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Recycling to create something new


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I recently visited aetherblade site in gandarran fields and had a flash back with poison gaz in lion's arch, aetherblade retreat map exploration with Ellen Kiel, scarlet and her knights... And I'm wondering why not creating new map based on ls1 content? Like aetherblade retreat + the whole coast at the left, and of course full of aetherblades and airships? Or maybe twisted watchworks factory? Another map somewhere else showing where aetherblades fled after the defeat? And now they are harrassing all the villages around?


Here are a few ideas, I recently noticed how hard knight cores are to obtain, same for blade shards, could be a solution to that. Allowing players to also drop old items like three-parts key.

A factory seems to be a solid idea, with a meta where the last event is a random champion knight permit static, dynamic and synergetic. Could be shown as an echo (like at jahai bluffs) or simply a lonely base where they aren't aware of the death of Scarlet...


But have zero ideas how it can be linked to current events like a living world episode.. As a break? A gap filler for ls1? As fractals?


What do you think? Maybe ls1 just need to die and so we must concentrate on another thing.... I kinda feel sad for that abandonned content. But we still have twilight arbor aetherpath and some fractals...


Note that I'm not asking to redo LA evacuation, battle on the breachmaker, marionnette or scarlet's fight. I'm only asking to re-use those solid old assets to recreate a ls1-like content but more optimized like a silverwastes-tarir style meta. Something new inspired from the past.


Chances are low but I'm still hoping.

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I miss the fight for LA and would love to see it returning in some way shape or form. Maybe not even as exactly that event, maybe just in spirit. A similar event where players would ned to fight for whatever city would be fun. Much like the silverwastes or lake doric are in a constant state of push and pull, they could introduce a city map that is in constant state of siege, maybe on an hour long timer.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I miss the fight for LA and would love to see it returning in some way shape or form. Maybe not even as exactly that event, maybe just in spirit. A similar event where players would ned to fight for whatever city would be fun. Much like the silverwastes or lake doric are in a constant state of push and pull, they could introduce a city map that is in constant state of siege, maybe on an hour long timer.


Exactly, I got that idea of a city under siege since a long time now but as part of a new extension where asuras have to fight destroyers to reclaim their lost underground cities. Since kralk create mist echoes, we can have a giant echo map with the battle on lion's arch but with a different city doesn't matter it's a projection so from anywhere in Tyria.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Yay fractals are a good way to do it. We only have aetherblades and mai trin ones which are very small by the way.


We also have 2 Fractals based on the Molten Alliance, which was also part of LS1, and the Nightmare Fractal, related to the Tower of Nightmares, ALSO part of LS1.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > I miss the fight for LA and would love to see it returning in some way shape or form. Maybe not even as exactly that event, maybe just in spirit. A similar event where players would ned to fight for whatever city would be fun. Much like the silverwastes or lake doric are in a constant state of push and pull, they could introduce a city map that is in constant state of siege, maybe on an hour long timer.


> Exactly, I got that idea of a city under siege since a long time now but as part of a new extension where asuras have to fight destroyers to reclaim their lost underground cities. Since kralk create mist echoes, we can have a giant echo map with the battle on lion's arch but with a different city doesn't matter it's a projection.


Well, as I imagine it, it would be a totally new designed city that would fit the story, an Asuran city besieged by destroyers would fit that, or a lost Dwarven Stronghold under siege by kralks minions, the skin doesn't matter that much to me ;)


The map would play out much like the battle for lions arch. 35 min of defense, escort amd kill events(doable by 1-5 players each), 10 min to kill 3-5 sub bosses(maybe needs 10-20 players per boss), 10 min to kill the big bad meany(needs something like 50 players, world boss level mob), 5 min to reset. HoT has maps like this, but the jungle feels less conected than a city, maybe it's just that what I'm missing.

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@"Lesan.4903" That's true! But they are only representing a drop within the entire ls1, do we have an aetherblade attacks on LA fractal? A marionnette one? Maybe evacuation due to poison gaz in LA? Knights fight? But you're right I'm thankful for nightmare and molten alliance ones.

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I never liked abandoing or not finishing old content, so I agree that ANet should focus more on filling "gaps" in the game than create one completely new far away map after the other. Like the non-functioning map transition in brisban where bandits have been hammering at a bridge for years, just like the poor asura in Rata Sum has been hammering on his gate to polymock for an equally long time.


However, neither blade shards nor cores are hard to get. Long ago (years) I bought cores for later use on my alt account, they were somewhere around 8-10 gold per piece at that time. Now they are available again somewhere and cost merely a few silvers in the trading post. Blade shards can be farmed from aetherblades in the JP and over time at the sprocket generator in the home instance, I have so many blade shards that my mats storage is full and I am deleting them..

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@"lokh.2695" .

Yeah, was never fan of jungles maps, I mean tropical ones, if you give me a canopee or temperate forest I'm happy.

Another Idea I had was for ending ls4:

A giant stigmatized volcano where several asuran facilities are trying to open rifts for teleportation and instead it goes wrong.

A ton of riftcrawlers are submerging them.

(Ref: pkm sun and moon scenario)


Will make soon a post about that underground extension, I defenitely need 1 full page to describe it.


Ps: Thx @"Shikigami.4013" , wasn't aware that they were available on TP, was thinking that they was only available through memory boxes.

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In the story, we're face to face with the fact that we can't just keep killing Elder Dragons, the energy they hold has to go somewhere when they die. And the one person that really seemed to understand ley-energy and even built a device to directly effect it was Scarlet. We never found her construction facilities (which are likely hidden in the mists somewhere), so it's quite possible that a lot of her tech and blueprints are still out there somewhere. It's only logical that either the Commander or the Orders/Pact will start searching for them.


I think it's a safe bet that at some point the story will circle back around to Scarlet and the stuff she left behind.

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Yup, I Currently thinking it's time to investigate the past, the death of scarlet and so now her legacy. I'm pretty sure some pieces of the puzzle are missing, and they are surely many other base like Frizz's one in Wretched walk, expected a better end for him. Maybe a warehouse for all their airships like Fort Trinity. Strangely the airship at Istan have the aetherblades symbol on it. But i'm still wondering, scarlet surely have hideouts with prototypes of knights even of energy probes... What happened after? Dredges, flame legion, nightmare court, bandits, inquest and pirates simply decided to leave scarlet's army? that's pretty weird and awkward. Now we only have the sinister triade in brisban wildlands between Inquest, Bandits and Nightmare court, and frankly their mixed camps are cool. We just need to know what happened to them just like how Anet done with free awakened.


BTW, aetherblades fractal is slightly different than the original dungeon:

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I recently visited aetherblade site in gandarran fields and had a flash back with poison gaz in lion's arch, aetherblade retreat map exploration with Ellen Kiel, scarlet and her knights... And I'm wondering why not creating new map based on ls1 content?


I'd rather see LWS1 adapted as a fully-fledged Living World season to obtain (with Gems/money), which would require a lot of development work.


Since that is not going to happen, I don't see the need for new content based on past events. Either bring back the real thing as a rework or don't bother at all.

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