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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> Or yall can just join your Condi Overlords. "If you can't beat em, join em!"


Nice idea in theory, in reality is: Sleeping on your keyboard.

But: Even if condi was nerfed there's a whole lot of other issues with this game.

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> @Trajan.4953 said:

> The Condi kick Anet is on is pretty dull IMHO. Visceral gameplay from actual engagements is something they seem to be timid about.


Dull is a good way to put it. Same stuff each encounter - I feel like I'm fighting npc. I actually had more fun hanging a new shower curtain than playing reset. It makes me really sad.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> Or yall can just join your Condi Overlords. "If you can't beat em, join em!"


That reminded me of Microsoft strategy - buying everything they get their hands on. It's also a way of never improving.


btw OP is forgetting how this game is built - to give everyone (especially low to no skill players) an equal chance to win :D otherwise specs like a Dragonhunter would never be born.


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I LOVE all the new stuff. Finally so many ways for group of 20 to blow up 50 which has been long, long overdue. And not just blow them up, do so in a matter of few seconds at that.


Of course majority of you will be on the receiving end no matter how much you tell yourselves you're good and its the game (in this case condi) thus posts like these.


Personally I wouldn't care if the applied damage is power or condi, as long as this functionality is preserved. It will be funny to see all the flipped nerf posts again.


O and just a tip, its not the cleanses, stab etc etc or the lack of it that kills you. Its your personal, your groups and your commanders general lack of awareness and bad positioning. Plenty of streams on twitch, feel free to look them up.


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> @Tongku.5326 said:

> Heh


> I LOVE all the new stuff. Finally so many ways for group of 20 to blow up 50 which has been long, long overdue. And not just blow them up, do so in a matter of few seconds at that.


> Of course majority of you will be on the receiving end no matter how much you tell yourselves you're good and its the game (in this case condi) thus posts like these.


> Personally I wouldn't care if the applied damage is power or condi, as long as this functionality is preserved. It will be funny to see all the flipped nerf posts again.


> O and just a tip, its not the cleanses, stab etc etc or the lack of it that kills you. Its your personal, your groups and your commanders general lack of awareness and bad positioning. Plenty of streams on twitch, feel free to look them up.



That's kind of a long winded way to say y'all suck.

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Three things need to happen to balance condi and allow counter play in WvW.


1. Weakness applied to your enemy should allow 50% reduction in their condition damage just like it does for power damage. This allows you to tactically counter conditions with good counter play.

2. Armor should reduce condition damage the same way it does power damage. Base condition damage values should be adjusted accordingly(most likely increased).

3. Condition Duration/expertise stat should be removed. In return....Conditions should be able to crit. This forces condi builds to stack precision, condition damage and ferocity instead of just condition damage, condition duration and then having one free slot for toughness/healing power/vitality which gives them a distinct advantage in gearing/survive-ability for wvw. .


The three changes above will bring parity to the power vs condition damage play styles in wvw. Condition damage builds will no longer have a huge advantage over power builds in terms of gearing and counter play opportunities will be restored.

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Looged into wvw first time since expansion and its such snorefest, to many condis and not enough cleansing, i specced fully condi cleanse but i cant keep up with the constast application of every condi in the game, i thought hot made wvw worse but hot is nothing compared to pof, ruined gamemode.

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> @TallBarr.2184 said:

> Looged into wvw first time since expansion and its such snorefest, to many condis and not enough cleansing, i specced fully condi cleanse but i cant keep up with the constast application of every condi in the game, i thought hot made wvw worse but hot is nothing compared to pof, ruined gamemode.


PoF seems to have reverse the roles of Power and Condi builds.


Power builds are just builds for support. While now condi builds are the burst in your face killers. Only difference is, that there is way way more and easily accessible power hate then condi hate. Thus welcome to the NEW AGE!

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Lol, it's always "condi is op" and never "this build is op."


That is about as sensical as getting with a power damage bomb and saying "nerf power."


I've said it before and I'll say it again.


The only thing unfair about condition damage is having to listen to people who don't understand how conditions are balanced complain about them constantly.

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> @saerni.2584 said:

> Lol, it's always "condi is op" and never "this build is op."


> That is about as sensical as getting with a power damage bomb and saying "nerf power."


> I've said it before and I'll say it again.


> The only thing unfair about condition damage is having to listen to people who don't understand how conditions are balanced complain about them constantly.


Please do lay out for us in detail how conditions are balanced. Also, you don't have to read the forum posts regarding condi if you don't like them.

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> @saerni.2584 said:

> Lol, it's always "condi is op" and never "this build is op."

People have actually explained quite a lot why it is "condi" and not "this build". Dire, Runes, in all cases too easy to apply, in a lot of cases too little condi removal accessible, no cap on condi stacks and most, not all, condis do too much damage. I don't think any of the condi builds that are being used in WvW is not OP (reasons listed in the sentence before).

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