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How about some alternative sources for "Supreme runes of holding"?


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> @tekfan.3179 said:

> So far the only way I know how to get them is to buy them at the TP or hope for some luck when blasting masses of gold into the Random Number Gambler.

> If there is no other way, could you add one, Anet? How about killing the choya pinata rewards us with one each week?


Apparently, the average is about 16 gold at sandstorm for a Supreme Rune.


Anyways... most players don't actually need it. Annnnd looking at the Gem Conversion rates, my guess is that the Supreme Bags of Holding, and the Griffon Mounts were tactical maneuvers to massively reduce the amount of gold in the world to increase the value of gold, to make Gems more costly. In short... likely trying to destroy the gold inflation. Might probably benefit both Anet and Players.

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> @tekfan.3179 said:

> So far the only way I know how to get them is to buy them at the TP or hope for some luck when blasting masses of gold into the Random Number Gambler.

> If there is no other way, could you add one, Anet? How about killing the choya pinata rewards us with one each week?


Sounds fine to me. BL skins are also acquired through RNG and the prices of those are often around 20-50g. I'm waiting to see some drop rate research, which will probably spur renewed interest in gambling (regardless of what the odds are).

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For what it's worth, I've included some math on the net cost per additional slot in [an older thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5062/new-bag-slot-vs-24-28-32-slot-bags "an older thread").


Prices are still in flux, so the numbers aren't accurate any longer, but they give a decent sense of the costs. The tl;dr is:

* Adding a new bag slot with a 20-slot bag costs about ~6-7g per added slot.

* Upgrading 18-slot to 24-, 28-, or 32- costs 5-20g per added slot, depending on your sources.


Those willing to wait for a month or two will probably find a huge decrease in prices, as the impatient get their upgrades and those who remain are less willing to pay the (current) steep premium to have more space today.


If you can't wait, my recommendation is

* If you have free slots, add some bag slots. The gold:gem ratio remains very favorable this week (sometimes dropping below 100g per 400 gems).

* If you don't, upgrade just one bag at a time to see if having 4-6 more slots tides you over or not. (Surprisingly just a tad more room can help.)

* Put in buy offers for 12-14g or under, unless you can easily afford the current going rate of 15-20


FYI it's possible make invisible bags and other specialty versions by upgrading the crafted versions.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @tekfan.3179 said:

> > > The price is actually not what I'm concerned about. I'd rather just have a non-rng method to acquire them.

> >

> > The TP is a non-rng method to acquire them


> The TP prices are dictated by the RNG method to acquire them.


Not exactly. It's determined by people's willingness to pay and how much those who use the RNG method are willing to accept. The latter is, of course, influenced by the RNG nature; the former isn't (at worst, it's affected by what sellers are willing to ask for).


As it turns out, it's *always* the case that, in an equilibrium state, most people will save money by buying on the TP rather than gambling. In effect, those who put in aggressive buy offers (driving the market down) are more worried about their liquid gold than those willing to gamble their wealth, i.e. buyers are usually willing to offer less and (gambling) sellers are willing to sell for less. See for example the prices of BL weapon skins and BL limited-availability dyes.


So while it's technically accurate to say that RNG is a driver of the TP prices, it's not the only one. So it is also true that there's a non-RNG way for the rest of us to obtain the runes.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @tekfan.3179 said:

> > > The price is actually not what I'm concerned about. I'd rather just have a non-rng method to acquire them.

> >

> > The TP is a non-rng method to acquire them


> The TP prices are dictated by the RNG method to acquire them.


Yes, but it is still a non-RNG way to get them. Mind you, I'm not necessarily in support of this being the only non-RNG way to obtain them. But it does exist, and it does not rely on RNG

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