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psa to afk'ers

Stand The Wall.6987

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Why fight? I support AFK, makes the games go by faster.


In GW2 pvp you win by a large margin or you lose by one. Games are rarely close and being a try hard for a measly 1-2 pips isn't enough incentive to run back out and get rekt again.


We can also talk about how stupidly overtuned classes are atm but everyone knows this.


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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> > @"Czerny.6530" said:

> > Except in Starcraft you can just type "gg" and press F10+N to end the game when you've clearly lost.


> Id say a difference of 200 points is a clear loss in a competitive environment. This means the game has been going for quite a while and your team has failed to gain any real traction in the matchup. It's not a case of 'oh we lost the first mid battle time to afk'.


> It would be more like lost multiple mid attempts, maybe home has seesawed back and forth, you have probably managed to decap far but not take it.


Except if you have smart players on your team, and everybody has a resolve to NOT give up, you can truly make a difference.... It's 1 game out of 10, but to some folks, it's worth not giving up or pouting (not saying you are).


Video evidence in ranked.... We had lost every major engagement up until this point.

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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> > @"Czerny.6530" said:

> > Except in Starcraft you can just type "gg" and press F10+N to end the game when you've clearly lost.


> Id say a difference of 200 points is a clear loss in a competitive environment. This means the game has been going for quite a while and your team has failed to gain any real traction in the matchup. It's not a case of 'oh we lost the first mid battle time to afk'.


> It would be more like lost multiple mid attempts, maybe home has seesawed back and forth, you have probably managed to decap far but not take it.


I dunno, I've had teams pull around at more than 200 points and I've had my own team start getting overconfident and throw what should have been a clear win. That is the thing. If you go AFK, then you are DEFINITELY going to lose (and you won't learn anything about how to pull a game around, which is useful to learn. Plus, you'll annoy your team.). If you don't throw and actually put some effort into your game, you have the possibility of pulling it off.


Resigning to failure is a poor mindset that just smacks of someone who is deluded enough to think they are entitled to every victory being spoon-fed to them. Though given some of the above posts, those kinds of people will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify what comes down to being crappy team-mates.


Here is a thought: If you hang around in spawn for more than 2~3 minutes then you are kicked, given the standard ramping dishonour penalty, and replaced with a good sPvP bot*. If someone leaves and re-joins (crash, whatever) they could also be replaced by a bot and the bot would be replaced by them when they re-join. That would automate AFK penalties, as Anet currently relies on the report system to enforce that.

*Assuming Anet can make a good sPvP bot. If they can't, then the player shouldn't be replaced by anything.


Feeding is a little more difficult to punish. I suppose that could always be reported, but from what I've heard Anet isn't that quick to deal with reports. Public Naming+Shaming maybe (however crude that is, it can be effective. Though, that is entirely community dependant), unless I've heard wrong and Anet is good with reports (I'd like to believe this is the case, but I honestly haven't encountered that many poor players so I can't say).


THAT BEING SAID: A team surrender vote option is also a really good idea that might work to eliminate some of the toxicity. Make it require a majority vote (teams of 5, this shouldn't be hard). It would also solve some of the ill-will around people AFKing or feeding due to the frustration of a perceived loss that is wasting their time. Anet, make it happen.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> > > @"Czerny.6530" said:

> > > Except in Starcraft you can just type "gg" and press F10+N to end the game when you've clearly lost.

> >

> > Id say a difference of 200 points is a clear loss in a competitive environment. This means the game has been going for quite a while and your team has failed to gain any real traction in the matchup. It's not a case of 'oh we lost the first mid battle time to afk'.

> >

> > It would be more like lost multiple mid attempts, maybe home has seesawed back and forth, you have probably managed to decap far but not take it.


> Except if you have smart players on your team, and everybody has a resolve to NOT give up, you can truly make a difference.... It's 1 game out of 10, but to some folks, it's worth not giving up or pouting (not saying you are).


> Video evidence in ranked.... We had lost every major engagement up until this point.



