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Gain / Lose 1 Whole division depending on class?


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First of all, I consider myself an avg player. On Season 12, I played Mesmer/Weaver equally, equating to standing around T3 gold / T1 Platinum. (skipped season 13 pretty much)


This season so far, Placed in T3 Silver main'ing as Mesmer and never progressed, with massive loss streaks. As soon as I switched to Weaver, I pretty much streaked all the way back to T1 Plat.


Ok at this point I figure I was in a good position to switch back to mes. I was wrong, and now currently almost all the way back down to T3 silver, losing about 220 rating so far. (maybe 2 wins out of every 10). Even though I don't think I'm that much of a handicap as a mes, I do realize its a hinder on on-node play. (even with a boat load of kills and damage)


I think once I hit rock bottom as mesmer, I will switch back to weaver to see if I breeze back all the way to T1 plat...


Don't know if matchmaking is picking favors over class, or a matter of how easy it is progress playing DPS vs Support.


Just and observation so far, and seeing if anybody is seeing any similar patterns.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> its prob cuz no one knows what weaver skills do lol, prob don't even know what counters it even.

> weaver op cuz not op.

> same thing happens when I play zerk staff ele, its best when enemy ignores you then you wipe their team haha.


Good point, I noticed I can free cast, and burst alot on Mesmer. But I also notice I can't carry as hard on my weaver. (Ie, distracting 3 players on a node for a few minutes) Giving my team ample chance/advantage on other nodes.

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I've seen the same thing happen. I've climbed to P1 several times playing a class, and then trying to play another, I drop back to G2 or whatever.

I always thought it was about rating/class as in it gives me a correct rating for the class I've been maining but when I swap classes the rating is actually false on that other class because I don't have as much experience on it/my muscle memory is still rigged for that first class.

So it might just be that you are not that great of a mesmer but you are a great weaver.

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Last time i played i got Plat2, on my way to Plat3, with reaper.


I finished all my Necro Ap‘s and thought: Hey! I LOVE playing support in WvW.

So why not play support classes like druide/heal rev/tempest?


I dropped to gold 1 faster then i can think.


The moment i started to play offensive again i started to climb again.


Note: this was in HoT.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> Is the % of games / matches played with 1 class can influence matchmaking ?

> I know that total matches played does in unranked (If you have more than 10k matches played be prepared to face nearly only strongest opponents and you can forget to try new builds or play for relax).


It matters for each season individually. The higher you get and more you play, the stronger opponents you get and weaker teammates. Usually I would do about 500-600 matches a season and often as plat 1/2 I would get teammates from Gold3 vs a full plat 1 mid to high tier. Same goes for the plat 3 and higher ranked. A couple of seasons ago I, as mid plat 1, got matched in a team with Sizer, who at the time was N1 on the leaderboards EU vs a full plat 3 team.

That's the reason people usually climb to plat 2 mid tier and stop playing, just 1 game every few days to deal with the decay and keep rank.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> Is the % of games / matches played with 1 class can influence matchmaking ?

> I know that total matches played does in unranked (If you have more than 10k matches played be prepared to face nearly only strongest opponents and you can forget to try new builds or play for relax).


OOh very interesting... I didn't know it took matches played into account.

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> First of all, I consider myself an avg player. On Season 12, I played Mesmer/Weaver equally, equating to standing around T3 gold / T1 Platinum. (skipped season 13 pretty much)


> This season so far, Placed in T3 Silver main'ing as Mesmer and never progressed, with massive loss streaks. As soon as I switched to Weaver, I pretty much streaked all the way back to T1 Plat.


> Ok at this point I figure I was in a good position to switch back to mes. I was wrong, and now currently almost all the way back down to T3 silver, losing about 220 rating so far. (maybe 2 wins out of every 10). Even though I don't think I'm that much of a handicap as a mes, I do realize its a hinder on on-node play. (even with a boat load of kills and damage)


> I think once I hit rock bottom as mesmer, I will switch back to weaver to see if I breeze back all the way to T1 plat...


> Don't know if matchmaking is picking favors over class, or a matter of how easy it is progress playing DPS vs Support.


> Just and observation so far, and seeing if anybody is seeing any similar patterns.


Its because you were not up to the mark. Since you were playing as mesmer which is carry class for a comp. You wouldnt have been doing that well and not having great impact on game while enemy mesmer carries their team.


But when you are on a weaver which is fairly unimpactful class in todays meta, you would get other people as mesmer who must've done a great job in your team

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  • 1 month later...

> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"rwolf.9571" said:

> > First of all, I consider myself an avg player. On Season 12, I played Mesmer/Weaver equally, equating to standing around T3 gold / T1 Platinum. (skipped season 13 pretty much)

> >

> > This season so far, Placed in T3 Silver main'ing as Mesmer and never progressed, with massive loss streaks. As soon as I switched to Weaver, I pretty much streaked all the way back to T1 Plat.

> >

> > Ok at this point I figure I was in a good position to switch back to mes. I was wrong, and now currently almost all the way back down to T3 silver, losing about 220 rating so far. (maybe 2 wins out of every 10). Even though I don't think I'm that much of a handicap as a mes, I do realize its a hinder on on-node play. (even with a boat load of kills and damage)

> >

> > I think once I hit rock bottom as mesmer, I will switch back to weaver to see if I breeze back all the way to T1 plat...

> >

> > Don't know if matchmaking is picking favors over class, or a matter of how easy it is progress playing DPS vs Support.

> >

> > Just and observation so far, and seeing if anybody is seeing any similar patterns.


> Its because you were not up to the mark. Since you were playing as mesmer which is carry class for a comp. You wouldnt have been doing that well and not having great impact on game while enemy mesmer carries their team.


> But when you are on a weaver which is fairly unimpactful class in todays meta, you would get other people as mesmer who must've done a great job in your team


I would shame anet, if they're weighting matchmaking by carry classes.


Anyway an update-


Last half of last season I was able to maintain T3 gold with Mesmer (b4 I switched back to weaver to secure plat again). This season is starting out pretty much the same, except I placed mid gold, with 2/3rd of the matches being fairly even. However after placements things started to go south, and crashing and burning down into silver. I guess you can blame the volatility of the early days for this. Maybe I only progressed last season as mesmer as ppl thinned out toward late season?


I'll probably try my main weaver at the start next season/placment, to see how things fair.

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funny u mentioned that. i have the same experience. i played condi staff mirage and fell into silver t1 all the way after having 10 wins on my thief main which i like to play only with dagger offhand.


i really dont know why ppl picking on mirage. i gonna give axe mirage another try maybe but my expactations arnt high after reading incissors statement about the hardships of mirage.

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I was Plat 2 last season, the season before Plat 1,, this time almost got a leaderboard spot, had enough points and min. games but someones else had even more games played and therefore got the spot. Got positive feedback even from famous streamers. This information is just to ensure that I am likely not a bad player. (EU)


This season I fell into a real bad losing streak and from my placement 1580 I am now in G3 and for every game I win, I lose one (at least the streak is over) The matches are horrible. Afkers when everything in a match is still possible (or after the first lost middle fight), toxic ragers who tell me to git gud by non-sense advice (like “someone has to go treb“ FOR REAL???), people who do not seem to know their role (blood sage necro 1 vs 1ing and „roaming“ and therefore dying constantly) etc. It will be hard to climb again. I try to improve, every game, but often I do not have that much Impact when the crucial basics by some guys in my team are not even known.

I want to be in Plat 1/2 again just for the sake of intense games. I have no idea what‘s wrong this season...

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