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Question about DPS


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Has anyone crunched the numbers and measured exactly how much of a damage loss it would be to run retribution over devastation? It was something I considered for a little bit, however the damage is significantly lower, just was curious if anyone had done the number crunching and found about how much less damage it is percentage wise. This is for pvp btw, I don't care about pve or wvw.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> I'm not a number cruncher so can't help you, but results would obviously depend on what you trait in both Devastation and Retribution. Are you planning on using both damage modifier traits in Ret?


Let's go with no for this just to see worst case scenario.

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I run retribution in WvW. The damage loss doesn't matter much, because all of those defensive traits are life savers. In PVP, your DPS isn't as important as your Damage X Effective Health product, which you can raise by increasing both your offense and your defense. I can do a quick test, though. Just give a bit to get it all together.


EDIT: Standard buffs, no food, 3 facets. Using auto attacks as a basseline, I get these numbers:


Devastation (standard build): 18,805 peak

Retribution (no DPS traits): 14,418 peak


So... 30% less damage. This isn't including any damage from retaliation.

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Without crunching the numbers too hard You’re losing +9% vicious lacerations, +7% when they have vuln, some vuln application in expose defenses (5% til it’s cleansed or it runs out), 150 ferocity from AP (think about 4-5% personal/team buff) or the big power increase from Notoriety (at least equal to AP, I think better if I remember correctly), plus tiny life siphons of about 100 each, plus either +20% swift termination, raw damage and healing from Assassins Annihilation, or quickness from brutality (all damage buffs). You’re looking at missing bare minimum 25%ish+, but that doesn’t really factor in the grandmaster trait so you’re probably missing about 30-35% imo (without crunching numbers)

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Without crunching the numbers too hard You’re losing +9% vicious lacerations, +7% when they have vuln, some vuln application in expose defenses (5% til it’s cleansed or it runs out), 150 ferocity from AP (think about 4-5% personal/team buff) or the big power increase from Notoriety (at least equal to AP, I think better if I remember correctly), plus tiny life siphons of about 100 each, plus either +20% swift termination, raw damage and healing from Assassins Annihilation, or quickness from brutality (all damage buffs). You’re looking at missing bare minimum 25%ish+, but that doesn’t really factor in the grandmaster trait so you’re probably missing about 30-35% imo (without crunching numbers)


Yes Notoriety is 250 power at 25 might which is strictly better than 150 ferocity. The DPS loss dropping Devastation is huge, although Retribution has some very nice defensive traits. The only offensive trait possibly worth taking in Retribution is Dwarven Battle Training. The sustain is good though.

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Even if Ret did comparable damage (it doesn't), I wouldn't be able to get past the Stability on Evade trait... The last thing you want is to not be able to control giving yourself stability in a team fight due to all of the boon corruption--and the fact that stab corrupts into fear.

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