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Need Help with Mesmer in PvP


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Hello, I'm pretty new to GW2 and I hoping to get some advice about Mesmer in PvP.


I main a ranger and I've learned quite a bit about all the other professions except Mesmer, particularly Mirage.

I just made a new mirage, I was hoping that someone could go over the basics of the Mirage meta's with me.

What do I need to know?


I'll be checking the forums out periodically or you can message me in game, I'm usually on after 10PM est.


I appreciate anyone taking the time to help a noob out!

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these apply to all types of types of mesmer: on any greatsword oriented( mostly power) build keep distance and highground( this is crucial, especially againstmost condi specs) get close if you are sure you can get the kill. if not bail out, dont pride over it. for staff oriented ( mostly condi and some power) you’ll be on close and mid range. the distance you’re keeping enterily depends on the build you’re using on this one since staff either will be a defensive wep set with some offensive or burst based with some defensive capabilities. two major weapons are these now to your mirage meta stuff: its condi meta. you caneither go for full dps or less dps more survivability. power builds are also good if you can handle it. but for meta and most used its condi based. 3 builds on metabattle for condi: sage one is defensive with less burst option, carrion is dps oriented, wizard one is hybrid dps with less defensive than other two. all of them has bursts, damage and annoyance. overall: kerp clones and shatter when you’re sure it will hit, keep distance against soecific classes such as warrior, engi, guard since 1 missed dosge or interrupt could kill you faster than compared to other classes. my personal suggestion play both condi andpower :3 since diversity is good ( on phone so couldnt write everything. just some of it)

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