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Glass Core - WvW Roaming


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I actually subscribed and have been watching your videos for a couple weeks now (some time not long after you first uploaded I think). You're quite good and I'm always in support of roaming Necros, especially when they're core =). I hope people can appreciate how well you kite, juke and properly use Shroud. It's not as easy as you make it look!


I've been playing core condition tank (mixture of Settler/Trailblazer) for roaming lately and have been having moderate success. I played core conditionmancer for years and right up until shortly after PoF where I felt the odds were stacked too much against me. Some of the changes that have taken place since then have made core Necro a little more usable though and I'm happy to be back to it. What I'm even more happy about though is seeing other players like yourself who are giving it attention as well!


I look forward to more content!

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At least some decent targets in these videos which allowed you to show your skill (most videos in this forum are just medicore players slaughtering poor newbies), but it was obvious they were not used to fight a core necro. So much shroud kiting attempts where cc -> burst would have wrecked you.


Opposite example to which I said above: The spellbreaker at minute 4:00 in video 1 was one of the few harder opponents but got outcheesed by lich backwards fire. I am pretty sure once he is used to the lich mechanic he will just kite it with GS3/5 and then re-engage to finish you.


> @"killfil.3472" said:

> Aw man... if only Grim Specter was our elite...

I'd like to see that. It already even works. When you enter lich, cast the skill and leave lich, it continues pulsing. That skill at a 60s cooldown would be a worthy alternative to chilled to the bone for pvp.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> At least some decent targets in these videos which allowed you to show your skill (most videos in this forum are just medicore players slaughtering poor newbies), but it was obvious they were not used to fight a core necro. So much shroud kiting attempts where cc -> burst would have wrecked you.


> Opposite example to which I said above: The spellbreaker at minute 4:00 in video 1 was one of the few harder opponents but got outcheesed by lich backwards fire. I am pretty sure once he is used to the lich mechanic he will just kite it with GS3/5 and then re-engage to finish you.



That spellbreaker fight was a miscalculation on my part. I dropped him below 50% HP briefly and Defy Pain didn't proc. Given that he had already used endure pain earlier in the fight I made the assumption that he would have no Endure Pain to absorb the damage. Unfortunately it appears that I failed to hit him during the window below 50% so Defy Pain was actually still in play..and did indeed proc on the next hit under 50%. Luckily it didn't come back to bite me there, but it should have. Lich form is extremely rare in fights unless I smell an opportunity, typically that's a fantastic way to either get murdered or have them break combat with you. In that fight I would have continued the kiting battle using the wurm that was coming off cooldown had I not made that mistake.


Overall it comes down to knowledge of the classes more than necro's capabilities...Necro is a pile of smelly cr@p00 for roaming compared to most anything else at this point, and I've spent a ton of time playing every other spec to a point that I'm confident in how I would utterly murder a necromancer with nearly any other class or elite spec. I should lose nearly every fight, but if you know the enemy classes at least as well as the person on it, you can typically win if you have the damage.. but their are definitely people, most of them I know well after years of server hopping (and way to many hrs in gw2), that know their classes beyond my knowledge and will win against my standard roaming specs consistently. That being said, I can always make a counter build, but that's not the point of roaming for me, if I can't win on my glass specs, I'll keep trying, get as close as I possibly can, but don't really care if I can't beat that specific player, if I can even get close..I'll win 95% of my roaming fights. Changing the build to win a fight or worse yet changing classes..doesn't make you better. Eating dirt and coming back to see if you can get him 1% lower does..we are necromancers after all.


Necro is not the class for someone that doesn't want to take a dirt nap from time to time lol.


P.S. I'm not saying you can't swap a skill or a trait obviously, if you got him close enough where that change will win the fight, take the win. I'm talking pulling a "Oh I lost on zerker, time to swap to a full bunker condi spec cause he doesn't have much condi clear".


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