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Regarding DPS build from snowcrows power chrono


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I was looking to see if any updates happened, and I noticed that for illusions it says take maim the disillusioned over phantasmal haste, any idea why?


The other changes I can understand as it goes with power like alacricity thing having more potent effect on you but less duration.


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Maim the disillusioned is minimal dps increase as you shatter quite frequently. For dps the Phantasms don't need quickness. If they have it, the burst will be better but the sustained dps will not change. **You don't get more phantasm attacks from a full rota.**

I prefer taking Phantasmal Haste over Maim the Disillusioned as the ability to self sustain quickness allows for more mistakes on the supports. (I usually don't trust pugs.) And also allowes you to burst more quickly on bosses like Conjured Amalgamate, Keep Construct, Deimos, etc.

However. the golem doesn't have these burst windows! On the golem the best in slot is ALWAYS the biggest dps increase!

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