they had monopoly? Truth is even monopolizing may not be enough for certain off hour timezones. Some servers don't even have consistent off hours population. In other words, even if you stay there and tag up for half a year, you might not even break out of 15-men.

> >

> > In off hours, population are just so limited that a dead timezone in the server is called a **dead** timezone. Just look at SOR, if monopoly is all you need then why SOR still fallen? It is not like SOR has completely no off hours commanders or plenty of off hours guilds, they had but numbers were just limited at certain timing. Why? Because there were guilds that already drained SOR numbers for those timing during the linking.

> >

> > Well, to test the theory, I encourage people to head to SOR now and start an off hour guild there (alone), you will get monopoly there, I'm sure.


> Ok, that server is ded and will be gone so that point is invalid and i'm talking NA since other time zones are irrelevant and you can farm most off hour guilds with like 5 to 10 NA guys carrying the pugs in Sea/EU or OCX timezones.


I see, his post was referring to off hours though?

PS: Is great you can find people who are free from social responsibility to carry the off hours but that isn't the point of the topic.

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