I can pull 1 game out of say 50 where it has been a comeback as well, the best one I remember was the other team had a LD and was around 450 and we won, not really relevant in the greater scheme of things though from an odds perspective. It's like saying winning the lotto is common because ->insert someone here won it<- so I should buy lottery tickets(no im not buying lottery tickets).


> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:


> THAT BEING SAID: A team surrender vote option is also a really good idea that might work to eliminate some of the toxicity. Make it require a majority vote (teams of 5, this shouldn't be hard). It would also solve some of the ill-will around people AFKing or feeding due to the frustration of a perceived loss that is wasting their time. Anet, make it happen.


I feel it would have to be unanimous a majority would not cut it. Say you have a LD, some people might want to set up duels for the remaining time, which is fine, I can just turn on an auto macro so I dont time out and watch youtube on my second monitor.

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> @"ksanaks.2380" said:

> > @"Cicada.6298" said:

> > > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > > People in my games afk after losing the initial battle at mid.... Just unbelievable.

> >

> > in map chat: _"I quit, everyone is an idiot -- enjoy your free win"_ then sits in spawn the rest of the game.

> why did you wipe? who went close/mid/far?



because we're bad -- But for someone (sometimes more than one person) to just straight up quit after losing one fight makes it a guaranteed loss

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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> > > > @"Czerny.6530" said:

> > > > Except in Starcraft you can just type "gg" and press F10+N to end the game when you've clearly lost.

> > >

> > > Id say a difference of 200 points is a clear loss in a competitive environment. This means the game has been going for quite a while and your team has failed to gain any real traction in the matchup. It's not a case of 'oh we lost the first mid battle time to afk'.

> > >

> > > It would be more like lost multiple mid attempts, maybe home has seesawed back and forth, you have probably managed to decap far but not take it.

> >

> > Except if you have smart players on your team, and everybody has a resolve to NOT give up, you can truly make a difference.... It's 1 game out of 10, but to some folks, it's worth not giving up or pouting (not saying you are).

> >

> > Video evidence in ranked.... We had lost every major engagement up until this point.

> >


> I can pull 1 game out of say 50 where it has been a comeback as well, the best one I remember was the other team had a LD and was around 450 and we won, not really relevant in the greater scheme of things though from an odds perspective. It's like saying winning the lotto is common because ->insert someone here won it<- so I should buy lottery tickets(no im not buying lottery tickets).


> > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:


> > THAT BEING SAID: A team surrender vote option is also a really good idea that might work to eliminate some of the toxicity. Make it require a majority vote (teams of 5, this shouldn't be hard). It would also solve some of the ill-will around people AFKing or feeding due to the frustration of a perceived loss that is wasting their time. Anet, make it happen.


> I feel it would have to be unanimous a majority would not cut it. Say you have a LD, some people might want to set up duels for the remaining time, which is fine, I can just turn on an auto macro so I dont time out and watch youtube on my second monitor.


If I had 1 out of 50 chances of winning the lottery, I'd spend hundreds a week. That's to say, if I have a 1 in 50 chance of winning a game that seems out of hand, I'm going to try unless I have teammates who are going to make it impossible — IE sitting in the base, or literally throwing by letting enemies kill them. I've had both situations happen and both suck.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:


> If I had 1 out of 50 chances of winning the lottery, I'd spend hundreds a week. That's to say, if I have a 1 in 50 chance of winning a game that seems out of hand, I'm going to try unless I have teammates who are going to make it impossible — IE sitting in the base, or literally throwing by letting enemies kill them. I've had both situations happen and both suck.


The 1 in 50 was an example, to be honest I can say I have had a comeback from being 200 down once, due to a LD on the other team. I only ever solo Q, I think as a duo you might have a better chance as you have voice coms, usually complimentary classes/specs.


The best way to fix the problem would be better scaling for losses. A loss of 500-100 is not the same as a loss of 500-492. But both are judged the same as far as GW2 is concerned, a 500-100 game either way win or lose is a boring match. Those 490+ to 500 matches are what makes this game worthwhile.


And a resign function that needs to be unanimous by the team, for LD's, rage loggers and total blowouts.

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