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What about if the autos couldn't crits anymore?


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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

>Which would give any player at least a chance to recover if they dont get 3k autos every 1/4 of sec as thief dagger does not have tangible CD.



If people are dying to 3k autos in melee range the problem is not the damage :/

If any classes auto needs to be addressed it's ranger. 9-10k+ from 2k range away is absurd and the ability to make it unblockable is really the icing on the cake.



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The problem in the current shit meta isn't autohits. We have an almost "instagib" meta but with no balance. In an instagib-system in shooters it's about hitting first, which means your aim is good, your reaction is good and you be lucky.

In GW2 not even those instagibs are balanced, because some classes have abilities that boost damage, make them invulnerable, invisible, unblockable or move out of range fast.

In a "balanced" environment two classes on identical stats should be able to oneshot each other. In GW2 you won't oneshot a berserker soulbeast on a berserker core necro but it works the other way around. This goes for many 1v1 situations and that balancing gets worse the bigger you scale the team size. In the actual zerg meta you bring firebrands for the defense, mix some Revs in, some scourges. Why? Because you need the tankiness from the rev+fb combo and something to break the tankiness in the opposing group - the scourges. Additionally you carry around dps from rev, scourge, weaver or bring a snipe group that solves the issue with tankiness on spot.


In zergs that gamedesign is acceptable imho because you bring a lot of builds into your zerg, not only the above mentioned. For small scale it's bad design, because you won't bring a zerg to get camps, capture small towers or just have fun fighting people. And fighting people isn't fun when you face a class that has too many gimmicks so you start with a severe disadvantage.

Nerfing autohits isn't a way to fix this. Nerfing damage modifiers, getting rid of unblockable, limit classes to damage, mobility or tankiness could be an option.

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