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Endgame PvE Survival


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For open world PvE content I have found that running some sort of WvW roaming build works best. Those builds generally have decent survivability while still doing enough damage that you don't feel like every mob fight is a boss fight, as far as time to kill. You can, of course tweak the builds to your playstyle.


I leave the structured group content comp builds for group content. In other words, I won't run straight zerk damage builds, minstrel heal builds, or boon share builds, when I'm out running around by myself in PvE. It has always just seemed too hard to get anything done without either dying, or almost dying constantly.

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I just use my wvw builds for everything, haven't had a problem in any expansion or story (on the first play through) yet, though I'm sure I'd have to change a couple of things for second and third play throughs of POF story after balance patches, but probably just traits. Map exploration wise, everything is still peaches.


For Fractals, I'm still around level 20 and don't really care to progress further at the moment, but I have a character that has upgraded ascended equipment with AR infusions just in case I want to pick them up.


Tried raids once, never went back, so I can't speak to that.

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I'm miserable in full DPS gear, my eyes and hands have health issues so my reaction times are beyond horrible. :) What works for me is full Celestial Firebrand with Balthazar Runes and Sigil of Smoldering. Nice damage with 90% Burning duration and never dies, doesn't even get downed. Perfect for what I do: solo story, map completion, meta events, Istan farm.

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For many professions (especially my necro) the trick is simple - you can gain **a lot** of sustain if you sacrifice **a bit** of damage. If profession has a lot of free crit chance you can ditch berserker's gear for something like Valkyrie or even tankier Crusader. Condi builds are another easy tickets to safety - trailblazer is a well known condi tank gear set. Or imagine a squishy firebrand with plaguedoctor set - tons of hp, good condi damage, some healing and boon duration. I don't see that guy going down any time soon, while his burns should keep the damage going.

What you miss in gear stats (like condi duration) can be compensated with right trait, rune and sigil choices. Maybe even food if you care that much about perfectionism.

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